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Hey guys,

Just an update of what I'm up to.  Currently, my next goal listed on Patreon is to hit the $500.00 mark so I can get licensing for the models that I use in game.  I actually started working with a graphic designer and he is really good, and will be starting to create custom models for the game (and future games if things go well).  I wouldn't have been able to take this step if it weren't for the backing I've already received, so it is much appreciated!

I've also begun work on the second "ending" for House Party.  It will be Katherine's ending, and it will be more up the alley of what a lot of you have been hoping for with the game.  Exciting things to come!



Got a specific release date that we can look forward to? :)


It'll be a week or so before I get the first model. If all goes well with the designer, he said he can do subsequent models at a rate of about 4/5 days per model. In the meantime, I'm still working on a new build, and I may release another beta version before we move to an actual 0.3 build (which will have the new ending). I would say the new beta could be very soon, and a lot of it is getting things in place for the new ending, so it will be adding some new functionality to the game as well. :)


great news thanks !