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Awww yeahhh, BETA TIME. 

What’s the only thing that could bring this new Leah content up to its true fighting weight? The only answer: VOICE ACTING. (And a shit load of bug fixes, but that doesn’t sound as good.)

This newest beta release includes VA for (nearly) all of Leah’s new storyline. We’re not kissing our own ass here, but we think this includes some of the most entertaining voice acting you’ll hear all year. Frank and Leah’s VAs absolutely killed it. You’ve gotta give this beta a play so you can see the light. I guess you’d be hearing the light. 

Also, if you complete Patrick’s storyline and unlock the VR space, you’ll also be able to use that space for combat training! Mind you, you’ll have to reach the garage sparring session in Leah’s new content to unlock this feature as well. Just think of all the endless virtual assbeatings you can serve up...

And there are a lot of bug fixes too. Things are really coming together! Enjoy Patrons! 

-Eek Team



House Party 0.15.3 Windows 64 Bit
House Party 0.15.3 Windows 32 Bit 




Any ETA on the female playable character?


When's the newest walkthrough happening?


It'll be one of the things we do last. It's going to be a lot of content, and it's all based off of the existing content + what we release over the course of the next several updates. We don't want to confound it by adding that kind of workload in too early.


Now that the public release is out, we've got some time to put it together. Should be ready in the next day or so.