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Hey guys!

Here's House Party 0.11.1.  This includes voice acting for all of the new story content (minus a few lines we had to retake), and a bunch of graphical updates, as well as some tweaks to Stephanie's new model.

As we roll into the next sprint, we'll be working on cleaning this up as much as we can, as well as fixing previous outstanding bugs, and also getting the project ready to fully support Achievements both on Steam and off.   We'll also be implementing changes to the main story so players can choose to be play a male or female main character.



  • First pass of achievements added for Original Story
  • Madison recovery mechanic and reward implemented for Madison's Smooth Operator opportunity
  • Improved Madison's follow behavior with the player during the finale of her Drunk and Disorderly
  • Decreased the chance that the closing of the sliding door would compromise her Drunk and Disorderly finale, or other content
  • Removed some duplicate lines and fixed several typos
  • Fixed an issue that would cause Derek to not attack the player based on choices made in Madison's Smooth Operator opportunity
  • Tweaked the ability of the player to talk to Madison during certain WalkTo's in her new content
  • Changed some vicinity and vision checks for Patrick as part of Madison's new content
  • Added a missing "goodbye" response at the end of Madison's Smooth Operator opportunity
  • Decreased the chance that Patrick would walk away from the player's conversation about Sky Animals.
  • Sky Animal PTSD value reduced by 200.
  • Decreased the chance that the door close/lock sequence at the finale of Madison's Smooth Operator opportunity would break the end of the content
  • Added a dialogue for Madison to let the player know she really, really meant it when she said she didn't want to throw up at her own party
  • Ashley will not talk to the player about Sky Animals if Patrick is unconscious (still needs tweaking for in-combat states)
  • Added new Stephanie Model
  • Updated Stephanie's Avatar Photo
  • Upgraded to Unity 2018
  • Completely revamped user input to be much smoother and consistent
  • Re-EQed Madison's VA files to get them sounding closer to her older lines
  • Implemented groundwork for supporting playing the game as a female MC
  • Added Player Gender criteria to the Story Creator
  • Added hard wood floor to the downstairs area
  • Added new HD wall textures
  • Added new HD carpet textures
  • Upgraded some furniture to improved shaders for fabric
  • Added room dividers downstairs - Added new soda model
  • Added new path lining
  • Fixed small issues with madison and stephanie's textures
  • Various material and texture tweaks
  • Kitchen now has more effective reflections
  • Added screen space reflections - adjusted bloom brightness
  • Improved shadow quality
  • Added shadow models to the ceiling lamps for more accurate shading
  • Fixed the dancing room's floor not being properly aligned
  • Fixed an issue with light flickering
  • Added a "videoclip" to the dancing room tv screen
  • Fixed an issue where Stephanie's stomache would become invisible when her dress was removed
  • Updated the glass material on the sliding door to be more visible
  • Removed stephanie's hair shimmering - Fixed a spacing issue in the credits
  • Lighting updates all around - Added laxative model to replace eyedrops
  • Fixed color mismatch on the tv cabinet.
  • Fixed Frank's shirt disappearing under certain viewing angles
  • Hand cursor tweaks


House Party 0.11.1 Windows 64 Bit
House Party 0.11.1 Windows 32 Bit
House Party 0.11.1 Mac OSX
House Party 0.11.1 Linux 




Hey, if you guys are adding the choice between being a Male of Female character I think now would be the time, more than any, to make the bathroom Mirrors function... and maybe add the ability to hop... ;)


Haven't had a chance to spend much time with this yet, but one issue I noticed is that control remapping doesn't stick when reloading a save. It should also be available from the main menu, and not hidden from the Esc menu (took a while to find F8).