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Hey guys,

House Party 0.10.1 is underway, and will be available to Alpha testers on 6/21/18.  There's going to be a lot packed into this version, so we are aiming for next week.

We spent the past week working directly with Unity, and they've helped us go over the entire project and see where we can optimize, optimize, optimize!  We have a lot of changes in that regard coming, but it's not all in place yet, so we will be putting out another Alpha build next week with these changes in place, and with the continuation of Stephanie's new story.

We also have some news on the Mac OSX front.  Unity has created a bug report in their system to address the issue, so we should be expecting a fix from them soon.  We appreciate you guys holding tight.

We're also working on adding the first of a few mini-games we have planned for the game's final release.  Alpha testers may get a glimpse of how we are working these in depending on how much of it we can get done before next build.

And finally, and probably some of the most exciting news today, we've started to get back our new sex animations from Take One Studios.  Take One is famous for working on games such as Witcher 3 as well as other major titles.  They have shot a motion-capture session for House Party which includes all major sex scenes in the game, and a few more new scenes we will be adding to the game.  In the very near future, we will start replacing the in-game sex scenes with the new motion capture data.

Exciting stuff on the horizon!




One little question .. can I play the alpha too, when I bought the game on steam? o:


The new version will hit Steam once it is thoroughly tested. This is our release cycle. The people who subscribe to the Patreon page get access to internal testing builds until they are ready.

Ray Richards Thought Ray

I just thought of one of the girls making a West World reference. I don't know how I would feel about that.