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Hey guys!

Happy New Year to all of you, and thanks so much for your support throughout 2017!

I just wanted to shout out to you guys and let you know about the next update!  With the holidays being so crazy, we didn't get a whole lot accomplished last week, but we are back in the swing of things now, and working toward the new Alpha.

We are estimating a release date of 1/11/18 for the 0.8.4 Alpha, which will include the continuation of Amy's story, and some other surprises!



What happened to the custom story forum?


Hi eek, I love this game so much and I was a sponsor of yours on patreon, but I can no longer afford it, is there a way for me to get version 8.6 free? I make you tube videos, could you give me a sponsorship, and I'll advertise you exchange for the game for free? I don't expect any money for the sponsorship, I just really want to play the game and I can play it on You Tube, do we have a deal, let me know?