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Hey Patrons,

As some of you may or may not know, we have a pet Leopard Gecko (Julip).  You may have seen him on our banner, perched happily on Seg's shoulder.  The poor boy is 16 years old, almost 17, and he's not doing too well.  We don't anticipate him making it past this weekend and we have an appointment set up at the vet's office to take him in to be put down, should he make it to Monday.  It's been an incredibly sad past few days for us both and despite trying to be gung-ho about getting stuff done, we're feeling like we need to take the day for ourselves.  As such, we're not going to be streaming today.  We're super sorry that we had to do this last-minute.  :(

For everyone who sent us in a form (or who rolled their form over from last Sunday):  We will automatically roll all of your forms over for next Sunday, so those forms are not lost!  We will also consider doing a double sometime later in the month to make up for today.

That being said, we sincerely hope you all have a great Sunday and thank you for your patience!  We will definitely be back next Sunday. X(



I'm incredible sorry to hear that your pet is departing from you two like that. Must be a really uncomfrtable situation be to bring them to the Vet. I wish the best to the three of you.


I'm so sorry to hear the news about Julip. This process is never easy. I send my condolences. Please take all the time you need.


Thank you, Reilsss. It is what it is. Unfortunately, pets pass when it's time and you just have to hope that you did the best you could with them in the meantime.