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"I was prepared for the juicy, warm spelunking that I'd be doing.  What I wasn't prepared for was the fact that my true love had been working those lower muscles; practicing for when they'd get the opportunity to take "something" that shouldn't be able to fit up there.

What should have taken a good hour only took my bird ten minutes or less to accomplish, and before I knew it, I was up to my shoulders in the warm sauna of momma bird's nethers." - Seg



Drake Arlin

Love the bit of communication between them. A bit of encouragement and checking in can go along way.


This has been so fun to watch progress, and man did you deliver. This has been great in so many ways, from the dialogue to the details to the overall vibe. Superb stuff.


Thank you so much, Villam! ^^ I've put a lot of stress and expectations on my shoulders over this series, and I'm trying to throw all of that overboard and just enjoy myself. I think this piece really came together when that happened. Here's hoping it continues! - Agro