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Hey Patrons!

You may remember that we talked about working on a new comic for The Temple of Ripened Fruit toward the beginning of this year.  Well, after much ado, we finally put the whole storyboard together and we are ready to start work on the pages!

Originally, we were thinking of doing something smaller as a follow-up to the last "Temple" comic, but as we started working on the idea, it just kind of grew into a longform comic again.  Not that we're complaining!  We feel like we have a good story going here, mixed with good porn, and a good message.

So join us as we follow Sam in her journey to finding herself (and her shape) in our next comic:  "Expectations."




Your thumbnails are so damn tight! Mine are just blobs drawn with a fat soft brush. xD There's no point in even posting mine because nobody but me would be able to tell what's going on, haha. But these look really good

Drake Arlin

Oooh, this is looking good! I can't wait to see the progress on this! :D


Ha! Thank you so much, Pulsar! ^^ Probably a bit more refined, since A) I'm showing them off, and B) Since a number of pages don't use panel boxes I need to define the "panels" by the bodies, which means more refinement. :}


:D Thanks, Drake! I hope you enjoy it, I think it's a fun little story! ^^