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Hey Patrons,

And here is our second Priest of Ripened Fruit:  Brielle!

Brielle is an American Alligator and the shortest of the three Preists, only standing at around 5'9" tall.  Regardless of her height, she doesn't feel as if she has anything to prove, especially not to her "sibling" Priests.  Bubbly and good-natured, Brielle is usually the first to greet guests to the Temple, and is often identified as the "Face" of the Priesthood there.
As with the other two, she is usually nude and proudly shows off her body, knowing that people's eyes are going to be drawn down either to her breasts or her knee-knocking scrotum which she's taken great care in stretching over the years with a special leather weight of Bergin's design and make.  When Brielle is called on to help a visitor find themselves, she does so by setting the mood with candle light, a little background music, and some of her famous unguents.  An expert in massage and herbs, she prepares several different topical ointments and places them in little vials that she keeps in the pouches of her leather weight.  This keeps them warm and ready for use on bare skin.  Most famous of these unguents is her hand-made body paint, which can cause quite the expansion when used on herself and the visitors to the Temple.



Darling Deer

I love everything about her <3 Shortest of the priests and still towering over me