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There it is! The sitting adventure begins! Had a lot of fun with this, learned a lot with this piece. I really pushed myself on this, and I think it came out amazing. The adventure of learning is never over!

Thanks for all your support this year, it's been a fun trip! I hope you all have a wonderful New Year, and lets all hope 2021 is a damn sight better than the previous year!




This is outrageously hot <3 I'm so jealous of you getting to hang out with the dinos. They're hot as fuck! I mean, you two are as well, don't get me wrong. It's just hot all around. x)


I'm sure it can be arranged for you to spend time with our dinos too, sometime! ;D

Drake Arlin

Agree with Pulsar, this is super hot and amazingly well done. Great job on this. I love the all the hot characters and the painter style you did this in looks great! Again super great job!


Thanks so much, Drake! ^^ I really appreciate that! It took a while to get done cause I wanted to push myself, glad it shows! :}