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As busy as we are working through our customer illustration orders (commissions), we're also chipping away at several ideas for canon characters and settings that we want to get done to kind of open up the world of OwliGator Studios.  It's no fun if artists can't express themselves via their own characters and such, so we decided that we should give it a try and create a fun, accepting, sex-positive world filled with colorful characters and establishments that could cater to many niches.

The first idea we had was to cater to our vorish sides and (by extension) our vorish audience.  We thought it would be fun to allow themes like vore to be an accepted part of the "society" and such, as long as everyone is consenting.  So, we created "Danny's Diner," which is a vore-based diner run by this adorable dude, Danny.

What you're seeing here is a very rough first-pass of what Danny might look like.  We played around with a few ideas for species to make sure that we were being inclusive of peoples' tastes and such, but boar seemed like a good place to settle.  Since this first draft is so rough, it may look nothing like Danny's final appearance once all is said and done.  For instance, he should probably be a wider gentleman, don't you think?

No, really, what do you think?  Tell us how Danny's design should be improved and we'll take your opinions into consideration when creating his final design!




I always enjoy a good set of tusks on a boar. He's shaping up nicely so far!

Drake Arlin

Looking forward to seeing what you guys create in this world.

Serph Bravin

Wide, vore-restaurant owning boar/pig is certainly an idea I approve of