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Hey everyone!

We wanted to reach out to our patrons and let you know that we definitely appreciate your continuing support throughout these past few months.  We know it's been a little crazy what with us moving from Washington State to Arizona and with us opening our new business OwliGator Studios.

We haven't forgotten about you at all, we're just ramping back up to a better, normal production routine.  In the mean time, there are some changes to our Patreon that you've no doubt already noticed:

1.  Agro & Seg?  Yep, that's right, we've teamed up together in order to get this Patreon going like never before.  This means that both of us are posting here whenever we can, to give you updates on what's going on.

2.  OwliGator Studios Originals!  With our new company, OwliGator Studios, though we definitely still take commissions for high-quality custom illustrations as per usual, we are also going to start creating our own canon characters and settings that we can use to help us create nifty things for all our fans.  This means that we'll also be using this Patreon to show you all what we're making and even give you opportunities to help us pick what happens next via polls whenever we're stuck!

3.  Patron Tiers.  Originally, we wanted to make a three-tiered patron system in order to show off our personal work and professional OwliGator Studios Originals work separately.  We realized that it's just too much pressure to keep them separate like that, and potentially unfair to our patrons.  So, we nixed the two higher tiers and returned to the single-tier model, making it all-access instead.  Those of you who immediately jumped onto the new tiers when they appeared, we apologize for any inconvenience and have reached out to you
personally to let you know what's going on.

So stay tuned!  We apologize for all of the dust while we get things underway, but you should all start seeing new and interesting things coming from us before anyone else gets to take a look.  We hope you enjoy yourself and look forward to hearing from you!

-Agro & Seg


Drake Arlin

I wish you both the best in your new endeavors and I can't wait to see what you two come up with!


excited for you both! Have fun creating!