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Image above: left OLD look, right NEW look

Been reading a lot of webtoons and manga recently, and it made me a bit annoyed looking back at my comic. So I started to rework/fix all pages, mainly the speech bubbles since they were so inconsistent looking, as well minor dialog change. I've only updates about 7 pages so far and I plan to fix all the remaining pages. Once that is done I'll update the comic page so you all can re-read it with a more "clean" look :)

I'm also slowly but surely adding more content to the script so that I can finally make more pages (since I haven't posted a new page update in like 6 months, I'm so sorry). Hopefully if things goes as planned with no interuptions, I will have a few new comic pages ready for you guys in a month or so. Thank you for your patience  :)




the glow up! AAAAAA