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It's closing time but not the end of our story! 

first, I'm really appreciate, thanksful, gratful and also happy for all of your support. it's really heped me pass alot of trouble in my life (such as bill, food etc.) you may not feeling it but all of your support REALLY help me al lot and I'm happy to have you!

I'm closing Patreon to focus on other thing that I need to be done. my dream and my will. I really hope to see you guys again there too if our road met together.

but for now, goodbye. and thank you for everthing here! I love you guys so much. 

PLEASE don't forget to unpledge your credit card on me in this Patreon. if you got charged for AUGUST or SEPTEMBER, I can refund the money for you. feel free to let me know if you has these trouble!



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