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Hey guys! Again, I apologize for taking so long. And just to reiterate, I know the female voice actor also voicing for the male is cringe lol. This audio is straight from the audiobook so I have no control over it. I tried to deepen the pitch in audacity but yeah it's still cringe. Just try to focus on the story lol. But I hope you enjoy the episode! Please keep reading for the episode link and other updates. Thanks!




Ok, so I wasn’t even going to address this but fuck it. We’re all family here and the person has since been refunded and BLOCKED lol. Yesterday was my uncle’s funeral, a day of mourning and I received one of the rudest messages I’ve ever received from somebody who watches my content probably EVER. Yes, worse than some of the YouTube comments I get lol. I was literally at his repass when I saw the comment and it triggered me so bad and basically made my day even worse.

For someone to say “sorry for your loss” and then proceed to assassinate my character and insinuate that I’m unethically charging people due to things that are out of my control continuously happening to me is INSANE. I didn’t even want to make a Patreon lol. It was suggested by my subscribers back when I only had 10k of them and YouTube began restricting creators. I knew then that when money got involved, people would no longer see me as a human being and that person proved it yesterday. For someone to say people who work 40 hours a week don’t make as much as me when I average 100+ hours a week while working on an episode made me laugh. That person has absolutely no idea how tedious and exhaustive this shit is. When I’m in the home stretch of an episode, I sleep in increments and set an alarm on my phone so I can get at least 2 hours of sleep in before getting back to work an episode. I SLEEP in literal increments while trying to get these episodes out. I sacrifice my health for this shit. So imagine fixing your fingers to say any of what you said. And not only do I not make ANYWHERE near the amount you pulled out of your ass while pocket watching...but the amount of money I do get from patreon, although I’m extremely grateful for, isn’t going to magically turn me into a superhuman. I’ve been able to purchase a better laptop with patreon and pay professional voice actors but I can’t purchase more time in a day or imortality for my family lol. Also, there are actual real life actors working on Breakout. Some of them have worked A list jobs or for national ads with huge companies. Their services are not free. I don’t know if people think I’m getting these professionals to voice for me out of the kindness of their hearts but that’s not how it works. Talent costs MONEY. Money that I have no problem spending because I’m passionate about my shit and I want my vision executed the way I see fit. Breakout episodes cost me a base of 1k every episode. There will be 10 episodes in season 1. That's 10k. I’m spending money to make better content for the people who enjoy watching my content. So again to insinuate that I’m just sitting up collecting a free check pissed me the fuck off (to put it bluntly). I’ve been consistently putting out content monthly on patreon since 2019. I been going hard for 3+ years. Full episodes AND minisodes. But since the year started I’ve been a little less consistent due to the increased workload and mental health. So to the person who made the comment and to whoever feels similar: I’m sorry I can’t predict the future. I’m sorry that my real life shit is inconveniencing you. If you think I’m ripping you off because I’m in mourning, or my game isn’t cooperating one day or voice actors are taking a minute to send in lines, or I need to take a mental health break, please message me right now and I’ll refund you your money IMMEDIATELY. You might get a swift block too but at least you’ll have your money back lol.

But thank you to everyone who wished me genuine condolences lol! I appreciate you guys! I’m doing a lot better but grief isn’t linear. I know I’ll have good days and bad days. I will have more sneak peeks for Breakout available this week. Thanks again and have a blessed week!




Some people just have not heart. I am really sorry about your loss and like I said multiple times before TAKE YOUR TIME! Mental health is serious don’t let others bring you down because they feel a certain way. Be selfish for your own sake!


we love you trap 🩷 keep up the good work boo

Ashanti N

offffcourse travis has a girlfriend. shit can never just be easy. damn Damn DAMNNNNN lmao.


Hey girl I stumbled across your content on YouTube about 8 months ago. I have been in love since. Your content makes me love love and it draws me in. I hope all is well with you.


sb: you be stressing me out with these twists and turns lol. why Travis had to have a girlfriend


I swear, people have more NERVE than SENSE! Continue to be great boo! We love your work!!

Danada Shiverdecker

See, this is the VERY reason I am a Patreon! I could watch your content ALL DAY LONG!! Don't stop...and let the ignorant enjoy their ignorance on their own. You are doing things and going places!!! I'm sad for Kennedy but she'll find her person. Travis can kick rocks with his not so subtle behavior. He led her own. Period.

Alayha Michelle

Um, ma'am, just realized you had episode 2 up while scrolling and I just have to say episode 3 is much anticipated. I would like to know if you decided that was gonna be a good cliff hanger or if the book just ended the chapter there? But either way y'all dead wrong. I did not expect that ending at all! Great book choice. It's no Breakout but it definitely captures the viewers attention nonetheless.

Lacquisha Jackson

You’re doing amazing! You know you are when you have haters!! Keep it up and keep em coming!! You’re an inspiration!