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- Is Dru right for resetting his boundaries after they had sex or should he give Tarryn a break?

- How will Maya's parents react to her being bisexual?

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Given how Maya presents herself with confidence and we haven’t heard anything about trauma from her childhood in her therapy sessions. I will assume her parents are loving and accepting. They’ll probably if anything be hurt she may have not told them sooner but be understanding that she had to figure out things for herself first. The Dru situation is both their faults. How you sleep with someone without sorting your feelings first. It’s going to cause more trust issues and unnecessary trauma. They should have been working on themselves, sex and gifts can’t fix what was broken.


Dru is not wrong. Tarryn has to earn back that trust and she shouldn't assume he'll take her back without her SHOWING him she can be loyal. But I'm also still not sure if Dru has residual feelings for Maya. On Maya's side, I don't think she sees Dru romantically at all. I hope she gives her and Chyna a chance because their connection is really special. And I'm 100% sure her parents will support her


Omg I can't wait I've been missing this series so freaking much


I think mayas family will be more accepting then how Chyna family was


He should have never had sex with her that made things even worse he should have told her that from the jump instead of making her think that things could possibly work out between them


i feel like dru is not wrong , He had strong sexual feelings for her in the moment yes but that doesn’t change what happened, sex doesn’t make up for trust that was lost .

Tye S

Dru is wrong for misleading her. His boundaries should not only be clear for her but for himself as well. If he isn’t ready he shouldn’t have let things happen that could imply that he was. That’s wrong. And for him to be on man time he should’ve had self control. Hate it for him, those likeminded ass men like him, and the women in the comments who defending his shenans. Hold ‘em accountable. She’s wrong because as a woman shouldn’t put herself in situations that will in turn hurt her. He’s been adamant bout his stance. She need to tend to herself and if atp when he’s healed and ready to forgive and if she still available and wants the same thing then yeah… otherwise bye Dru. Fake it to till you make it mamas. Miss em and let em go all at the same damn time. And I think Mayas parents will have a lil disdain but come around only because it’s very unexpected.

Kyla Tyshun

I think Dru should’ve stood firm in his boundaries I know it was hard but had in stood firm in his boundary it wouldn’t seem like he giving her mix signals but she gotta realize that she do lose his trust and that it ain’t gon be THAT easy to get it back and I feel like Maya mom ain’t gonna react any type of negative way about her being bisexual as well as her dad he may say something off the way but with that being his only babygirl I’d doubt he’d be upset about it


I don’t think Dru is wrong. Shit happens. Be real, when you’re grown and have/had passionate feelings then one thing can lead to another. Now do I think they could’ve avoided sex all together? Yes. But, again shit happens lol . I think Tarryn would be fooling herself to believe that’s all that it would take. Sex doesn’t fix it, and it doesn’t change anything. That was an in the moment situation and Tarryn gotta be adult about what it was. But their relationship was much deeper than that and it’s going to take time to get back his trust… now for Maya, I think it will take time but ultimately they will. I don’t think she’ll have the same experience as Chyna for sure.


I LOVE that we all love the sims so much that we’re getting so wrapped up in this. Truly my favorite community 😂😂❤️❤️

Tye S

I’m invested 😮‍💨 I pay $5 🙃😂 but no really this my show. And it really happens to play out like this in real life so I was TRIGGERED


Dru, I'm rooting for Tarryn! Give my girl a chance!