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The episode will be out Saturday. It could be as early as Saturday morning depending on when it’s finally rendered. But I decided to drop one last sneak peek before it drops. Enjoy!


P.S.: I’ve noticed that the harassment that I thought was reserved for YouTube has slowly started to trickle its way over to patreon so I just wanted to reiterate a few things: I post episodes immediately when they are complete. That means if it hasn’t been posted yet, I haven’t completed it yet and I’m diligently working to do so. There are soooo many things that go into creating these episodes and I am ONE human. Things happen that are completely out of my control all the time ie: My editor crashing, or the game freezing while I’m in the middle of filming causing me to have to relaunch the game and set the scene up all over again. Sims missing limbs or showing up in the wrong outfits when I summon them to the set or them completely leaving in the middle of filming. I also film multiple takes so that I can choose which one fits best or looks best. And I try my absolute best to make sure the dialogue matches the animations you're seeing. Things like that can take the expectation of filming one scene from 3 hours to 6 hours very easily. That’s already a quarter of the day gone.

Those are just a FEW of the things that are out of my control in terms of CREATING. Things happen in my real life that are also out of my control. This is why I don’t like to give specific dates anymore until I’m 100% sure. Some people will never really understand the mental and physical fortitude it takes to create a series from scratch in every aspect and work on it consistently despite the tediousness or difficulty——(until they literally try it themselves lol) I’m not at all complaining because this is what I like and choose to do and seeing the finished product is always worth the labor. But I put enough pressure on myself as it is so I would really like to keep patreon a safe space from the negative or taxing energy. Sending messages or posting comments asking where the episode is doesn’t really do much if I’m already putting in the max effort to get it out lol. That’s all. And to my patrons that have been here for years…I already know😭 please don’t scold me for repeating myself for the 20th time. It was getting out of hand in my messages. 💀

But thank you to everyone that understands or at least attempts to and thank you guys for being so patient!💕



Try your best to Ignore the negative as much as you can. As a filmmaker myself I know how long the process can be. I worked a a full for an entire week and it only produced a 29 min film and that includes the intro and outro. Lol you’re doing a great job to be producing this alone. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. Take your time and be sure to take time for yourself as well. It’s important. We love you and your content. And the ones who have issues will be alright. Trust me. Thank you for all you do and don’t push yourself. Don’t overwork yourself. And love please don’t stress yourself. Again you’re doing amazing! 💕💞


I felt it in my soul when you said the game freezing and you have to shoot the scenes all over again . Thank you for all that you do


i feel like you do a really good job at staying consistent considering what all goes into creating. i def have no complaints! i know it’s super hard but ignore the negative. keep it up trap! ✨


I understand cause i started doing my first machinima and it does take time and patience you could want to film a new scene/episode but your computer or laptop is messing up or you got broken cc then you gotta find out which one it is so you can do the scene lol it’s a lot then you gotta edit and get the right scene and shots people don’t understand like you said until they do it there self


It’s me up and early checking to see if it dropped yet😭


Yay I have nothing to do today and I’ve been waiting for this 😭


Oh is it? I just saw Saturday and she posted it yesterday so I assumed today but idk


Does anyone know if the episode drop on patreon first or at the same time as youtube?


This why I support cussing folks out 😂😂😂. Some of these ppl be doing the most

Tyra W.

Trap I hate to rush you I do but baby I'm feenin like crack in the 80's😒😒


Hey Trap, hru? I love your show and I’m sorry that this actually happened to you. Tbh, it’s not your fault at all. Based on what app you use for the sneak peeks and the other episodes, Dropbox just sucks. They really need to fix this problem with these uploads. But overall, you keep doing you and don’t worry about what people say❤️