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Hey y’all! So I have 4 more scenes to go. Y’all know I save the tedious scenes for the end. Aka the scenes with multiple props, special effects, or just scenes that cause for extra detail/emotion. I’m gonna TRY to knock this episode out by the weekend! KEYWORD: TRY. Lol 🙂



Sweet And Sour Bussy

His mustard neck ass sitting over there feeling salty asf. We love to see it ☺️☺️☺️


Man Eric can kick rocks. The smile Brooklyn and Terrance have when they see each other makes my heart melt.

Nita A

Your comments always have me weak as fuck 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣💀

Andrea JPaulley

Yaaaassss BK! Get yo REAL man!


My girl BK done moved on ! Yasss bitch stunt on Eric bitch ass 😂😂

Andriah Walker

aww him muuuuushy... 😅🤷🏽‍♀️ take your time, beloved — we’re excited but amazing content like yours takes time.. 💪🏽😌💜✨


Ugh I knew it was too good to be true 😂, Eric gone somewhere.


We love to see it 🥰💘 They are my new fave couple


Niggas hate to see you happy

Cydney Fleet

Niggas always lurking and popping out of the woodworks when you moved on ...🙄 why didn’t you act right on your FIRST chance... I see some drama in the forecast lol


🙋🏽‍♀️Well damn.


can you say PRESSED! lmao