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It'll be a bit before Mrs. Pippetwhistle makes another appearance, but I'm already so excited about her part two! It's definitely going to take a while to prep for, so I guess it's good to get a head start working on everything. I'm thinking that the next time you come by, while you're enjoying your tea she'll insist on taking you on as a customer for her on-the-side-matchmaking-service. She'll pull out a thick tattered scrapbook full of portraits and details of countless single customers, and flip through it with you, excitedly telling you all about each of these unique townspeople and what sort of marvelous life you might lead with them. Let me know if you guys have any thoughts of what sort of peculiar people she might describe to you, I always love hearing your ideas! 



That and I'd like to see a drawing of a stoic military woman, or man, and what the soldiers, or officers, of the kingdom look like. Armor can tell a lot about a nation so it would be a pretty cool opportunity to give us more information on the world


Please oh please throw Peter in there in the back of the book from the first time she met him but she's forgotten it was there and she throws a fit when she finds it xD


Ooh! A great bonus would be if he had snuck his in-alias picture as "Smeeter" in the back, too, so as to double his chances!