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Meet Sima. She is an exotic model based in Melbourne, who I met through a monthly portrait workshop I run. Another photographer recruited her for that, and then he and I arranged our own studio session with Sima where we did not need to be as conservative.

Sima loves to dress sexy, and loves being in front of the camera. She really likes the pure white background, so used that for most of the shoot. We shot her in four outfits that day, all quite revealing. No Hollywood tape was used with this dress!

Unfortunately Sima does not shoot nudes, but we did get some implied topless shots that will be here in a couple of weeks.

Technical: Nikon D850 with NIKKOR 70-200mm f/2.8G VR II lens. Light from 4 Godox MS300 studio flashes, two pointed to the backdrop to white it out, one above and to the left of the camera in a 90cm octabox as key light, and one to the right of Sima  in a large rectangular softbox as fill.



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