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 [Vaguely inspired by SCP.. it wasn't my intent starting out, but that's the direction it took! Glad to finally whip something up worthy of posting, let alone captioning!]

Normally there isn’t cross-department testing, as each tester is trained to test their departments type of products, but with inter-office politics being the way they are and the holiday season coming around.. One of the other teams’ tester was out for medical reasons, and the product in question only needed to have their “Durability tested”- it seemed innocuous enough.

Trying them on, they felt strangely dense- but elastic, and she limbered herself up with some calisthenics while waiting for them to wheel in the elliptical, or maybe it was going be a treadmill? A squat machine? As if on queue, one of the interns wheeled in an industrial tank of compressed air, that had a length of tube and and a mask attached to it. The intercom crackled to life with Steph, (her supervisor)’s voice: 

“Thanks for covering this one Elissa, for how much trouble we’re saving the B team, you’d think they’d tell us a little more about what they want. All I’ve got for you in the memo is to ‘ ..dose with Bury’s Ballooning Agent (#0035) until Bury’s Extra-Stretch Flexipants (#0734) reach their point of failure’. I’m sure you can tell which one’s which. This gas is from the Beauty department, so take it slow.”

Elissa glared at the one-way mirror, products from the Beauty department were notorious for their strange effects, intended or otherwise. It’s probably what put the other tester on medical leave in the first place. This sort of stuff is grunt-work that should be shoved off to a newbie, where it won’t matter if they’re home-bound a week. Sighing, she strapped the mask over her mouth, and twisted the regulator on the tank. This can’t be any worse than what she tried when she first got hired, Bury’s Relationship Strengthener (#0289).. she was written a month of medical leave for that one. At least her boyfriend loved it, even if it nearly broke his hips.

The air from the tank smelt sweet, like freshly baked blueberry muffins. As pleasant as it was, that gave her a pang of worry- having heard of all the mishaps related to Blueberry related products here. Slowly, Elissa began to feel the fabric shift, almost imperceptibly, around her hips. The feeling of growth was pleasant in its own right, but for her personally.. the feeling of stretching fabric over her skin; just the thought of it made her shift in her seat. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad, after all..

As should be expected from something called a Ballooning Agent, Ballooning is exactly what it did. Every lungful inflated her chest, rear, and thighs- but only her chest shrunk back down on exhaling. The tight stretching of the pants over her inflating curves was bothering her (in a good way) to an embarrassing degree, she had no idea what she considered a minor facet of her tastes could be so overwhelming when tapped upon.

Long minutes stretched on, and while the pants squeezed her tighter with each breath, they also gave just enough for another, building layers of anticipation and tense passion atop another. The plain testing room gave her nothing to focus on, and she drifted her deeper into the experience- she lost track of time, and partly- her composure.. breathing, and growing- being squeezed tighter, and tighter.. 

A quiet beep, startlingly loud in the otherwise quiet room; came from the air tank, and was followed by what sounded like a stack of books falling over from the other room. It shocked Elissa out of her trance, and was then aware for which she had taken to exploring herself with her hands in her mindlessness. She hadn’t noticed the air pressure in the mask die down, and had sucked the tank dry in her daze. She embarrassingly looked at the one way mirror, realizing that her lapse of modesty was being watched. The intercom crackled, first playing staticky sounds of panicked shuffling, and then:

“… They, they wrote somewhere this might happen, just you wait there. I’ll.. I’ll wheel you in another tank. I’ve got one in my office.”

Then, faintly; a slammed door, and fading steps down the corridor. 

Steph really sounded breathless on the other end of the mic, was she alone in there? She sounded the kind of breathless that can only come from one activity.. Wait, why did she have a tank of this stuff in her office? 

These and many more thoughts raced in Elissas head, until the disheveled and red-faced Steph burst in with another tank. 

Pantingly, she stammered- “We’ve got to finish the exp-.. experiment, you’ve gotta keep gro- *ahem* going.”



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