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[Such a shame I couldn't bring this one up to snuff for 'official release', considering the caption that I came up for it! I will reluctantly consider this work, and all the time it took and headache it caused- at least an exercise in shading practice- for which the above morph makes is patently clear, more practice is required! 

Anyways, don't look too closely at the details, squint or remove your glasses, and appreciate the caption off of an idealized version of what this morph could've been!]

“See? I told you, that clinic's the real deal!”

You had warned her not to go, the name “Bury’s Beautification Boutique” sounded fishy enough- and what you two could see through the window first passing by: it looked like an herbal remedy, essential oil, alternative medicine nonsense-hut. But, Ira was a sucker for kitschy stuff like that, no matter what you said, it was fate that she go back to that incense fogged snake oil bar, and inevitable that a couple hundred dollars are lost on the experience.

But, unlike on returning from all the other shops and boutiques, it was you with the pie on your face this time. This morning a washboard flat waif of a girl left the house for “errands” (the type you’d advise to carry stones in their pockets on a windy day)- and presenting before you now was a significantly more fleshed out version of that same girl- not a rib in sight! Not to mention, two healthy looking breasts. Feeling (at her request) the soft orbs in your hands humbled you from your cynicism- you thought you’d never enjoy two handfulls of breast flesh ever again after settling in with painfully-flat Ira. You reveled in the forgotten joy, you haven’t squeezed a good tit since college! Ira was similarly enjoying the experience- but from the angle of having her first proper fondle; and obviously enjoying it a lot more. You two quickly escalated, and awkwardly fumbled your way- undressing to the bedroom, and put her new body to work. 

In the sweaty afterglow of satiating each other, you sobered up a little from the surreality of it all. Considering how thin she was to begin with- and how rounded she is now, she put on a serious amount of mass. How could she move under the new weight? How are there no stretch marks? Her thighs are nearly twice the diameter they were a few hours ago. That clinic wasn’t a snake oil shop, it was either magic- or operating with technology advanced enough to functionally be magic. 

After another couples exercise the following morning and a lazy brunch, you two relaxed on the couch with your coffee. You playfully gave her breast another squeeze, and before you two know it- you two are making out, with her on top of you. 

Feeling her body, you grab her rear- as much as you like her developments up top; you can’t discount how thankful you are of her now-at-least-average-butt. Jokingly, you interrupt your kiss and say “Well, now you’ve got to go fill out your rear too, or else you’ll look lopsided!” 

But, before the last word even left your mouth- you already regretted saying it. It was clear by the look on her face your joke painfully struck some hidden chord, maybe it’s too soon to joke about such a dramatic change in someone’s image; or maybe she had other, deeper seeded issues of self consciousness about her looks. 

“I’m joking!” you try, but she’s already angrily stomping out the door. Wait.. she’s not.. is she..? You chase out after her only to see a glimpse of your shared car’s rear turning onto the main road. With a sick feeling in your stomach, you shamble back inside, and collapse on the sofa.. what have you done.. 

Your phone buzzes with a text:

“I know you were joking earlier, but I think you were right, I feel a lot more balanced. Sorry for leaving in such a huff!”

And a second: “I’ll be home soon!”

Her change in attitude didn’t relieve your turning stomach one bit, but at least she’s not mad? You can only hope the changes aren’t too dramatic.. if one visit could bring her from the brink of starvation to a winter-ready weight- what would a second visit do on top of that?

Shortly after, you saw exactly how dramatic a second helping of ‘Bury’s Beautification’ is. Dangerously rubbing through the sides the doorway was a pair of yoga pants that could only be explained as a time-bomb, waiting to explode from the mass pent up in them. They looked uncomfortably tight, every movement could be that poor pants last. Ira carefully, slowly unrolled the tight pants from over her hips, which overflowed over the brim like rising dough as their confines were lowered. A long minute of tense unrolling later and two, humongous cheeks were released; and a after couple inches of bulging thigh- you two both exhaled a held breath in relief.

“I explained what you said to the nurse but I think they overcorrected, and lopsided me the other way. The gave me a complimentary touch-up on the top, but I think I’m going to have to go back again!”



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