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She was one of the ‘late joiners’ to social media, but now she was among the most religious of users. You could barely answer her questions as she surpassed your platform knowledge on Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat.. it was all beyond you- what she did rely on you for, you did not mind at all- being the photographer. Ever since you two first met, Lyndsey had been a plain girl, but after being forced to frame shots and lighting around her so much, you’re starting to appreciate her figure more. 

Maybe it was that she too, was improving as a model. Learning to better pose, and accentuate her curves- as you took more and more pictures, she kept looking better and better.

It’s reflected in her ‘followers’, as well- she tells you that she’s very popular online; whatever that’s worth. She’s happy about it, at least- but it seems like it may be going to her head- going out for new clothes so often; her wardrobes more than doubled in volume. She says she needs it, because she’s outgrowing her old clothes, but you know its just an excuse to play dress-up. 

Then, when shooting her halloween costume, something irks you. It was the same costume as last year, but; different... You scroll through your phone to pictures of last halloween- and startlingly, the difference is night and day. Comparing Lyndsey of last year to the one standing in front of you, each of her thighs are at least the size of her waist then. Could it be..?

You stare down the cameras viewfinder, and snap two quick pictures, before she could move. Pulling them up, and swiping between them- looking closely, you can see. In the second picture, her entire lower half was just barely a pixel wider than in the first.. that means all these pictures, all this time, have been making her bigger?!

“Hello! I can’t stand here all day, these are already starting to feel tight!” she said, snapping her fingers. Almost dizzy, but coming to- you reply:

“Sure, bear with me, I was actually thinking we shoot a larger photoset then usual, today..”



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