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Los Angeles was the first city to trial the new fertility boosting formula, in a move to trial a solution for the nations lowering birth rate. A controversial move birthing plenty of critics from across state lines harping on and on about “violations of human rights” and the “irresponsible” use of “untested” drugs in the public water supply. But the world need mavericks, it takes a rule breaker to make a change these days. And what should really matter is how the citizens of the county feel, and being one of those citizens, you have to say you’re quite satisfied with how things are developing here.

Sure, your girlfriend was pretty opinionated on the topic at first, but she eventually came around. She wouldn’t stop going on and on about getting a water filtration system installed, her anger punctuated by having to throw out pair after pair of ripped pants. However, she started to change her tune after she realized she was the biggest girl on the block, and you notice that she subtly started going out of her way to drink more water than usual, which has only cemented her lead. 

These days she always has a straw to her lips, the only exception being refilling her bottle with more water, or when her lips were busy with you. She’s probably the biggest girl in the county, by now- if not the world. Coincidentally, the paper-pushers who first thought of putting formula in the water system were right- it has had a positive effect on the frequency, and intensity, of your intimate meetings. You’ve have to continue to relearn a few things to work around her perpetually larger mass, but she makes a point to reward your diligent effort putting up with her new hobby.



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