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 “Lindsey, hurry! I think its starting!”

Lindsey quickly set down her phone and rushed over, she and Ashley had been idling anxiously on their own respective devices, waiting for the the pill to take effect. They had been so excited to try it, that neither of them had read the fine print, which explained that the pill takes 30 - 45 minutes to take effect. The unexpected delay had really put a damper on their mood.

“Look, look here!” Ashley pulled up her shirt and stood nervously, as she and Lindsey stared eagerly at her belly. It took a few moments to notice- the change was so subtle, on par with the rise and fall of small animal breathing- but at her waist-line, you could see her flesh slowly swelling behind her jeans, as her body began thickening under them. 

They both stared in awe, transfixed as her pants continued to distort from the strain. Ashley, growing uncomfortable in her now-undersized pants, broke the spell and eagerly started undressing, just as she felt the cuffs of her shirt begin to shrink around her arms. Lindsey joined, excited to get back on track with the evening’s scheduled activities.

Despite having to disrobe herself, she tried not to miss a second of Ashleys growth. It seemed to be speeding up, comically so as her once petite girlfriend was already taller than her, and by a few inches at that. Not to mention her bare-bone frame had packed a considerable amount of meat on it, particularly on the rear. Ashley was obviously just as engrossed with her expanding figure, breathing heavier, and looking hunger by the minute. 

Lindsey struggled to grasp the hem of her panties, being an easily excitable girl- her hands were trembling with anticipation. They were a particularly tight pair, and her growing frustration at being stopped by the last garment between her and what was to come was only compounding her fumbling further. She could hear that Ashley was waiting for her, as in her mind the embarrassing seconds felt like eternity. 

Finally, she got under the awkward hem and removed them, careful not to rip the panties, or lose her balance in frustration. After a brief pause to mentally catch her breath, she turned to face the waiting Ashley, comically dropping her jaw in surprise. Ashley had only continued to grow faster, and now had a downright indomitable presence in their tiny apartment. She was easily the tallest, most rear-endowed, and, (having to crane her neck up to meet Ashleys gaze) most ravenous looking woman Lindsey had ever seen, looking as if she had just finished an endurance marathon through the desert- and Lindsey was an ice cold water bottle. 

Ashley grasped Lindsey by the nape of her neck with such intensity it made her instinctually yelp, and pulled her in for a very hot, and breathy kiss. Lindsey melted into her, succumbing absolutely to the warmth of Ashleys still-growing embrace..



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