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They were excited to see you- the three girls explained they were looking to 'size up' to boost their Instagram modeling career, as most of your clients were these days. You read your line about liability, collected signatures; and then unpacked the equipment. It looked like a very simple IR-temperature reading device, except with a thick cable leading to an obnoxiously branded control unit, that plugged into the wall. 

With a steady hand you put your years of experience to work, carefully zapping each girl in just the right spots. Despite the hundreds of time's you've done this, it still amazes you to see the flesh quickly swell up like freshly sprayed insulation foam. 

There's no pain- the official position from corporate is that there's only a 'stretching and warm tingling' sensation. Unofficially, though- its obvious the clients feel something else. Behind closed doors, technicians all corroborate how all their patients really, really enjoy the experience, and the frequent explanation from customers that there's always shortage of cash to tip with, and that they're always oh so thankful, almost desperate to find another way to make it up to you..

Just wrapping up the last girl, you admired your handiwork. Each girl had enough booty to polish doorframes with, stretching their matching stockings to the brink- one pair even exploding off under the pressure. And, like clockwork- the three girls all silently traded looks of passionate hunger, and simultaneously looked at you. 

"This is more than we could have ever wanted, but the weird thing is, we were all so excited beforehand- none of us brought any extra money to tip you with.."



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