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Otherwise an angel, Tiffany had always been the jealous type. You could only imagine what sort of breakdown she would have if she dug through your phone and saw what kind of girls you were really into.. You had long since resigned yourself to accept that your desire for unrealistically thick women could only be satiated in fiction and photoshop.

You realized that Tiff was spending a little longer in the gym after work. She typically went for a quick run every other day, but now she's there at least an hour and a half. You wonder if it has to do with how weird she acted last Monday.. You came home to find her acting weirdly quiet and distant.. You chocked it up to her having a huff on missing a few of of her calls- since that day you had left your phone at home; and with Tiff's incredible imagination, she must've gotten really worked up jumping to conclusions.

Still, you couldn't shake the feeling that something was subtly different. Despite spending so much more time at the gym, every day it looked like her clothes clung tighter to her.. each night it felt like there was a little less space than before, and a little more girl..

After about a month there was no denying her new diameter. Your current theory is that
all this extra time spent at the 'Gym' is some self-indulgent coverup for some fast food binging... She seems strangely adamant about denying your theories, though.. almost smug in her confidence reaffirming she spends the *whole* two hours working out.. 

While you were delighted to have so much more girl to enjoy, a small part of you felt sorry for all the years she spent in the gym keeping her old, thin figure- gone to waste. Then again, it doesn't feel like she's gotten 'fat' or anything, for some reason her new mass seems to be incredibly dense- with how much all of your assorted furniture groans under her. You feel their pain, when mounted under her massive thighs- it's like someone replaced your once 110lb waif with a statue of incredibly soft lead. 

Maybe Tiff actually is spending more time at the gym.. you've heard that working out improves your posture, it's the only way to explain the new 3 inches she has above you. You don't remember her being so hunch-backed before.. but then again.. you're no spine-ologist either... 

You're finding you're spending less and less time on your phone these days,  despite having more free time to yourself with how long Tiffany spends at the gym. Almost 3 hours, every day.. nothing you've ever stored on your phone compares to what your girlfriend's slowly growing into though.. 



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