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It wasn’t long before the pills started to take effect. Emily started making more frequent trips to the fridge, just to graze and snack- a novel activity for someone who had such a depressed appetite before. Day by day the snacking was more common, until after a week she had fell into the routine of having two lunches. In the one lunch she sat with you, you were amazed at the volume she consumed- you could easily split one of her plates up into three separate meals to satisfy single day of someone with your reasonable calorie intake- and she would sit down to do it all again two hours later, and then again after that for dinner, too.

Even more startling than the rate at which your cupboards and fridge emptied was how quickly your partner was swelling up. You’d expect stretch marks, at this rate, but the soft flesh of her rear happily stretched to accommodate its increasing volume. It was surreal going to sleep with someone having a concerningly taut and swollen stomach, and to wake up to see the mass having migrated to their rear.. while her stomach frequently distended and flattened depending on meals- her behind relentlessly continued to swell- beyond whatever natural limits you imagined possible, to where it seemed her small waist sat nestled between two gelatinous bean bag chairs of flesh.

As unnerving as the whole scenario was, she continuously assured you that she knew what she was doing- she was the medical expert, after all. And you couldn’t deny you were starting to enjoy how her new volume increasingly engulfed you in your more intimate interactions.. but just yesterday she introduced a 5th meal to her routine, how much bigger does she plan on getting?



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