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Beth never had any symptoms of any allergies, but after moving to her new job upstate- things changed. Her new town was situated in a topological vortex, where the wind carried and condensed pollen from miles away, before depositing it on the locale like a fine, powdered snow. 

Since she finished unpacking- Beth was felt a constant pressure on her chest, and difficulty breathing- like her clothes had shrunk around her. It wasn't so bad at home, after she dressed down to her pajamas, probably because her old clothes were still unsaturated out of the boxes. It was particularly bad going outside for errands, after a brief grocery run she resolved to try and get something from the pharmacy- her whole torso felt like it was in a vice!

While she was standing in line, the feeling grew worse.. the warmth and tightness in her chest was intensifying, until she felt like she was feeling lightheaded, and had to brace herself against one of the aisles.. when suddenly- with a startling ripping sound- it was all gone. No pressure, and the warmth was slowly subsiding. In fact, her chest was actually getting.. cold? 

With rush of oxygen to her brain and her wits returned, she looked down to see what had transpired. Before her hung two large, flowing soft sacs of breast flesh- that would have been enough to topple her if she wasn't already bracing herself against the aisle. They hung heavy, pouring out from the tattered remains of her shirt and snapped bra, taking some effort to collect and cover. 


Slack-jawed at what you just witnessed, the cartoonishly out of proportion girl walks up to your desk, and asks "Is there anything back there you can help me cover up with?" You easily oblige with a spare jacket, clock out early and help drive her home. Ignoring the obvious, she seemed like a pretty nice girl, and you actually had a pretty in depth conversation over a your favorite niche band that came on the radio.. you should probably check in on her later to make sure she's doing alright- she did give you her number, after all.



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