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Phew, did you know that running two blogs is a pain in the neck?

As much as I love putting my lewdy newdy's up online and living out my own fetish: I am too stubborn to let what got me started die in the shadows. My morphs got me started and its with them that my name first carried meaning, while that past might be relegated to the basement of relevance, its still at the foundation of this house.

I know only some of you still follow this blog, and maybe even despise what I do on my other blog as garish, self-centered or attention-whorish: whatever you think, if you like my morphs, I'll gonna keep making em. This is where I started, and I don't plan on abandoning you few loyal fans for anything. While I may be sparse, I'll be here, and in the coming months: I'll be here more. 1 upload last month, 2 uploads this month, I'm aiming for 4+ this next month, and I swear to god I'll stop procrastinating and at least one of them will by Mal Malloy or my nom de plume isn't Bury goddamned She



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