Climbing the Ranks, Giveaways & A Free Issue! (Patreon)
Thank you all so much, again, both for your support and for the speed with which you've offered it – you all are the Early Birds, getting here and signing up before anyone else! I'm not just going to say thanks with typed-out words, though. I'm going to start giving away fun prizes!
You may have already seen it mentioned on the main page or on social media a couple hours ago, but our first Early Bird Giveaway is upon us. Anyone who's signed up as a Nintendo Force patron here on the new Patreon page before the end of January will be entered into a drawing to win a copy of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD! (If you're reading this, you're already a patron, so you're already entered.)
This is just the first of many planned giveaways we'll be having through the weeks ahead – and you'll be entered in all of them going forward, because you're already here and signed up! See, there are perks for jumping in first. :)
Running giveaways like this was one of the suggestions we got when we asked for your feedback one week ago – and another thing a few of you mentioned was that you'd like to see us give away one digital issue for free, so that you'd have something to point your friends to. Some people want to see a full issue before they decide to subscribe, and that's totally understandable!
The issue we picked was my favorite from last year: our Mr. Iwata tribute issue, #17. I've marked down the price of its digital version to $0.00 in the website store. But only for a limited time! So if you've got friends who may be interested in joining the Nintendo Force, send them over to the website and tell them to "buy" that issue for zero dollars. Then, if they like what they see, hopefully they'll decide to subscribe and join the party for the long haul!
Next time I check in with you all, I'll be pulling a name out of the hat and awarding one of you a free copy of Twilight Princess HD. Please look forward to it!
~ Lucas M. Thomas