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Get it? It's like "Grumble, grumble." The old Legend of Zelda line from the hungry Goriya. He complained until he got what he wanted, just as Paper Mario fans have been grumbling for years, waiting for Nintendo to give them a new sequel that's more like the original game in the series and its beloved follow-up, The Thousand-Year Door. But rather than satisfy that hunger, the designers at Intelligent Systems seem to have been satisfying their own creative needs for 16 years now, sending out sequel after sequel with wild new game design ideas. Paper Mario's been in an experimental phase for a long, long time now, and old-school fans are definitely grumbling about it! 

You might even say they're bent out of shape!

We're diving into that discussion here in our second issue to place Paper Mario in the spotlight. We've got a Debate centered on fans' expectations for this brand in particular. We've compiled a full retrospective of all the past Paper Mario games leading up to this point, doing that special NF thing of offering complete historical context for the current moment. We're supporting that with a secondary feature that reminds everyone of all of the past partner characters who Paper Mario has teamed up with in all those older games, too, since the presence or absence of great, unique ally characters has become a critical component of conversation regarding this series. Then we've got a four-page preview of the newly revealed Paper Mario: The Origami King to bring it all together. Is it shaping up to be another experimental gameplay design, or could it be the return to form fans have been hoping for? We'll take a look together!

Also, to acknowledge that The Thousand-Year Door is unlikely to be dethroned as long-time fans' favorite game in the series even if Origami King turns out to be truly excellent, we've dedicated the reverse side of our packed-in wall poster to that Cube classic. Now print subscribers can choose to rep either new-school or old-school Paper Mario on their walls.

And that's not all! We couldn't pass up the opportunity to tie something fun into the new game's origami theme, so also bundled with this issue is an exclusive new papercraft toy of Origami Peach! 

Taken all together, this is the most Paper Mario-packed edition we could possibly hope to provide. I hope it meets your expectations!

Print subscribers, the physical copies of this issue are in production now and will be mailed to you this week. While I'm hopeful that deliveries will be quick, please have extra patience if it seems like your copy is taking longer to arrive than normal. Some copies of our last issue seemed to be slowed down due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic impacting postal services around the world. Only some, though! Most subscribers still got theirs in the usual time frame.

Digital subscribers, keep an eye on your email inbox tomorrow -- I'll get the PDF copies of this new issue sent out before the end of the day on Tuesday.

Thanks as always to all of you for your continued support! And a hearty welcome to any of you who are brand new to the Force as of this issue. Welcome aboard!

~ Lucas M. Thomas




Darn it missed the subscription cutoff by one day! Is it still possible to order this separately?


Hey! Is it too late to submit answers to the poll for a chance to win a copy? 🙈


Too late for this one, yeah. But you can answer the new questions inside this new issue for another chance to win!


I’m new to this, the June issue should be my first. When should I expect to receive it? Thanks


Hey Ben! They're all in the mail now, so they should start arriving to everyone's mailboxes any day now. :) Probably a small delay because of the July 4th weekend and the postal service not working yesterday.


Thank you for another great work on the latest issue. I am not sure if you remember my last comment couple of months ago, but thank you making a mention to Final Fantasy 7 Remake in this issue as I suggested a while back.


Got my first issue. ( was a subscriber for your first year) and it is just as good as the first year of publication. Look forward to the next issue


AMAZING issue! Every page is quality and me and my daughter celebrated the upcoming Paper Mario release by crafting Origami Peach together. THANK YOU, NF!!!


Thank you! Paper Peach is awesome!! Just finished putting her together with the kiddos.


Thought I would comment saying I had been waiting for my issue (my issues usually arrive around the 5th) but I finally got it today (the 17th). The papercraft peach toy was included in mine as well :) Hold onto hope, I'm sure everyone will get their issues soon!


I am a print subscriber, could I get a pdf version of peach as well as the print version?


I received my magazine yesterday very happy. Patience is key.


Love the issue!


Hi, we still have not received this issue (it was the first one we subscribed to). It looks like a lot of other people already got theirs. Can you give me an update on when to expect it? Thanks.


I still haven't received this either unfortunately. The same happened with the May/June issue (it finally showed up July 1st). I am very close to cancelling my pledge to this because I am getting issues two months after they release and at that point the information isn't even meaningful to me anymore.


Hey there! Still haven't received my copy of the Paper Mario issue. Sent you guys a message as well. Just wanted to make sure everything's good with my pledge.


Hi! I haven't recieved this issue either. I ordered it from the NF Store in July.


I also have not received this issue yet. I was charged for it, so hopefully you can send a replacement copy soon!


Hi there I never received this issue but I did just receive issue 48. Are there still any old issues laying around?


I still haven't received this issue either.


We didn't get the print version either. Can we get a PDF?