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“Baby Overload”



Panel One – Frame: Jamal and Becky both looked shocked as their drove home. Both are wide-eyed.

Jamal: “I wasn’t expecting that.”

Becky: “Me neither…what are we going to do?”

Jamal: “Well I guess I will increase advertising for the gym so we can drum up more business.”

Becky: “We have plenty in savings so don’t panic.”

Panel Two – Frame: Showing Becky’s stomach with the seat belt barely able to fit her.

Jamal: “We will be one BIG happy family so I’m not worried…I think.”

Becky: “It had to be those pills, we tried for years and then THIS happened.”

Panel Three – Frame: Jamal’s face is wide eyed and sweaty as he’s driving home.

Becky: “Where are those pills anyway? I haven’t been able to find them.”

Jamal: “I umm…threw them away over a month ago.”

Becky: Okay good we don’t need to have any more after I deliver this litter.”

Panel Four – Frame: Jamal’s crotch showing the outline of his bulge.

Becky: “They don’t seem to have warn off you’re still so HUGE and I saw that cum mess you made in the bathroom. You missed the toilet a bit Jamal.”

Jamal: “Sorry about that I didn’t want to turn on the light and wake you up.”

Panel Five - * Flash Back* Frame: Shows Jamal with his eyes closed grunting as he cum’s and blasts all over the toilet. His dick is swollen, and his balls are big.

Narration bubble: “I can’t let her think I’m still taking those pills. But the truth is they’re kind of addicting, they make me feel so thick and big and I took them one time when I was working out and I swear I could feel my muscles growing.”

Narration bubble: “And the feelings of cumming is euphoric. I’ve know I should throw them away but…I cant.”

Panel Six – Frame: Becky is walking towards their house waving at Jamal.

Becky: “By sweetie, love you!”

Jamal: “Love you too! I have a new client today so I will be home a little late tonight.”


Panel One – Frame: * Shows the outside of Pumped Up Fitness*

Panel Two – Frame: * Jamal and one of his employees standing behind a reception desk. The logo for Pumped Up Fitness is behind them. Both men are wear company muscle shirts *

Jamal: “So yeah Dan I don’t know what to do, but don’t get me wrong I’m super happy about it.”

Dan: “If you say so boss…but my God that’s a lot of kids! How did she get pregnant with so many?”

Jamal: “I had…gotten lucky I guess.”

Panel Three - * A super hot woman walks in the door *

Woman: “I’m looking for Jamal, I have a four o’clock appointment with him.”

Jamal: “That’s me ma’am. Let’s get started.”

Woman: Great! Can we start with my chest? I really want to tone up.”

Panel Four – Frame: * The woman is lying down on the bench getting ready to lift, Jamal is staring at her big tits. *

Panel Five – Frame: *An aroma is coming off of Jamal and going into the air, the woman smells it and hearts are in her eyes. *

Jamal: Are you ready ma’am?

Woman: I sure am BIG boy

Panel Six – Frame: The woman is looking upwards and can see Jamal’s massive bulge peeking under his shorts (wearing underwear)


Panel One – Frame: * The woman is all sweaty and has sweat all over her big tits making them shiny

Woman: “Am I doing good?”

Jamal: “Yes…perfect actually.”

Woman: “Good I hope the next workout is harder, don’t go easy on me I can take it.”

Panel Two – Frame: * show the aroma from Jamal going into the woman’s nose and to her brain, with an x-ray of her ovaries going into hyper ovulation *

Woman: “I need something harder!”

Jamal: “I have just the idea.”

Panel Three – Frame: * The woman is doing squats and notices Jamal’s bulge grow and is shocked by its size*

Jamal: I need to run to my office for a quick second and…grab something.”

Panel Four – Frame: Jamal is in his office with his pants down looking at his bulge. He’s wearing pocketed underwear and they have torn and his big balls are sticking out of them a little.

· Jamal looks panicked

· Then the woman busts open the door in a lustful rage

Panel Five  - Frame: Jamal’s back is still turned to the woman

Woman: “Listen here you hunk! I don’t know what it is about you but I need you RIGHT NOW!”

Jamal: “Miss now is not the best time…I can’t help you with that.”

Woman: “Okay fine then! Just so you know I’m an influencer on LifeStalker and if you don’t give me what I want I can promise you no one will come here.”

Panel Six – Frame: Jamal angerly looks at his desk and there’s an x-ray of the pills in his desk.

Jamal: “And if I fuck you?”

Woman: “Then I will tell all my followers how amazing this place is!”

Jamal: “Fine”


Panel One  - Frame: Jamal takes a pill (split frame ) his dick almost rips the underwear fully.

Jamal: “Come over here and lay down on the desk.”

Panel Two – Frame: Jamal pulls down the womans yoga pants and his hard on is about to erupt

Jamal: “Just remember to write a good review…and that you asked for this.”

Panel Three – Frame: Jamal starts shoving his dick into her and it barely fit but he keeps going deeper anyway. The woman is struggling to take it but still has hearts in her eyes.

Panel Four – Frame: Jamal’s dick is making a huge bulge in her stomach

Panel Five – Frame: His dick and balls get bigger and veiny

Panel Six – Frame: Jamal is fucking the shit out of the woman


Panel One – Frame: Cum shot and cum inflation

Panel Two – Frame: Second cum shot and more inflation

Woman: “Oh God I don’t think I can take much more.”

Jamal: “Too bad I’m nowhere near being done yet!”

Panel Three – (Half panel): Jamal’s muscles grow / does the standing sex position

Panel Four – (Half panel): cum shot and inflation / jamals balls shrink

Panel Five – Frame: x-ray of her womb being bombarded with sperm and getting fertilized

Panel Six – Frame: Jamal is laying on the floor exhausted and the woman laying on the desk bloated with cum and exhausted as well.


Panel One – “A few hours later”

Panel Two  - Frame: Jamal wakes up dazed and confused and the woman is gone

Panel Three – He looks down at his dick and balls and see’s that they’ve gotten a little bigger.

Jamal: “Oh my head…what happened? Wait there was a lady here…did that really happen or was I dreaming?”

Panel Four – Frame: Jamal put on his shorts and they don’t properly fit because of his new size

Jamal: “I need to go home and grab some better fitting clothes.”

Panel Five – Frame: * Looking through a pair of binoculars at jamals junk as he’s leaving the building *

Unknown person: “I see that the experiment was a success with results that were beyond our expectations.”

Panel Six – Frame: The doctor from the previous comic is in the back of a van with the woman Jamal had sex with . There is a whole bunch of equipment in the van like spy gear. The woman is sitting in a chair still bloated with cum.

Doctor: “How are you feeling agent 069?”

Woman (agent 069): “Like I’m about to burst.”


Panel One – Frame: Jamal is taking a shower and is looking down at his dick and balls

Thought bubble: “I can’t keep doing this! These pills are insane I know that couldn’t have been a dream. I don’t think my junk will return to how it was before all of this.”

Panel two – Frame: Shows Jamal’s body, he’s a bit more muscular looking than before.

Thought bubble: “I swear I felt my muscles grow and I felt so strong holding her up like that.”

Panel Three – Frame: Jamal is out of the shower and Becky is in the bathroom wearing a shirt that barely fits her.

Becky: “You’re home early is everything okay?”

Jamal: “Oh hey honey…yeah everything is okay I just wanted to get some new clothes.”

Becky: “Okay…wow Jamal you’ve really been working out hard. I didn’t notice how big and sexy my hunk has gotten.

Panel Four – Becky see’s Jamal’s junk

Becky: “I really didn’t notice how big you were.”

Panel Five – Frame: Becky looks at Jamal suspiciously as he’s getting dressed to go back to the gym.

Jamal: “Okay honey I have to get back to the gym…Love you.”

Becky: “Mhm…I will send you a text of some stuff I want you to get before you come home.”

Panel Six – Frame: Becky’s stomach is growling and she looks down at it surprised

Belly: “feed us!”


Panel One – Frame: Jamal is back at the gym and there’s a large crow of people on the gym floor surrounding someone. Dan is behind the desk in shock and awe.

Jamal: “What’s going on over there?”

Dan: “Monster Mike is in town!”

Jamal: “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

Panel Two – Frame: Jamal makes peaks over the crowd and see’s a huge body building bench pressing a lot of weight.

Panel Three – Frame: Monster Mike is standing up and flexing his muscles, people are cheering and girls have hearts in their eyes.

Monster Mike: “Six hundred pounds baby! I’m going to win this thing!”

Panel Four – Frame: Monster Mike notices Jamal in the crowd

Monster Mike: “Jamal is that you? I’ll be damned.”

Jamal: “Here we go” (he whispers)

Panel Five – Frame: Monster Mike and Jamal are talking

Monster Mike: “Funny running into you here.”

Jamal: “I own this place…I could say the same thing.”

Monster Mike: “A little guy like you running a place like this?”

Jamal: “ … “

Monster Mike: “Well they’re holding the new Mister Galaxy bodybuilding competition in a few weeks a few miles from here. With you owning a gym I’m surprised you didn’t know that.”

Panel Six – Frame: Monster Mike is pointing to his Ferrari outside the window.

Monster Mike: “I know you saw that bad boy out there. I’m a three time winner and I plan on buying another one when I win again.”

Jamal: “Good for you mike.”


Panel One – Frame: Monster Mike is giving Jamal and knuckle sandwich (annoyingly rubbing his knuckles on his head causing Jamal to be aggravated)

Monster Mike: “It’s not like school anymore I don’t want your lunch money!”

Jamal: “Mike get off of me!”

Monster Mike: “Alright little bro I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”

Panel Two – Frame: Jamal is looking mad at Monster Mike while he’s taking a selfie with some ladies and flexing his muscles.

Monster Mike: “To help you out a bit I will pay for a year membership here…you can keep the change.”

Panel Three – Frame: Monster Mike is looking at Jamal flexing his upper body

Monster Mike: “If you think you can take on the Monster! You let me know bro and we can have a lift off right now bro!”

Jamal: “Yeah! Let’s do it! Right now!”

Panel Four – Frame: Shows a small montage of them lifting weights and Monster Mike keeps out lifting him.

Panel Five – Frame: Jamal looks exhausted as Monster Mike flexs while people take pictures of him.

Monster Mike: “If you think you’re up for some squats you let me know bro.”

Panel Six – Frame: ( three split panel)

· Frame one: Jamal says, “I will be right back”

· Frame two: Jamal has another pill in his hand

· Frame three: flash back of his muscle growth and strength


Panel One – Frame: Jamal is standing in the doorway looking ready to workout, the pills aroma is coming off of him.

Jamal: “You ready…little man?”

Panel Two – Frame: Monster Mike is loading weights onto the squat bar.

Monster Mike: “Five hundred pounds should be easy to start off with.”

Panel Three – Three split frame:

· Jamal is struggling to squat

· His muscles get stronger

· He completes the lift and Monster Mike looks shocked

Panel Four  - Frame: Jamal and Monster Mike are standing next to each other doing dumbbell curls and Jamal is doing the same weight as him. Show another weight lifting montage.

Panel Five – Frame: While Jamal and mike and lifting the woman can smell the aroma from Jamal and it’s making them horny.

Panel Six – Frame: Jamal is standing in front of Monster Mike who is bent over and exhausted.

Jamal: “Tired already? I was just getting started.”

Monster Mike: “That’s…that’s…impossible.”


Panel One – Frame: Jamal is taking a shower and Monster Mike’s shadow is behind him through all the steam.

Monster Mike: “How the fuck did you out lift me!?”

Panel Two – Frame: Jamal turns around and looks at Monster Mike smugly

Jamal: “Easy answer I’m all muscle and you’re just a big water balloon.”

Panel Three – Frame: Jamal see’s Monster Mikes dick size and he’s much smaller than Jamal

Jamal: “Little man.”

Panel Four – Frame: Monster Mike is pointing at Jamal angrily with his fists balled.

Monster Mike: “You’re on some crazy shit you liar. I literally saw your bicep swell up when you were lifting…that shit ain’t normal bro!”

Jamal: I just have good creatine.”

Panel Five – Frame: Monster Mike leaves angrily

Monster Mike: “Fuck you I will see you later and I will know what you’re taking little…I mean Jamal!”

Panel Six – Frame: Another figure comes up from behind Jamal while he’s turned around

Jamal: “Back for more already?”


Panel One – Frame: Four women appear behind Jamal and his back is still turned and his face is shocked when the four women speak.

Woman one: “I couldn’t help myself for some reason seeing you lift like that.

Woman two: “Me neither.”

Woman three: “God I’m so wet

Woman four: “Fuck me first PLEASE!”

Panel Two – Frame: Jamal’s dick gets massively hard and his balls grow huge

Jamal: No…not again…I’m so…horny!”

PANELS 4 – 6 – Are all sex with the four women with belly inflations. Can you make those split panels?


Panel One – Frame: (Meanwhile) Show Monster Mike sneaking around Jamals office

Panel Two – Frame: Mike finds Jamal’s pills in his desk drawer and is reading them

Monster Mike: “Well, well…what do we have here?”

Panel Three – Frame: Mike takes a few of the pills and puts them into his pocket

Panel Four – Frame: Jamal is in the locker room and looks exhausted, you can see the women in the background laying on the shower floor bloated with cum. One of them is attempting to stand up. Jamal’s phone is vibrating in the locker.

Panel Five – Frame: Jamal looks at his text message from Becky


Panel Six – Frame: You can see the silhouette of Jamal running out into the parking lot to his car, it’s night time

Jamal: “Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!”




· PLOT: Jamal and Becky have been trying to have a baby for a few years. Becky brings home some pills that she got from a “doctor” that causes Jamal’s dick and balls to grow and he cum’s 1,000x normal. They conceive multiples. Fast forward and Jamal is still taking the pills because it makes him feel amazing and he likes the feeling they give him. Jamal also doesn’t know that he releases a scent that makes women uncontrollably horny for him and forces ovulation. The two of them own a gym and Jamal’s old school bully comes over and is a bodybuilder. The two of them have a lifting competition and Jamal wins by cheating and taking the pills and “Muscle Mike” notices his small muscle growth. While Jamal is messing around with a woman he doesn’t know that Mike has snuck into his office and found the pills and stole some of them.


PANEL ONE (SPLIT): *Muscle Mike is working out doing the bench press and his muscles are bulging and veiny*

“Oh my god yes, I feel so amazing! Yes! YEESS!”

PANEL (SPLIT):  *Show a shadow against the wall of Mike flexing his massive muscles*

PANEL TWO: *Jamal returns home with bags of food for Becky* (Kentucky Fried Vegetables, Carrot King and WhatACarrot)

“Becky…sweetheart…I got your food” Jamal says while cowering in fear.

PANEL THREE: *Becky snatches the food from him and begins devouring it like an animal* (She’s hungry because Jamal was supposed to get her food hours ago but he was “busy”)

PANEL FOUR: *Becky is shoveling food in her mouth and Jamal is shocked as he sees her belly growing and is about to bust out of her pajama’s*

Becky, “We’re so hungry!!!”

PANEL FIVE: *Jamal is now sitting next to Becky on the couch thinking, she’s in a food coma. Her belly is huge and busted out of her pajamas and she has food all over her. Jamal’s phone gets a notification.*

Jamal thought bubble, “oh crap I really fucked that woman…why did I do that? I couldn’t control myself. What’s happening to me?”

PANEL SIX: *Jamal looks at his phone*

The text message reads, “I know you’re secret meet me at Hoppers in two hours or I’m snitching!”


PANEL ONE: Scene – Hoppers is a strip club, there are strippers everywhere. Have an arrow pointing to Jamal in the crowd.


ONE: *Muscle Mike is standing behind Jamal as he sits at his table*

Mike, “Hey little bunny!”

TWO: *Jamal turns around and is startled by how massive and muscular Mike is and screams.*

PANEL THREE: * Mike gets in Jamal’s face. Some of the strippers in the background are looking in shock and lust at the two of them*

“I found out your not so little secret shrimp”

“I…I don’t know what you mean.”

“You know damn well what I mean. I want more of those pills! TONIGHT!”

PANEL FOUR: * Jamal looks more sternly at Mike and is in his face as well now.”

“Or what will you do Mike?”

“I’m going to tell everyone…and I mean everyone. It wouldn’t be good for business if people knew you could take pills instead of having a gym membership. Now would it?”

“You bastard. No one will believe you.”

“Let’s find out then.”

PANEL FIVE: *Jamal and Mike start getting surrounded by strippers who smell their aroma*

Mike, “Better yet little bunny. If you can fuck more girls than me I won’t say a word.”

“Fine and you will lose too, asshole!”

PANEL SIX: *Mike has his hand out with two pills in them*

“I’ll make it more fun. One for me and one for you.”


PANEL ONE: *Jamal and Mike are sitting on a couch with horny girls in front of them*

PANEL TWO: *A shot of Jamal and Mike’s dick and balls are out, their both huge and veiny. But Mike is a bit bigger*

“My God how many did you take Mike!?”

“All of them. Not only am I going to win that competition I’m going to take you down little bunny!”

PANEL THREE: *Scene of multiple strippers holding and licking both of their dicks.*

PANEL FOUR: *One stripper is riding Mike cowgirl style and Jamal is doing missionary  to another, both have bulging stomachs*

PANEL FIVE (SPLIT): *Cum inflations for both Mike and Jamal*

PANEL SIX (SPLIT) *One stripper is chugging Miks cum while Jamal has another one against the wall, her belly is swelling up from cum*


PANEL ONE – THREE: Sex and inflation

PANEL FOUR: *Mike looks dizzy and sweaty while a stripper is riding him*

“Oh yeah there was something I forgot to mention mike. Those pills make you a little loopy.”

PANEL FIVE: *Mike faints while filling a stripper*

“I guess that means I win”

PANEL SIX: *The entire vip room is full of stripper laying out all over the place with cum inflated bellies or covered in cum.*


PANEL ONE: *Jamal stands up and is a bit dizzy*

PANEL TWO: *Jamal grabs his dick and sees how big it has become and looks disappointed*

“What have I done?”

PANEL THREE: *A stripper is on the couch with her hand on her huge belly*

Stripper: “My womb feels like it’s on fire...and I love it.”

PANEL FOUR: *Jamal looks shocked when he sees that it’s 4am on his phone and is running out the door*


SPLIT ONE: *Mike wakes up*

SPLIT TWO: *Mikes dick and balls start to grow while he’s flaccid.*


SPLIT ONE: *Mike is about to go out of the exit and looks like he’s struggling*

SPLIT TWO: *His balls grow more*

“Ah...what’s...happening to me?”


PANEL ONE: *Mike is staggering out of the back of the club still woozy. Behind him is a black van.*

“I think we found a good specimen for testing” A thought bubble

PANEL TWO: *Mike looks up and see’s a sexy woman in front of him with her huge tits out.*

“Oh my hey big boy where are you going?”


SPLIT ONE: “No please...I can’t cum anymore.”

SPLIT TWO: *Mike is getting hard again and his balls get bigger.”

Woman: “You sure? Because I think someone is telling me differently.”

PANEL FOUR: *Jamal opens the door to his house and see’s Becky still asleep on the couch*


*Jamal kisses Becky on the forehead*

*He places his hand on her pregnant belly*

PANEL SIX: *Jamal has Becky in his arms and is carrying her up the stairs and she’s still asleep*

“Something is wrong with me sweetheart…I love you…I think I need your help”


Artist: Unknown (prob Boom970)

  • Inter the parts from the other commissioned artists that involve their dream sequences.


Panel One: * Both Becky and Jamal wake up terrified in their beds, it’s morning. *

Panel Two: * Jamal is reaching towards his head and notices that there aren’t any horns on his head. (show a dotted outline where the horns would have been.)

Panel Three: *Becky removes her blanket and has her hand on her belly. Her PJ’s barely fit over them.

Becky: “Thank goodness you all are still in there.”

Panel Four: * They both say this at the same time * “I had a crazy dream.”

Panel Five: * Becky is looking at Jamal worryingly *

Becky: “I had a dream that the babies started growing like crazy and I gave birth to them all at a store.”

Panel Six: *Jamal doesn’t realize Becky is now looking at him angrily as he tells her his story.*

Jamal: “I had a dream that you were a huge cartoon cow and you just kept getting bigger!”

Becky: “Thanks Jamal…”


Panel One: * Jamal is now standing up stretching and Becky is looking at how big he is flaccid and her face is in awe. *

Becky: “Wow your balls look heavy.”

Panel Two: * Jamal looks a bit sad.*

Jamal: “Sweetheart there’s actually something we need to talk about.”

Panel Three: * He’s now sitting on the bed next to Becky still naked. *

Jamal: “I don’t know what’s come over me…I love you so much…but…I cheated on you. I’m so sorry.”

Panel Four: * Becky looks a bit sad *

Becky: “I know you have and it’s my fault. She said this might happen.”

Panel Five: * Jamal is looking at Becky confused *

Jamal: “She? What are you talking about Becky?”

Panel Six: * Becky puts her hand on Jamal’s leg *

Becky: “I guess I need to start from the beginning.”


Panel One: * Becky is laying on her back getting examined by her OBGYN in his office*

Narration Bubble: “I had another appointment with Dr. Moss and he was giving me the same speech all the other doctors have given us over the years. To just keep trying.”

Panel Two: * Dr. Moss is looking at an ultrasound screen. *

Dr. Moss: “Everything looks like it’s in order. And I see a mature follicle that looks ready as well. So when you get home I suggest intercourse with your husband tonight and the next day as well.”

Panel Three: * Becky is looking at the doctor worried *

Becky: “What if it doesn’t take again?”

Dr. Moss: “Then we can start you back on your medication. I know it was a bit rough for you last time but that would be our best option. Before you leave stop at the front desk there are something you need to sign.”

Panel Four: *Becky is at the front desk with a tear going down her cheek and a pregnant woman in the waiting room is looking at her. *

Becky: “Can I use your restroom?”

Nurse: “Ours is closed. But the public one is down the hallway and to the right.”

Panel Five: *Becky is in the bathroom still upset. She’s looking in the mirror while she’s washing her hands. The door is open and the pregnant woman is walking in. *

Panel Six: * The pregnant woman is close to Becky* (Frame: The camera angle should be close to the woman’s belly showing that’s the main thing that Becky is noticing.

Woman: “Hey hun, you got a second?”

Becky: “Sure I guess.”


Panel One: * The woman looks empathetic at Becky.”

Woman: “I don’t mean to pry hun, but I remember it wasn’t too long ago I was coming out of Dr. Moss doing the same thing. And now look at me.”

Panel Two: * Becky sighs *

Becky: “Yeah you’re hard to miss...No offense.”

Woman: “None taken, these two are quite heavy and will be here soon but that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about. I can help you.”

Panel Three: * The woman hands Becky the bottle of pills *

Woman: “If you’re just trying for one I suggest you take half half of the pink pill that’s inside of the bottle unless you want multiples. But these are mainly for your husband.”

Becky: “What do they do?”

Woman: “They will make your follicles mature faster and it will give your husband a huge boost too. It’s what we used. I got two bottles because I didn’t know I only needed one dose. But believe it or not when you all are ready to have more kids your husbands scent alone will make you ovulate.”

Panel Four:

Becky: It’s Tempting but I’m not really looking to buy anything.”

Woman: “Oh, I’m not selling them to you. I’m giving them to you. One dose is all I needed so I want to pass on what worked for me. Just keep an eye on your husband with these.”

Panel Five: *Becky looks puzzled at the woman*

Becky: “Why is that? What will they do to him?”

Woman: “Well they may cause what’s called ultra-hypersexual syndrome, mega-spermia and some growth. Meaning that your husband will become uncontrollably horny, which isn't a bad thing if you're trying to have a baby. Right?"

Panel Six:

Woman: “Just forgive him. And I recommend you get rid of them once you get pregnant. And more than likely it will happen tonight, that’s how fast these will work.”

Becky: “What happens if he takes too many?”

Woman: “Nothing. They’re organic, he will just be horny a lot but they also are a natural stress relief and if he likes to workout they really help with that. I have to get going now, I would say good luck but with those you won’t need luck. You’ve got science on your side now.”


Panel One: * Becky is in her holding the pills in her hand, she’s looking inside the bottle and sees two pink pills. *

Panel Two: *Becky has both pink pills in her hand*

Becky: “Only take half unless you want multiples…I guess twins would be fine.”

Panel Three (Split):

Split one: * Becky takes her pills *

Split two: *Driving home*

Panel Four: * X-ray of Becky’s ovaries going crazy and releasing eggs *

Panel Five: *Becky is smiling and has her hand on her stomach*

Becky: “Oh my goodness…I think I feel them working.”

Panel Six: *Copy and paste the panel were Becky busts through the door with the pills for Jamal *

PAGE SIX: * Flash back ends *

Becky: “I should have told you what happened as well but I got caught up in the excitement of things and obviously they worked.”

Panel Two: * Frame of Jamal’s dick and balls *

Jamal: “I wish you would have told me this before. Look at my junk Becky. My balls are so big that jeans aren’t comfortable and I can literally feel them swelling if I don’t cum. And I don’t think my dick will even fit in you anymore.”

Panel Three: * Becky is looking at Jamal *

Becky: “You are pretty big I will admit that but I think you will fit just fine.”

Jamal: “I got a little bit bigger last night.”

Becky: “How?”

Jamal: “Mike and I got into a…disagreement…so I took another one to make sure I won the argument.

Panel Four:

Becky: “I want those pills back so I can flush them down the toilet.”

Jamal: “I don’t have them anymore, Mike stole them from the office and took them all.”

Panel Five:

Becky: “Well do you know where he’s at?”

Panel Six: *Mike is in a lab floating in a liquid chamber, his dick and balls are cartoony massive and he has on a face mask with an oxygen tube and is asleep.*

Narration bubble: “Nope. But wherever that asshole’s at I’m sure he’s doing just fine.”

Panel Six: *Mike is in a huge lab with other people in tubes and scientists are examining them. *


Artist: Syard


Panel One: *Becky and Jamal both wake up wide eyed from their dreams *

Panel Two:

Jamal: “I had this crazy dream.”

Panel Three: *Becky looks under the covers at her big belly *

Becky: “Oh good you’re all still in there...me too...what was yours about?”

Panel Four:

Jamal: “You where this weird anthropomorphic...cow...and you just kept getting bigger and bigger...and bigger!

Panel Five:

Becky: “Thanks Jamal. Well in mine the baby’s started coming and I couldn’t stop them. It was just one after another I couldn’t hold them back.”

Jamal: “I’m sorry baby that sounds horrible.”

Panel Six:

Becky: “I know they will come...but to be honest with you...I’m kind of scared.”

Jamal: “What do you mean sweetheart?”


Panel One:

Becky: “I know that no matter what we’re going to have these babies. But Jamal...eight of them. What are we going to do about having eight kids. One or two, sure...but eight.”

Jamal: “I know I think about that a lot too. But we will get through this together. We always have and always will get through whatever life throws at us. But now we will do it as a family...well a rather big family.”

Panel Two:

Frame: * Becky is holding her belly feelings kicks *

Becky: “I know but what if we’re bad parents? How will we give the love and support to every one of them properly? How will we…”

Panel Three: * Jamal interrupts her with a passionate kiss on the lips *

Panel Four: *Jamal is looking deep into her eyes*

Jamal: “The reason why I married you wasn’t because you were just the hottest girl on campus. Or because I needed your help on school work. It was because you were the most loving woman I had ever met. And I didn’t want to let that go. And not only were you loving but you’re stronger than you’ve ever know, I know you’re scared. But trust me we’ve got this and I know that you got this.”

Panel Five:

Becky: “You always know how to say the right words Jamal.”

Jamal: “I’m just saying what’s in my heart.”

Becky: “I know you are. You’ve always been honest with me. I just hope this pregnancy won’t break me by the end of it.”

Jamal: “What do you mean?”

Panel Six: Frame: * Beckys huge belly *

Becky: “Look at me Jamal I’m huge most woman are full term at my size and I’m barely half way through this pregnancy. My belly is so heavy already, I can’t stop eating and it feels like every day they get a little heavier and I swear I’m growing to fast. And I’m so fat...and ugly.”


PANEL ONE: * Jamal is gently holding Becky’s face *

Jamal: “Fat and ugly? Where is that coming from? You are the most beautiful, radiant woman I have ever seen.”

Becky: “You’re just saying that to be nice I…”

PANEL TWO: * Jamal kisses her on the lips *


Jamal: “No I mean it. Seeing you like this, with this belly and your growing breasts. It makes my heart race not only because you’re carrying our family. But because you look so sexy. I can’t explain it but...to me...you look like a radiant goddess. Everything about you makes me want to run my hands all over you. To me you were always beautiful but now you’re beauty is blinding.”

PANEL FOUR: * Jamal is running is hands all over her body *

Jamal: “I love everything about you...every inch...every curve”

PANEL FIVE: * Jamals dick is starting to get hard as he’s kissing her *

Becky: “There’s just one thing I hate about being pregnant still and I hate to admit it.”



Becky: “I’m sorry but...with my sense of smell...I kind of need you to brush your teeth.”

FRAME TWO: * Jamals dick goes soft *


Panel One: *Jamal is brushing his teeth and wrapped in a towel, Becky is taking a shower behind him with the curtain closed *

Becky: “I need to go and get some clothes today nothing fits anymore, wanna come?”

Jamal: “Sure I guess if you really want me too.”

Panel Two: *Becky is getting out of the shower and Jamal is looking at her in the mirror. She looks super sexy and wet*

Panel Three (multi split) *Becky’s wet breasts / her belly / her wet butt *

Jamal: “My god you’re so sexy.”

Panel Three: *POV view of Becky looking down at her swollen breasts and belly*

Becky: “I don’t think I am, I’m huge, swollen, stretch marks are starting to show and I’m already huge. And I’m only going to get bigger.”

Panel Four: *Jamal is much closer to her*

Jamal: “Not only do I think you’re sexy as fuck. I think pregnancy looks exoctic on you, it makes me want to rub my hands all over you and never stop.”

Becky: “Prove it.”

Panel Five: (Three split panel) * Jamal towel bulge / dick sticking out from towel and limp / full hard and massive *

Panel Six: *Becky looks shocked at Jamal*

Becky: “Oh my...you’re...wow…”
Jamal: “I know it’s crazy right.”

*Becky looks aroused at Jamal.*


Panel One: * POV from Jamal: Becky is leaning over on the edge of the bed her ass and pussy are in clear view and she’s looking back at Jamal *

Becky: “Don’t go easy on me.”

Panel Two: * Jamal is cramming his dick in her and she’s really tight he is only half way in *

Becky: “Oh god it’s so fucking...FUCK!”

Jamal: “You did this to me now I have to punish you for it...take it...Becky.”

Panel Three: * Jamal is pounding the shit out of her doggy style *

Becky: “Shit, fuck, fuuuuuck!”

Panel Four: *Becky is struggling to take Jamal, she’s pinned down, ass up and biting down on a pillow *

Jamal: “I heard pregnant pussy was the best...and they weren’t lying!”

Panel Five: * Jamal is laying on the bed and Becky is about to ride him cowgirl style *

Becky: “If I’m too heavy let me know.”

Jamal: “I’m so ready for you baby!”

Panel Six: *POV: Ass shot of Becky struggling to get all of his dick in*


Panel One: * Becky’s big breasts are lactating onto her belly *

Panel Two: *POV: Jamals view of her belly *

Panel Three: * Profile shot of Becky on Jamal bouncing up and down *

Panel Four: *Becky gets more of Jamal in her and her wet pussy is making Jamals dick wet *

Panel Five: *Jamals balls swell *

Panel Six: *Jamal’s face is tight *

Jamal: Get up! I need to cum”


Panel One: * Becky is off of Jamal’s dick and he lets out a small rope of cum *

Panel Two: * Becky is on her knees and Jamal is in front of her, his face shows that he’s holding back. *

Becky: “Oh no you already came in me didn’t you?”

Jamal: “Not even close!”

Panel Three (Split): *Becky puts her mouth on his dick to blow him / her cheeks expand, cum is blowing out of her mouth and her eyes are wide in shock *

Panel Four: * Jamal is blasting her in the face with cum *

Panel Five: * His cum is getting everywhere and all over her face, hair, breasts and belly *

Becky: “Of fuck this is too much!”

Jamal: “I’m almost done.”

Panel Six: *POV: Becky’s breasts and belly are covered with cum*

Becky: “I think I need to take another shower.”


Panel One: Scene: Momma 2 Be store front

Panel Two: *Becky is looking at clothes as a woman who works at the store approaches her. *

Woman: “Hey momma welcome to Momma 2 Be, can I help you find anything?”

Becky: “Do you have anything that’s a bit more...stretchy?”

Woman: “Of course we do. It’s in our third trimester section, follow me.”

Panel Three: * Becky notices all of the pregnant women in the third trimester section and how big they are and that she’s already as big as them. *

Woman: “I bet you can’t wait to finally have that baby, you are glowing girl!”

Becky: “Babies and I’ve got a long ways to go.”

Woman: “Oh goodness my sister had twins and girl let me tell you they can be quite a hand full.”

Panel Four: Frame: The woman looks shocked and is staring at Becky’s belly

Becky: “I’m only fifteen weeks with octuplets.”

Woman: “Holy fuck...I mean...I’m so sorry please forgive me that was so rude. I’m so sorry.”

Becky: “No offense taken, trust me I know the easiest part of this will be my pregnancy but we’re ready for them. I think.”

Panel Five: *Becky is looking at clothes and the only things that will fit are 40 week shirts. She then notices the lingerie section. *

Panel Six: *She’s holding a few lingerie clothes on her arm and sees the fitting room *

Becky: “Let’s try a few of these on.”


Panel One: * Becky is wearing a small black thong and bra and is checking out herself in the mirror. But she frowns because she doesn’t like how she looks.

Panel Two: *Becky is trying on a two piece, the bra barely fits on her boobs and she’s looking at her butt in the mirror. She still looks upset.*

Becky: “And to think I’m only going to get bigger, I look horrible.”

Panel Three (split): *Becky is trying on a one piece lingerie suit and is holding her belly.* Frame two: *she exhales and rips the one piece.

Becky: “well I guess I’m buying this one.”

Panel Four (split): *Jamal is standing outside the changing room and hears Becky crying and his face is shocked.*

Frame two: *Jamal is close to the changing room door.*

Jamal: “Can I come in real quick sweetheart?”

Becky: “Sure I guess.”

Panel Five: *Jamal is looking at Becky, she has her hand on her belly and the other hand is fiddling with the tear. *

Jamal: “Becky I want to tell you something.

Panel Six: *He wipes away her tears.*

Jamal: “You look absolutely beautiful, from her head, to your belly and those cute toes. I love everything about you.”


Panel One:Jamal and Becky are in the check out line, Jamal is carrying a heavy amount of clothes on both of his arms.

Becky: You sure you got all that my big strong man?

Jamal: Of course I got it for my girl.

Panel Two: The lady is waving for Becky and Jamal to come to her station, a little bit of her pregnant belly is visible from behind the counter.

Lady: I can take the both of you over here!

Panel Three: Becky and the woman both realize their pregnant and Becky see’s she’s the same size as the woman.

Becky: My goodness how far along are you?

Lady: I’m due any minute now. I’m just working and moving to hopefully get this baby out of me soon. How about you?

Becky: Oh...same...same actually I’m due in a week...no two weeks. I almost lost track it’s been such a long pregnancy already.

Lady: Oh girl don’t I know it.

Panel Four: They’re in the car and Jamal is looking puzzled at Becky.

Jamal: Why did you lie to that woman? I mean it wasn’t really a big deal to tell her how far along you really were.

Becky: Not a big deal? Jamal I’m literally as big as she is and I’m not even half way through this pregnancy! Heck when we get a minivan I we might have to put me in the back because I won’t fit in the front anymore.

Jamal: Oh you’re being so dramatic, Becky.

Narration bubble: Little did Jamal know that Becky wasn’t being dramatic

Panel Five: They’re driving and are about to drive by a McFatties the mascot is a morbidly obese look alike of Frichs.

Becky: Oh Jamal pull in here I’m so hungry!

Panel Six:

Intercom: Welcome to McFatty would you like to try our Colossal McTripple with bacon and a large fry and drink for only $5.99?

Jamal: (is about to say no)

Becky: Oh my god yes please! Four of them!


Panel One: Jamal is wide eyed as he’s watching Becky devour her food. Becky is still wearing her seatbelt.

Panel Two: Becky is still eating and her belly gets a little bigger.

Panel Three: Becky looks over at Jamal with her cheeks full of food and mutters.

Becky: What is it?

Jamal: Oh nothing sweetheart

Panel Four: Becky’s belly has gotten bigger and the seatbelt is barely able to hold it back now.

Becky: Did you want any of these fries?

Jamal: I mean I guess not but…

Becky: Okay good I will be honest I didn’t want to share

Panel Five: Becky is still eating and her belly is bulging out of the straps of the seatbelt now.

Becky: I can’t wait until we go van shopping this seatbelt keeps locking up and getting tighter.

Jamal: Yeah...that darn seatbelt is annoying…

Panel Six (split): Becky leans back the seat. Split two: Becky is patting her belly and the bottom of her belly is sticking out of her shirt

Becky: That should hold us over until we get home for dinner

Jamal: Wait, dinner?


Panel One: The two of them are driving. Becky is super excited

Jamal: Do you want to go look at the vans now? Or go to to the baby store and get the cribs?

Becky: Let’s do the van first so I can pack it to the brim with those cute clothes...oh my goodness I can’t wait! Let’s go get that van!

Panel Two:

Becky: But remember we have the doctors appointment today at five.

Jamal: We do?

Becky: Yes I texted you about it already and I believe I also added it to our digital calendar.

Jamal: Oh right, we better head there now.

Panel Three: Becky is laying on the examining bed. The doctor is doing an ultrasound and Jamal is staring at her belly.

Panel Four:  * Ultra sound screen showing the eight babies *

Doctor: So how are things going Becky any nausea, cramps or concerns?

Becky: Surprisingly no I feel great, in fact I feel better now than I did before I got pregnant.

Doctor: And you Jamal. Any concerns?

Panel Five: Jamal is still looking at Becky’s belly as the babies start moving, he looks nervous.

Jamal: Nope. No concerns or issues. How are the babies doing?

Doctor: Good. More than good actually they’re a bit bigger than expected for how far along you are.

Becky: Is that going to be a problem?

Doctor: Not now it won’t but when you’re further along it might be because at this rate they maybe bigger than expected.

Panel Six: The doctor looks at Jamal curiously

Doctor: How are you feeling about this whole situation? Eight babies is quite a lot to handle.

Jamal: Well it’s quite a bit to handle. But I know we will be able to handle it...I hope.

Doctor: I can only imagine, be happy you only have this pregnancy to worry about.

(Split frame): Jamal’s eyes widen / The doctor has a smirk on his face.


Panel One: Frame: The doctor is still looking at the ultrasound while rubbing the probe on her belly,

Doctor: Are you two interested in knowing what you’re having?

(Small Panel): Becky and Jamal happily say yes.

Panel Two: * The doctor is looking closer at the monitor screen*

Doctor: There’s baby A...B...C...D...E...F...G...and finally...H

Panel Three:

Doctor: All of them are... boys!

Panel Four:

Becky: Oh my goodness, all boys?

Jamal: Wow the house is going to get really crazy when they get older, I heard boys can be very rambunctious.

Doctor: Oh very! My brothers and I used to go at each other all the time. Do you want a print out of the ultrasound?

Becky: Of course.

Panel Five: * Jamal is shaking the doctors hand while Becky in trying to get her shirt to fit over her belly in the background *

Doctor: This whole situation has been quite a surprise. But I remember on the visit you mentioned something about pills?

Jamal: Yeah...But it’s nothing they’re gone now?

Doctor: Gone? Like you ran out of them? How many were in there?

Jamal: A lot actually. But they were just workout supplements to help give me a...boost...but it’s nothing.

Doctor: You also mentioned that it made you cum more? How much more exactly?

Panel Six: *Jamal looks concerned *

Jamal: That’s an odd question doc. Why do you ask?

Doctor: Well I would like a sample if you don’t mind. There’s a lot of money to be made as a sperm donor if you’re interested. You can make anywhere from $500 to maybe even a $1,000 per vile if their good quality.”

Jamal: Did you say $1,000? I will definitely take you up on that.

Panel Seven: * Doctor is holding a specimen cup *

Doctor: Great if you’re up to it now I have some paperwork for you to fill out and payment takes about three days.

Jamal: Well...I will need a bigger cup

Doctor: That’s a funny one. This is the biggest cup we have you couldn’t need something bigger than this.

Jamal: Doc trust me on this one.


Artist: Nope No More


Panel One: * Becky is wearing her seat belt and it’s still to tight on her belly *

Becky: Let’s hurry up and go to the dealership this broken seat belt is killing me now

Panel Two: *Jamal is glancing at her belly *

Jamal: *Thinking to himself * I thought her belly would have gone down by now because she ate all that food almost two hours ago.

Panel Three: * Dealership * Sketchy Automotive

Panel Four: *In side the dealership*

Sleazy salesman 01: Oh look someone else in a piece of shit car just pulled up to waste our time again. Who wants them?”

Panel Five: * The sleazy salesman see’s Becky get out of the car and his eyes turn into dollar signs when he see’s her massive belly *

Sleazy Salesman: Nevermind I got this one I’m about to man the harpoons with this whale!

Panel Six: * Jamal and Becky are looking at a mini van, there is a dark devil like shadow behind them with evil eyes. *

Shadow Devil (Sleazy Salesman): Welcome to Shady Automotive how can I help you?


Panel One: * Jamal and the Sleazy Salesman are shaking hands *

Sleazy Salesman: How are you three doing today? Welcome! Welcome! What car can I put in your driveway today?

Becky: Well it’s definitely more than three of us, speaking of which can we see your other vans?

Sleazy Salesman: Of course you can! Here at Sketchy Automotive we make sure that you’re riding in luxury no matter how many the seats. Speaking of which how many are we expecting? Two...three?

Becky: Eight...actually

Panel Two:

Sleazy Salesman: * Dollar signs in his eyes * Holy shi...excuse me...I think we have a few options for you. Please follow me.

Panel Three: Frame: “Somewhere in an underground laboratory”

Panel Four: Frame: There are a lot of scientists in a laboratory looking at computers and mixing chemicals. In the distance there are people floating in large vats.

Scientist: “Doctor do you have a moment I need to show you something from our latest subject.”

The Doctor: “Yes but make it quick.”

Panel Five: The doctor and a young woman that’s also dressed in a lab coat are walking side by side while he’s reading papers on a clipboard.

Scientist: “The results from the new subject are astounding and down right baffling to be honest.”

The Doctor: “Let me get this straight, you take time out of my day to tell me that we’re no closer to knowing what caused his hyper growth? I was already heading over to area B to check on the subject. Could this not have waited until I got over there?”

Scientist: “Well yes and no. We have a few theories as to what might have caused it but we’re not one hundred percent sure. One major theory is that because of his excessive steroid use it caused an obvious negative reaction to sample 0031A.”

The Doctor: “Yes that seems to be obvious now doesn’t it?”

Panel Six: The two scientists are standing in front of a large vat with Muscle Mike floating inside of it. He has an oxygen mask on and multiple wires hooked up to him. His junk is hyper inflated and he appears to be more muscular.

Scientist: “The main idea behind this theory is that not only have his genitals grown to an astronomical rate but his muscles have become larger and more dense. But that’s not even the bulk of it, take a look at these xray pictures.


Panel One: The Doctor and the scientist are looking at a computer screen with an xray of Mike’s brain there is a large mass in his brain.”

Scientist: “At first glance we thought that was a mass to indicate a potential stroke or cancerous cells. But it’s not, it’s his pituitary gland and it’s pumping out so much growth hormone that we think his body is about to undergo a massive growth spurt. But we think there is some type of hormonal trigger that needs to happen first.

The Doctor: “As fascinating as this is I still need to know why this happened. We can’t take this to the public market and have men’s balls become the size of literal beach balls. But I want you to probe deeper and see what reaction you can muster up. In fact, wake him up I think he and I need to have a chat.”

Panel Two: Other scientists are typing away at computers and gages are moving around.

Panel Three: Mikes eyes shoot open in shock and his eye color is brown.

Panel Four: Mikes eyes go from shock to rage and his eyes have veins in them and his eye color changes to purple.

Panel Five: Warning lights start going off on the computers, the scientists look scared because they don’t know what’s going on. The Doctor watches in amusement with a look of intrigue on his face.

Panel Six: Mike’s hands are pressed against the glass of the vat and his muscles are veiny and bulging.

The Doctor: “Well...this looks promising.”


Panel One: Frame: (Back at the dealership)

Panel Two: The salesman is showing Becky and Jamal an expensive looking and massive SUV that looks like a Cadillac Escalade.

Salesman: “Now I know you said a van but let me show you this beauty first! This is the General Auto Magnum XXL Plus. Our top of the line FAMILY suv that’s rated the hightest in safety, seats and luxury.”

Panel Three: Becky and Jamal are looking at one another and seem concerned.

Salesman: “Go ahead and check this beauty out.”

Panel Four: The inside is super nice leather and fancy gadgets, it’s a four row seater, everything looks shiney and expensive. There are tv’s on the head rests and on the roof.

Salesman: “Not only is this a top rate family vehicle in terms of safety. BUT! It also packs a five hundred horsepower engine so after you all drop off the kids. You can take it to the drag strip if you wanted to pops and lay down some rubber.”

Jamal: “That’s nice...I guess. But how many miles per gallon does it get?”

Panel Five:

Salesman: “Miles per gallon. You mean ten smiles per gallon!”

Jamal: “And the price?”

Salesman: “Payments are no problem here at Shady Automotive. Our expert financial scam...I mean financial experts will find the best payment options for you. In fact we could put you in this bad boy for twelve hundred dollars a month for one hundred and twenty months. And a super low rate of thirty five percent. You can’t beat that, I guarantee it!”

Becky: “Goodness no! That’s as much as our house! We’re in the forty thousand dollar range and nothing more.”

Panel Six: The salesman eye is twitching.

Salesman: “Oh...just forty thouand dollars...that’s it? I want to make sure you all get the best deal and something that will...last you years down the road.”

Jamal: “You heard the misses, forty thousand dollars. And that’s with tax, title and fees.”


Panel One: (The salesman has a Grench like smile on his face)

Salesman: “Follow me I think I have just the thing for you.”

Panel Two: (Becky is waddling and has her hand on her back and is struggling to walk)

Jamal: “You okay sweetheart?”

Becky: “Yes, they’re just a bit heavy.”

Panel Three: ( A mini van with rust and a flat tire, it looks like junk)

Salesman: “I have the perfect vehicle for you and it’s perfect for your budget.”

Panel Four: Becky and Jamal sigh.

Panel Five: Becky looks upset

Becky: “I think we need to go somewhere else, thank you for your time.”

Panel Six:

Salesman: “Oh no don’t go! There are so many options here on our lot and our other ones. And besides, Sketchy Automotive owns most of the dealerships in the state and we all partner with one another. So even if you leave, we’re all the same.”


Panel One: ( Back at the underground lab. Mike is punching the glass which has cracked and is spraying out water)

Scientist: “Sir what should we do?”

The Doctor: “Activate the containment protocol of course. But hurry up and finish draining the tank and release him. Those vats are expensive and I don’t want him to completely break it.”

Panel Two: Mikes body becomes more muscular and his veins are getting thicker. The Doctor is looking at the computer screen while everyone else seems to be panicking around him.

The Doctor: “Fascinating his rage is triggering his growth. This is remarkable! Get the tranquilizer guns ready!”

Panel Three: The vat has drained and has lifted. Mike is standing on the platform flexing his large muscles and yelling with rage.

Panel Four: The Doctor is surrounded by other scientist wearing hazmat armour and long rifles that are pointed at Muscle Mike.

The Doctor: “Knock him out and strap him down and bring him to the observation chamber in Area C. I have a semen specimen to go look at before we have our little chat with this brute.”

Panel Five: The Doctor is walking down a hallway by himself and he looks like he’s pondering.

Thought Bubble: “This is remarkable! The possible reaction of his steroid use has caused him to become incredibly strong but his anger seems to be out of control. The fact that he was able to crack a ten inch thick sheet of glass was astronomical. I have to pin down why this has happened to him and if I can target that. There could be a potential of a military contract in my future.

Panel Six: The Doctor is standing in a doorway. There is a scientist looking in a microscope.

The Doctor: “What have you found out with the sample that we were given by Jamal.”

The Scientist: “Come and take a look yourself, sir. You won’t believe it.”


Panel One: The salesman looks sweaty and frustrated.

Salesman: “Okay since those other fourteen vehicles didn’t work for you how about this one?”

Panel Two: Frame (A van that looks like a Honda Odyssey, there is a halo around the van because it’s perfect for Becky and Jamal.)

Salesman: “This is the Econda Hybrid Flex. It’s a three row seater and it goes for thirty two thousand dollars.”

Jamal: “Well that looks nice, why didn’t we start off with this one?”

Salesman: “Well it’s nothing compared to the General Auto Magnum XXL Plus that I first showed you. Does it get better mileage, yes! Is it cheaper in terms of maintenance? Probably. Is it more practical for daily use? Maybe. But what will people think when they see you arrive in this? Compared to the Magnum XXL?”

Becky: “I’m not concerned with what people think about us.”

Panel Three: Becky and Jamal are checking out the van with excitement.

Panel Four: Becky gets into the driver seat and her belly is pressed against the steering wheel causing the horn to go off.

Panel Five: She pushes the seat back and she realizes she won’t have enough room when her belly gets bigger.

Jamal: “Everything okay up here?”

Becky: “Yeah. I just won’t have enough room once I get bigger if I needed to go somewhere.”

Jamal: “Well you won’t be pregnant forever so don’t worry about sweetheart.”

Panel Six: Jamal is smiling and the Salesman looks mad.

Jamal: We’ll take it.

Salesman: (Mumbles to himself) “Of course you’ll take the cheap one and lower my commission.”

Jamal: “What was that?”

Salesman: “Nothing sir! I will get the paperwork ready for you.”


Panel One: The specimen is so compacted with sperm that they can’t move.

The Doctor: “This is...astounding...astronomical...it’s…it’s better than I could have imagined!”

Panel Two: The Doctor is looking happily at the other scientist.

The Doctor: “Have you done a full analysis of her sperm? Count, concentration, all of it?”

The Scientist: “Yes sir. The results are beyond impressive.”

Panel Three: The Scientist is looking at a computer screen while The Doctor looks back in the microscope.

The Scientist: “His count his approximately one hundred and fifty percent higher than than the average man, possibly in the tens of billions. The sperm itself are perfect, actually they’re stronger than anything I’ve personally seen. Their tails are thicker and longer, making them the perfect swimmers. In fact I have found no defaults in a single one I’ve seen. And his cum volume is impossible. The nurse at the clinic had to give him a lemonade picture to catch the sample.”

Panel Four: The Scientist continues.

The Scientist: “As long as the woman is ovulating, and her egg is mature. With how his specimen looks, his cum volume and the way his sperm are structured…”

The Doctor: “Conception theoretically will be at one hundred percent.”

The Scientist: “Exactly. Congrats, sir. This is the breakthrough we’ve been looking for.”

Panel Five: The Scientist continues.

The Scientist: “But we do have something that may present itself to be a problem. We found traces of an unknown hormone that we think is released as a pheromone of some kind, what it does exactly I’m unsure.”

The Doctor: “Fascinating. In theory since pregnancy should be one hundred percent...hmm...find Agent 069 and send her to my clinic.”

Panel Six: Agent 069 is laying down on the exam table in the doctor's clinic next to the ultrasound machine. Her stomach has a small bulge.


Panel One: Jamal is putting on his gym clothes an Becky is in the room watching him.

Becky: “Your heading back to work already?”

Jamal: “Yes sweetheart but only for a few hours. Mike told me about a bodybuilding competition that’s nearby so I want to see if I can get a booth or something at the event for advertising.”

Becky: “Mike? You mean that meat head from high school? What was he doing at your gym?”

Panel Two:

Jamal: “I’m not sure honestly. I thought he left the city years ago, but he claims he’s a professional bodybuilder and we had a grudge match. I almost lost to him.”

Becky: “Almost lost? What do you mean?”

Jamal: “It’s hard to explain. I just got this massive burst of energy and I was able to lift and squat more weight than I’ve ever attempted. I felt so...powerful.”

Becky: “Well be careful Jamal you have nothing to prove to him or anyone else.

Panel Three:

Jamal: “I know but I just wanted to show him that he’s not as big and bad as he thinks he is. And he even confronted me in the shower room. He was so pissed.”

Becky: “What happened? What did he say?”

Panel Four: Jamal has a thought bubble of the three women he had sex with in the shower room.

Jamal: “I told him off, finished my shower and he had vanished.”

Panel Five:

Becky: “Well good, I’m glad he won’t be a problem anymore for you.”

Jamal: “Yeah I guess so, I think he left town or something because I haven’t seen him since that night.”

Panel Six: Becky looks curious.

Becky: “What night?”

Jamal: “Oh...I meant since that day of him getting all pissed off. Yeah, that’s what I meant.”


Panel One: Jamal is waving to Becky as he’s leaving in his car.

Panel Two:

Becky: “He was acting a bit odd. it’s probably nothing Becky, keep your nose out of it.”

Panel Three: Her belly starts to grumble because she’s hungry again.

Panel Four: Her hand is on her belly and she looks hungry.

Becky: “Hungry already? Yeah me too I didn’t want to tell your daddy how hungry we were again when we were at the dealership. I feel like I’m starving.”

Panel Five: Frame (The fridge is open and is full of delicious food)

Becky: “Okay just a little snack until your daddy gets back for dinner.”

Panel Six: Becky is carrying a large amount of food in her arms and looks happy.


ARTIST: NopeMoreAss



Panel One: Becky is admiring all the food that she’s laid out on the table while her stomach continues to growl.

Becky: “Don’t worry boys, momma’s about to feed you.”

Panel Two: Becky starts shoveling food into her mouth.

Becky: “So...good!”

Panel Three: Becky’s belly grows and get’s closer to the table.

Panel Four (SPLIT):

Split One: She uses a spoon to eat soup.

Split Two: She takes the soup bowl and starts drinking out of it.

Panel Five: Her belly is now touching the table and it’s sticking out at the bottom of her shirt. There are multiple empty bowels and chicken bones on plates.

Panel Six: Her belly is now pressing against the table.


Panel One: Becky struggles to get up from the chair.

Panel Two: She waddles back to the fridge and her belly is bouncing up and down. She has her hand on her back.

Becky: “Gosh you all are so heavy.”

Panel Three (SPLIT):

Split One: Becky grabs a bottle that says Heavy Cream from the shelf on the fridge, there is still some food in the fridge.

Split Two: She smells it and is smiling.

Panel Four: She’s drinking the heavy cream and her belly is stretched out further from under her shirt. She’s spilling some of the cream on herself.

Panel Five: She’s smelling a box of chinese food.

Becky: Smells good to me!

Panel Six: She’s slurping a large noodle happily.


Panel One: Becky is now on her kees as she continues to heat, her stomach is close to touching the floor.

Panel Two: There is a large ham leg on the top shelf of the fridge there is a halo around it.

Becky: “Well hello there!”

Panel Three: She has the ham leg in her hand.

Becky: I feel kind of full but for some reason I really...really want this.

Panel Four: POV of her looking down at her massive belly. She sees the food on her shirt and how her belly is stretched out past her shirt.

Becky: “Oh my lord! My belly!”

Panel Five: She’s struggling to get up

Becky: “Come on girl...you got this...get...up.”

Panel Six: She’s bent over and is using the fridge door to keep her balance, her huge belly is hanging downwards and she looks exhausted.


Panel One: She notices that she still has the ham leg in her hand.

Panel Two: She’s smelling the ham.

Becky: “I really don’t need to eat this.”

Panel Three (SPLIT):

Spilt One: She has her mouth wide open over the ham.

Spit Two: She bites down on he ham and is taking a big bite.

Panel Four (SPLIT):

Spit One: She’s taking more bites like an animal.

Spit Two: The ham is almost gone.

Panel Five: POV of Becky bent over in front of the fridge still eating.

Becky: “I need more food!”

Panel Six: A picture of Becky and Jamal is on the wall, Becky’s shadow is on the wall and it shows her devouring food.

Becky: “I’m so hungry!”


Panel One: The Doctor is closing the door behind himself, Agent 069 is laying down on the exam table still and she’s looking at him.

The Doctor: “Agent 069, you got here in perfect timing as usual.”

Agent 069: “Hi Doc. Do you really have to keep calling me that? Can’t you just say Netosha?”

The Doctor: “No. When you were hired you were given that name as you know. There is no purpose for me to call you by your name. The same goes with you calling me by mine.”

Panel Two:

Agent 069: “Okay Doctor, why am I here?”

The Doctor: “Because I think the experiment subject Jamal, got you pregnant.”

Agent 069: “I highly doubt that Doctor.”

The Doctor: “And why is that?”

Panel Three: Agent 069 has her shirt lifted up and the doctor is preparing the ultrasound machine.

Agent 069: “Because I had just got off my period when I encountered Jamal, which means I wasn’t even ovulating at the time.”

Panel Four: POV, The Doctors hand is squirting the gel onto her small belly bump.

Agent 069: “So as you know Doctor it takes a few weeks for a woman to ovulate after her period.

Panel Five: POV The Doctor’s hand is holding the monitor on her belly

Agent 069: “Besides with my line of work there’s no way that…”

Panel Six: The Doctor has turned the ultrasound monitor towards Agent 069 and there is a tiny fetus on the monitor.

Agent 069: “I’m pregnant!?”



Panel One: Agent 069 is sitting up on the exam table with her hand on her belly, she looks super nervous. The Doctor is sitting in the chair next to her.

The Doctor: “If you decide to keep it, the foundation will compensate you accordingly. In the meantime I have some questions for you.”

Agent 069: “How could this be? It’s impossible!”

The Doctor: “I will get to that in a moment. But first, my questions.”

Panel Two:

The Doctor: “Tell me about your initial encounter with the subject Jamal and why you broke your observation ONLY protocol with the subject.”

Panel Three: (FLASH BACK) Agent 069 is on the bench press and her POV angle is directed at Jamal’s big dick bulge.

Agent 069 Speech Bubble: “When I encountered Jamal I requested a workout. I was about to start the questioning process when I noticed his...well...his rather large outline of his dick. And I became aroused. In fact I think he noticed I was looking and I think I may have overdone the honey potting with my cleavage.”

Panel Four: (FLASHBACK) POV of Jamal’s bugle stretching his gym shorts a little as he starts to get hard.

Agent 069: “At first I was able to ignore it and continue my workout with him but as time went on, there was something about him that made my heart race. It made my stomach feel hot and I felt like I was losing control over myself. I wanted him so badly. And then I saw his bulge get even bigger and there was this amazing smell.

Panel Five: (FLASHBACK) Agent 069 is sitting upwards on the bench and is sweating, her hair has gotten wet from all the sweat.

The Doctor: “The amazing smell, tell me more about that.”

Agent 069: “I wish I could Doctor, it’s hard to describe but even though he had left to go to his office I could still smell him. He smelled so...strong, I guess would be the word. I can’t describe it. I sat there for a moment and continued to try and maintain my over but suddenly I longed for him. I had to feel him.”

Panel Six: (FLASHBACK) Agent 069 is staggering down a long hallway with many doors. Her pussy is dripping wet and she is sweating heavily.

Agent 069: “Even though I didn’t see where he went I knew how to find him. I kept telling myself to stop but my body wouldn’t let me. It was as if I was on autopilot or something. I didn’t even have to check the rooms to see where he went too, I just knew.”


Panel One: (FLASHBACK) The door is open and she’s looking at Jamal. His underwear have torn because of his increasing hard on size and his shirt is lifted up because he was about to change his clothes.

Agent 069: “When I saw him standing there with his massive dick and how heavy his balls looked. I snapped. In fact I threatened to get his business shut down because I said I was a huge influencer on LifeStalker. He caved so quickly that I think he wanted me too. And he took another pill before we started.

The Doctor: “Fascinating, why would he take more? Continue on.”

Panel Two: POV of Agent 069 looking down at Jamal inside of her, he’s obviously too big for her.

Agent 069: “When he was inside me I felt so euphoric and even though he was too big for me I didn’t want him to stop. I felt the pills take effect on him I believe because suddenly it felt as if his dick got bigger and I could feel the weight of his balls swinging back and forth.

Panel Three: (X-ray of Jamal filling her womb)

Agent 069: “When he finally came I could feel the rush of his hot cum literally beginning to fill my womb. You would thinking having my stomach swell up like that would hurt, but in fact it was the total opposite. I didn’t want him to stop.”

The Doctor: “Interesting, did his stamina decrease as your sexual session progressed?”

Agent 069: “No, in fact the more he came the more energy he got. There were a few times I wanted him to stop because I felt like my stomach was going to explode. But I couldn’t manage the words...nor did I want to say them.”

Panel Four: (FLASHBACK) Agent 069 is laying down on Jamal’s desk and is exhausted, her belly is swollen and she’s leaking cum.

Agent 069: “When he was finally finished I think he passed out but I was too tired to check up on him. And that’s when I checked my phone and saw that you were waiting for me outside.”

Panel Five: (PRESENT DAY) The Doctor is sitting in his chair and is taking notes.

The Doctor: “Interesting. Well you see where you’ve put me in a difficult situation. Your observation mission has become a total failure, I needed you to keep track of Becky and befriend her. Which might be possible due to your current condition. But the story behind your pregnancy may present a problem if Jamal has a sudden lapse in judgement and tells his wife what happened. If that happened then I doubt they will come back for future visits.”

Panel Six:  Agent 069’s face looks worried.

The Doctors Speech Bubble: “Now, what am I going to do with you?”



Panel One: The Doctor is in an elevator and is thinking to himself.

The Doctor Thought Bubble: “I’m so close to a solid breakthrough and once that is reached The Foundation will be at the forefront of saving the human race’s steep population decline. We’ve advanced so far in society that people aren’t having enough kids to sustain the economic structure for future generations. And on top of that infertility among the masses has grown over the decades at an alarming rate. When this is finally released to the public I will revolutionize the future of humanity.”

Panel Two: The Doctor is out of the elevator and is walking past a few scientists that look injured.

Panel Three: The Doctor stops and is examining the other scientists.

The Doctor: “What happened here?”

The Scientist: “The test subject Mike went ballistic once the tranquilizers wore off. We couldn’t keep him contained and he kept growing.”

The Doctor: “Growing?”

The Scientist: “Yes sir. He’s in Area A’s holding cell.”

The Doctor: “That area is strictly for animals.”

The Scientist: “I know, sir.”

Panel Four: The Doctor is walking through Area A and walks past a monkey with hyper sized balls and a massive dick. * This character will be a spin off character, please ask me for the OC reference image if it’s not given. *

Panel Five: The Doctors face looks shocked.

Panel Six: Mike is in a large cage metal bar cage and he’s triple his muscle size, he’s become a ten foot tall giant hulk like monster.

The Doctor: “Well...fuck.”


Panel One: The Doctors face and hair is being blown back as if he’s in front of a high wind force. Mike is yelling at him.


Panel Two: The Doctor is calm and has his leg crossed with a tape recorder in his hand.

The Doctor: “We definitely plan on letting you out Mike. But first we need you to calm down and answer some questions.”

Panel Three:

The Doctor: “Mike. My colleagues call me The Doctor, I run this place and my job is to figure out what happened to you and why you’re like this. Do you remember how this happened to you?”

Mike: “Pills make Mike like this.”

The Doctor: “Pills. What pills? And how many did you take?”

Mike: “Mike don’t know, Mike take a lot of them. Mike grow bigger, stronger! Mike is the best!”

Panel Four: Mike’s balls are the size of basketballs and his dick is as big as his forearm.

The Doctor: I see that those pills are really affecting you in other ways as well. When did you get like that?”

Mike: “When Mike was with...with...JAMAL HE DO THIS TO MIKE!”

Panel Five: The Doctor looks curious

The Doctor: “How did this Jamal person do this to you?”

Mike: “He give Mike pills at Hoppers, Mike fuck girls, Mike balls get heavy and he grow.”

Panel Six: The Doctor waves over one of the scientists.

The Doctor: “According to our friend Mike we might have more subjects at a club called Hoppers. Find out if there were any girls that may have...interacted...with Mike and the other subject.”

Scientist: “Yes sir.”



Panel One: Mike’s veins start bulging and he’s sweating.

Mike: “Mike feel like he about to grow again. Mike want out of cage. Mike getting angry little man lie to him. Mike answer little man questions!”

Panel Two: Mike’s muscles and dick start to grow and he looks angrily at The Doctor.

The Doctor: “Interesting.”

Panel Three:

The Doctor: “Let the subject...I mean Mike out of the cage.”

One of the Scientists: “But sir he’s to dangerous!”

The Doctor: “Let him out.”

Scientist holding a tranquilizer rifle: “Sir!”

The Doctor: “Now!”

Panel Four: One of the scientists is shaking as he pulls up on a lever on the wall that opens the cage.

Panel Five: Mike is out of the cage and he looks enraged as he towers over everyone else. The other scientists look terrified but The Doctor remains seated and looks unphased.

The Doctor: “Put your rifles on the ground.”

Scientist: “S-sir..”

Panel Six: The scientists drop their rifles on the ground and are shaking in fear.

The Doctor: “I kept my promise, now Mike. Keep yours, I need you to relax and calm down. Breath with me.”


Panel One (SPLIT):

SPLIT ONE: Mike’s face become calmer

SPLIT TWO: He starts to shrink

Panel Two: Show how Mike has shrunk down back to normal.

Panel Three: Mike looks dizzy, his dick and balls are still to big but he’s now back to his normal size and muscle mass.

The Doctor: “Good. Very good. Let’s find you a change of clothes.”

Panel Four: The Doctor notices that one of the female scientists is sweating and she has her legs crossed. He can tell her crotch is wet because she’s horny.

The Doctor: “You there. What on Earth is wrong with you woman?”

Female Scientist: “I don’t know sir. I can’t help myself. There’s something about him...I can’t control it.”

Panel Five: Mike is looking at the female scientist and smiles.

Mike: That’s because she knows what she wants Doc, and I’ll give it to her.”

The Doctor: “Hm. That might be an option for you Mike. I have an interesting idea.

Panel Six:

The Doctor: “Take to an observation room. And I want one of you to get a sweat sample from our good friend Mike.


Panel One: The female scientist is strapped down to a bed and she’s going crazy. There’s an ultrasound machine next to her.

Female Scientist: “Where is he Doctor!? Where is Mike!? Where is he!?”

The Doctor: “First let me test something and then Mike is all your’s. But you have to sit still so I can do an ultrasound.”

Panel Two: The Doctor has the probe on her stomach, the woman is still shaking.

The Doctor: “Just as I suspected. She’s ovulating. Now to test to see if Mike is just as potent as Jamal. Go ahead and strip down.”

Panel Three: The Doctor leaves the room and is looking at the female scientist through an observation window. He presses a button on the wall.

The Doctor: “Bring in Mike.”

Panel Four: Mike walks into the observation room and the female scientist jumps on him.

The Doctor: “Now let’s see how this goes, turn on the hidden cameras at all angles.”

Panel Five: Mike erection is massive and veiny, it’s obviously too big for the female scientist but the woman looks eager to try it.

Panel Six: POV of The Doctor and two other scientist looking out the observation window at Mike and the scientist having sex. The scientists look shocked and horrified, The Doctor looks intrigued.


Artist: NopeMoreAss


Panel One: Becky is sitting on the couch with food on her face, her belly is much bigger to the point her shirt can barely hold it in. She looks misrable.

Becky: “Ugh...my tummy. I think we over did it boys. It feels so hard.”

Panel Two: Becky sees her reflection of her messy face and food stained clothes in the reflection of their flat screen television and looks dissapointed.

Becky: “Oh Becky, look at yourself girl. You’re a mess, what is wrong with you?”

Panel Three: She’s struggling to get up off of the couch and is grunting while she’s doing it.
Becky: “Come on! So...damn...heavy!”

Panel Four: She’s finally able to stand upright and has her hand on her back.

Panel Five: She’s at he bottom of her stairs look up them.

Becky: “I’m so tempted to go outside and hose myself off instead of climbing up these stairs...here goes nothing I guess.”

Panel Six: She’s at the of the stairs bent over and leaning against the wall and is exhausted. Her big belly is hanging and her shirt as raised up almost to her breasts.


Panel One: Becky is taking off her shirt.
Becky: “Atta-girl let’s get freshened up we have things to do today.”

Panel Two: Her heavy breasts

Panel Three: Her bent over as she’s taking off her panties

Panel Four: The water from the shower hitting her breasts and belly, her hair is wet and has went from her typical style to long and hanging.

Panel Five: Her rubbing her breasts and lathering them up with soap

Panel Six: The silhouette of Becky in the shower washing up from outside of the shower.


Panel One: Jamal is walking through a large crowd of people and a few of them are very muscular looking men and women.

Panel Two: There is a large banner that says, Ronald Swartzannager Body Building Show, that two men on a ladder are hanging up.

Panel Three: Jamal approaches a big and strong woman and looks nervously at her.

Jamal: “Excuses me...miss...can you please tell me where I can find the vendor registration?”

Lady: “Find the man in the red shirt, he’s in charge of the vendors, he’s around here somewhere.”

Jamal: “T-thanks.”

Panel Four: Overhead view of Jamal walking through the crowd of booths that are on each side of the room.

Panel Five: There’s a booth with a picture of a super muscular bald man he’s holding a container of protein and is flexing. The banner on the booth says, Enraged Bull Protein! Grow Like A Beast!

Panel Six: Another booth shows a picture of a man and a woman who are super skinny and lean and happy looking. The banner on the booth says, LaxaTea! You’ll Be Summer Ready In No Time!


Panel One: Jamal sees the guy in the red shirt. He’s a scrawny looking guy that’s a little hunched over and is bald he has scruffy facial hair.

Jamal: “Excuse me sir, can I speak with you for a second?”

Panel Two: The man looks at Jamal with his eyebrow arched.

Man: “What can I do for you? The event doesn’t start for another five days. If you’re trying to enter into the bodybuilding competition, then I’m sorry to inform you all slots are filled.”

Jamal: “Oh no, I’m not a bodybuilder I’m a vendor.”

Panel Three: Jamal’s face looks as if he’s trying to hide the fact that he’s annoyed.

Man: “Okay good because with your condition you would surely lose compared to our other guys.”

Jamal: “Yeah...I bet...Anyway, I would like to register for my own booth.”

Panel Four: People are walking around the two of them.

Man: “Are you a part of our gold vendor program?”

Jamal: “No sir, I’m a local gym owner.”

Man: “Oh...so you’re a local business owner. Well that qualifies you for our discounted rate. I can get you in touch with the coordinator and she will get you a booth location.”

Jamal: “Great! By the way what is the discounted rate?”

Panel Five: The man is smiling but Jamal looks wide eyed.

Man: “$50,000, will that be an issue?”

Jamal: “Oh...well...no...but I will have to talk it over with the misses first of course.”

Man: “You will have to talk it over with your wife first in order to make a business decision at one of the biggest bodybuilding events in the world? Well fine. But just know that if another vendor walks into here your spot will be taken.”

Jamal: “Oh…”

Panel Six: The man is smiling like the Grench with a large devilish smile.

Man: “But we do take payments at very low interest rates I will go and get the paperwork and show you to the coordinators mobile office.”


Panel One: A woman is watching Jamal in the distance of the crowd while he’s talking to the man her finger is on her earpiece.

Earpiece: “Status report Agent 171.”

Agent 171: “I’ve followed the subject to some type of health competition, he’s talking to what appears to be an employee. I can’t get a lock on their moving lips to lip read the conversation.”

Earpiece: “Very well. Find a way to infiltrate and keep a close eye on him. Your task will be to see if the subject any smells, document them only then report back.”

Agent 171: “Smells, sir?”

Earpeice: “That is correct, over and out.”

Panel Two: The doctor is sitting at a large desk, there is a microphone in front of him and computer screens. There is another scientist in the room with him.

Scientist: “Well according to our findings so far with Mike. Are you sure that Agent 171 will be able to just document her findings without the possibility of losing control like Agent 069?”

The Doctor: “We shall see. But just like the subject Mike there has to be a trigger that causes the pheromone. According to Agent 171 there are plenty of women at the event, including herself of course. And none of them have responded the way our female scientists did to our subject.”

Panel Three: The Doctor is typing on his computer

The Doctor: “I personally examined Agent 171 before she left and she’s not ovulating and shows minor signs that she’s about to release any mature eggs. I have a working theory and she is just the new test subject.”

Scientist: “Ah...very good sir.”

Panel Four: Jamal is standing in front of a fat woman that’s sitting behind the desk, her finger is pointing to a part on a stack of papers. Jamal looks nervous.

Lady: “And sign here as well handsome, this states that you are aware of any fees that may occur after your payment is five days late. And then once I get a few more signatures we will be good to go.”

Panel Five: The woman is looking at the bulge of Jamal’s gym gym shorts and is biting her lower lip

Lady: “Are you also considering entering into the competition?”

Jamal: No ma’am”

Lady: “Oh my, such a shame, I would have loved to see you on stage. Anyway we’re on the last part and then your booth will be in section twenty one c.”

Panel Six: Agent 171 is outside of a mobile trailer with the word vendor coordinator written on the door. She has her ear placed on the door and is snooping in on their conversation.

Agent 171: “Twenty-one C...got it.”


Panel One: Jamal is back in the venue and is holding map in his hand.

Jamal: “Twenty-one...C...where is…”

Agent 171: “Mr. Jamal?”

Panel Two: Jamal looks over at a woman with long hair, she’s wearing a red shirt with tan shorts. She’s happily waving at him.

Panel Three: She’s shaking his hand happily and is wearing a name tag.

Agent 171: “Hey sir! Nice to meet you I’m your booth assistant.”

Jamal: “Oh cool! Nice to meet you...Anna...I’m Jamal...I mea well you already knew that.”

Panel Three: Agent 171 is flexing her bicep and smiling.

Agent 171: “Well let’s get started! You’ve got my help for the entire time of the event. I’m really strong so I can help you carry anything you need from your truck or trailer and help you get set up. Also, we can go over a product list and if you have any scripts or uniforms for me to wear. I can help you with that too!”

Jamal: “Awesome! I was going to have my employee Chad do all of that with me but it’s great that I have you along instead. I will have to go back to my gym to grab a few things, I will be back.”

Agent 171: “Oh no problem I will come with you to help.”

Panel Four: Jamal looks nervous and is rubbing the back of his neck.

Jamal: “Oh no that’s fine I can grab it all.”

Agent 171: “Well between you and me. That was a lot of money to pay to do everthing yourself. You might as well let me do my job to help justify some of those expenses.”

Jamal: “Well you have a point there. Let’s get going then.”

Panel Five: Jamal is driving his car and Agent 171 is sitting in the passanger seat next to him. He’s highly focused on the road.

Jamal Thought Bubble: “What was I thinking signing without talking to Becky first? She’s going to be so pissed I didn’t talk to her first especially since she does all the accounting. Fuck! Maybe I can talk to her about getting back into being a journalist again. But she will know something’s up she’s noisy like that. Fuck!”

Panel Six: Agent 171 is glancing over at Jamal

Agent 171: “What’s so special about Jamal that has everyone at The Foundation on high alert? I wish they would tell me things so I know what’s going on. Why is he so special? And what on earth is The Doctor talking about with this...smell?”


Panel One: Jamal’s car is in front of his gym.

Jamal speech bubble: “Alright this is it. I have a truck around back with a small trailer we will use to load everything up and luckily it’s all in the back of the building in a storage closet.”

Panel Two: Jamal is waving at Chad as he’s walking by the front desk, Agent 171 is with him and Chad looks stunned at how pretty she is.

Jamal: “Hey Chad how are things going today?”

Chad: “Wow...I mean great Jamal. I got a few new sign ups and I have some follow up calls to make. But besides that it’s the same as usual.”

Jamal: “You’re the man Chad! Keep it up!”

Panel Three: Chad is watching the two of them walking away and looks baffled.

Chad thought bubble: “First that red haired chick and now this lady, Jamal better hope Becky doesn’t find out about these foxy ladies. I don’t want to be around here when she does. Oh well...none of my business.”

Panel Four: Jamal and Agent 171 are walking down a hallway.

Agent 171: “If you don’t mind me asking, what got you into the fitness industry?”

Jamal: “Oh I don’t mind you asking at all. It’s actually a family business, my grandfather passed it down to my dad and now I have the business.”

Agent 171: “Oh wow that’s amazing! Do you like it?”

Panel Five: Jamal is smiling as he’s talking to her.

Jamal: “I love it actually. I have so many great memories of working out, learning and meeting new people when my dad ran this place. And maybe one day I will pass down the mantle to one of my sons.”

Agent 171: “Oh that’s sweet, how many kids do you have?”

Panel Six: Jamal looks kind of nervous the two of them are now standing in front of a door that says Storage.

Jamal: “Well they’re not born yet. But I soon will be the proud dad of...eight boys.”

Agent 171: “What? Eight? For real?”

Jamal: “Yeah crazy right? But it’s the truth my wife is at home right now lugging around eight healthy babies inside of her belly.”


Panel One: Agent 171 looks wide eyed.

Agent 171: “I hate to be nosey but did you all do IVF or something?”

Jamal: “Surprisingly no, I mean I took some pills that helped me out in...ways...but that’s about it. And low and beyond, eight boys are now on the way.”

Agent 171: “I don’t know what else to say besides good luck and I mean that in a loving way.”

Jamal: “Thanks. Well this is it let’s hop to it.”

Panel Two: The two of them are inside of a large storage closet, there are banners, trophies, weight equipment and stacks of papers on shelves everywhere.

Jamal: “I can show you what we need to grab. Sorry it’s kind of a mess in here I don’t come in here often especially since I didn’t hear about the competition until recently.”

Panel Three: Agent 171 is carrying a box

Agent 171 thought bubble: “Pills? Eight babies on the way. What is The Doctor not telling me? And now I’m on assignment with this guy to what? Smell him? What the fuck is going on with this assignment? And this damn finger pricker thing in my pocket The Doctor gave me to use if I smell something is beyond weird. Fuck it, with what they’re paying me I won’t ask questions until this contract is over.”

Panel Four: A mirage of Agent 171 and Jamal carrying a lot of stuff back and forth through the hallway.

Panel Five: Jamal is sweating and so is Agent 171 he has a box in his hands while he’s talking to her.

Jamal: “Sorry it’s so hot in here there aren’t any vents that go into this room, it’s an old building.”

Agent 171: “That’s fine I will adjust myself in a moment to cool down.”

Jamal: “I need to do the same, let me go and grab some cold waters out of the customer fridge and I will be right back.”

Panel Six: Jamal is at the fridge getting two water bottles out and is still sweating.

Jamal thought bubble: “She’s one hell of a hard worker but for fifty thousand dollars I guess they would give me a hard worker. And she’s pretty damn cute too. NO JAMAL! Get your head out of your ass you’ve got things to do! What the hell is wrong with you!”


Panel One: Jamal is about to walk back into the storage room, there is a shadow silhouette of Agent 171 bent over in the room picking something up.

Jamal: “Hey I got us some…”

Panel Two: Jamal stops in the doorway and is wide eyed as he looks at Agent 171. She’s bent over with her hair up and her shirt is off. She’s wearing a training bra and her butt cheeks are sticking out a bit.

Agent 171: “Oh great! Thanks Jamal.”

Panel Three: Jamal is watching her drink the water and sees the sweat dripping down her sexy body. He’s still holding his water bottle.

Panel Four: His dick bulge grows a little and there’s a cloud of the pheromone around him.

Panel Five: Agent 171 has her eyes closed as she’s chugging the water, the pheromone cloud is close to her.

Panel Six: The pheromone cloud has surrounded her and her eyes are wide open as she smells it.


Panel One: Agent 171 has stopped drinking the water and is looking around the room.

Agent 171 thought bubble: “What is that smell? It smells, it smells like...like? I don’t know but I have to find out where it’s coming from. Is this the smell The Doctor was talking about?”

Panel Two: Agent 171 is talking to Jamal, he has his head tilted up because he’s smelling the air.

Agent 171: “Do you smell that?”

Jamal: “No. I don’t smell anything. Well I do smell the rubber from the gym mats that have been in here for a while but that’s about it. Does it smell bad?”

Agent 171: “Yes. I mean no. I mean I can’t tell what it smells like but...I have to find out what it is.”

Panel Three (SPLIT):

SPLIT ONE: Agent 171 is walking closer to Jamal but she’s still looking around the room.

Agent 171: “The smell is so much stronger now...it’s…”

SPLIT TWO: Agent 171 is standing in front of Jamal now

Agent 171: “It’s you.”

Panel Four: Jamal is smelling himself

Jamal: “Oh sorry about that I guess I’m a bit sweaty I have a shower here and a change of clothes. I can freshen up before we get out of here. Apologies.”

Agent 171: “No, no, it’s not a bad smell. It’s...well...rather amazing actually.”

Panel Five: Agent 171’s nipples have gotten hard and are poking from her training bra she’s looking at Jamal with a big smile and she’s really close to him now.

Agent 171: “In fact I can’t get enough of it.”

Panel Six: Agent 171’s face looks shocked.

Agent 171 thought bubble: “Wait what the hell am I doing!? Snap out of it girl you’re an Agent not some...some...HOE! Get a grip! Is this what The Doctor was talking about? Wait! The finger prick! He said I have to do the finger prick if I smelled something or else the contract is voided!”

Agent 171: “Um excuse me...I need to use your restroom.”


Panel One: Agent 171 is in the women’s restroom and is looking at herself in the mirror, she’s sweating heavily.

Agent 171: “Get a grip girl, what the hell is wrong with you?”

Panel Two: She pulls out a small device with a single button on it, there’s a note on it that says ‘place on finger and push button’

Panel Three: The device is on her finger and there is a click noise.

Agent 171: “Ouch!”

Panel Four: Back at the underground lab a computer is beeping

Scientist: “Well that was faster than expected. Doctor the readings are in from the hormone device you gave 171.”

The Doctor: “Excellent, open them up and let’s take a look shallwe?”

Panel Five: The doctors glasses are gleaming as they reflect charts and numbers in them, he has a huge smile on his face.

The Doctor: “This is remarkable and better than I had theorized! Her Luteinizing hormone is off the charts! As well as other hormones, rather interesting.”

The Scientist: “Meaning what exactly Doctor?”

Panel Six: The Doctor's smile is much bigger

The Doctor: “It means that Jamal is triggering this by making her brain overreact and it forces her into ovulation. Tell her to report back immediately and I have more tests I want to run.”


Panel One: Jamal has closed the door to the storage room and his face looks panicked.

Jamal: “Shit I need to find a bucket or something.”

Panel Two: Jamal’s hard one is trying to break through his gym shorts and his balls have grown.

Panel Three: Back at the underground a scientist is talking to The Doctor, she has a cellphone in her hand.

Scientist: “That was 171, she’s left his gym and is on her way to the rendezvous point now for pick up. But something seems wrong, her voice sounded stressed.”

The Doctor: “Oh no, nothing is wrong with her per say.”

Panel Four: Agent 171 is sitting at a bus stop her pussy is dripping wet and she’s still sweating she looks horny.

The Doctor Speech Bubble: “By these readings she’s having the time of her life, in fact I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s thinking about disobeying my orders and running back to the subject now.”

Panel Five: A van is pulling up to the bus stop and is beeping its horn at Agent 171

Speech bubble: “And what are your orders with the test subject Jamal?”

Panel Six: Jamal is jerking off and is massively hard and his balls are engorged and veiny. He looks close to cumming.

The Doctor speech bubble: “Let’s keep an eye on him but I have a feeling things are about to get very interesting.


Artist: NopeMoreAss


Pane One: Becky is getting dressed and wearing a long dress that barely goes past her belly.

Becky: “I remember when I first got this dress, it was so long on me and now it looks like a shirt. Oh boys, look what you’re doing to me.”

Panel Two: Her hand is on her belly and she looks happy.

Becky: “While all of you were a surprise your dad and I tried for so long to have just one of you. And now we have one baby for every year we’ve been married.”

Panel Three: Becky has tears running down her face but she’s still smiling happily while she rubs her belly.

Becky: “It was so hard seeing all of those negative tests over the years and feeling so hopeless.”

Panel Four: (FLASHBACK) Becky and Jamal are walking together and are holding hands, she’s looking over at a woman carrying her baby in her arms.

Becky Speech Bubble: “Seeing all of those happy mom’s with their children and thinking that I would never be able to feel that same love.”

Panel Five: Becky is on her laptop

Becky Speech Bubble: “And I hated going on social media for the longest.”

Panel Six: On the screen there is a picture of a man pointing at his wife’s big belly and he has a wide smile. A woman is holding a felt board that says, “One More Week Left”

Becky: “I tried to feel so happy for my friends but after a while it became so hard.”


Panel One: Becky is sitting up in her bed, the room is dark and the light from the moon is shining on her and she’s crying.

Becky: “And no matter how low I felt…”

Panel Two: (POV FRONT VIEW) Jamal’s arm is around her shoulder while she’s still crying.

Becky: “And no matter how broken my heart was…”

Panel Three: Jamal is holding Becky in his arms, her head is laying on his chest.

Becky: “You dad was always there for me to put the pieces back together.”

Panel Four: Becky and Jamal look like they're in their early teens and holding hands while they’re walking through the hallway in a school.

Becky: “I’ve known your dad since I was thirteen and he was fourteen and he’s always been my best friend.”

Panel Five: Teenage Becky is standing behind her dad. Her dad is a bald man with a mustache and a button up shirt. Becky has a frown on her face.

Becky: “Your grandpa wasn’t to happy I was with your dad.”

Panel Six: Jamal is in a muscle car with big tires and a loud exhaust. There's smoke coming from the tires as he’s doing a burnout in front of Becky’s house. He’s wearing sunglasses

Becky: “And a part of that was definitely your dads fault, he was such a show off when he was younger. But I know he was just trying to impress me.”


Panel One: Jamal is proposing to Becky and she looks so surprised

Becky: “And he impressed me so much that I had no choice but to say yes. It was the only thing I wanted to say. I never thought I would be married when I was nineteen.”

Panel Two: Becky and Jamal are arguing

Becky: “Things weren’t always perfect.”

Panel Three: Becky and Jamal are hugging.

Becky: “But we could never stay mad at each other no matter what happened.”

Panel Four (SPLIT):

SPLIT ONE: Becky is holding a pillow as she’s standing in front of a mirror and Jamal is putting on a shirt.

SPLIT TWO: She has the pillow under her shirt to make it look like she’s pregnant and she’s showing off her look to Jamal. He has hearts all around him.

Becky: “Once we got older we both knew something was missing.”

Panel Five: (POV) Becky is holding a positive pregnancy test

Becky: “And after so many years of trying you all came along.”

Panel Six: Jamal has Agent 069 bent over the desk and he’s fucking her hard.

Becky: “Your dad and I are so happy that you all will be here before we know it. And I know your dad will be great! Because I know that our love is something that can never be broken.”


Panel One: Becky is waddling over to her night stand that is next to her bed.

Becky: “And speaking of your grandpa…”

Panel Two: The screen on Becky’s phone says, “Calling...Mom & Dad House”

Panel Three: Becky’s face looks very happy while she’s on the phone as she’s holding her belly.

Becky: “Hey momma!”

Becky’s Mom: “Oh sweetheart I haven’t heard from you in so long. Is everything okay? How’s my girl doing? Are you alright?”

Panel Four: Becky looks a little nervous while she’s on the phone.

Becky: “Sorry about that momma, things have just been very...crazy...which is why I’m calling you now. Momma...I’m pregnant.”

Panel Five: Becky is holding the phone away from her ear because her mom is screaming with with joy. Becky’s still smiling.

Becky’s Mom: “Oh my goodness my sugar plum is having a baby! Richard! Richard! Come here Becky’s on the phone!”

Becky: “Momma! Momma! Hold on it’s not just one baby.”

Panel Six: Becky has the phone back to her ear.

Becky: “It’s octuplets.”

Becky’s Mom: “Oct...what?”

Becky: “I’m now sixteen weeks with eight momma...hello?...Momma you there?”


Page One: Becky looks confused while she’s still on the phone

Becky: “Momma you there?”

Becky’s Dad: “Sugar plum is that you? What happened to your mom? She fainted...are you okay? What’s going on?”

Panel Two: Becky looks surprised.

Becky: “Oh no! Is she okay?”

Becky’s Dad: “She’s waking up now hold on sugar plum...martha what are you talking about?...Eight?...Eight what?”

Panel Three: Becky is still on the phone as she’s walking out of the room with her hand on her back to support her big belly.

Becky: “Well she passed out because I told her she was going to be a gramma to eight babies.”

Becky’s Dad: “Oh goodness sugar plum why did you adopt so many? I know you have a big heart but adopting eight kids at once is quite the hassle.Very funny sugar plum!”

Panel Four: Becky is now walking down the stairs.

Becky: “Daddy it’s far from a joke, trust me they’re heavy to carry around already...surprise!”

Panel Five: Becky sighs

Becky’s Dad: “Sweetie...are you...oh I get it, April fools! You got us!”

Becky: “Daddy did you ever figure out how to use that smartphone?”

Becky’s Dad: “Oh finally that dag on blasted thing had me all…”

Becky: “Go get it real fast.”

Panel Six: Becky takes a selfie and she gets all her belly into the frame.


Panel One: Becky has her phone in her hand. The phone screen says, “Speaker One” “Picture Message Sent”

Becky: “I just sent you something daddy, I will know when you get it.”

Becky’s Dad: “Yup, I just heard my phone go off...be right back sugar plum let me go get it. I think your mother is awake now.”

Panel Two: Becky accidentally drops her phone.

Panel Three: She’s struggling to bend down and is grunting.

Becky: “Oh damn it...come on girl you can get it.”

Panel Four: POV of Becky’s ass as she’s bending down, her belly is showing from under her dress and she’s closer to her phone since she’s squatting down.

Becky: *Grunting*

Becky’s Dad: “Oh sugar honey ice tea! My plum is...is plump! Sweetheart when are you due!? What...what’s that noise?”

Panel Five: Becky has her phone in her hand and is struggling to stand back up, the phone is still on speaker.

Becky: “Sorry daddy. I dropped my phone. It was a struggle to bend down to get it. And to answer your question I’m only twenty six weeks. I’m just a bit bloated from eating earlier.”

Becky’s Dad: “Oh no plum that’s all baby not bloat...wait...struggling...where the hell is Jamal? Why isn’t he helping you?”

Panel Six: Becky is rolling her eyes.

Becky: “I’m fine daddy. I’m pregnant, not disabled and he’s at the gym.”


Panel One: Becky’s phone is yelling.

Becky’s Dad: “You mean to tell me my daughter is at home struggling and he’s just...just...dicking around at the gym!?”

Becky: “No daddy he owns one, remember?”

Becky’s Dad: “Okay well he has staff there I bet. He should be at home helping...I swear I told you about him...I...no Martha I’m not saying...well no...okay here.”

Panel Two: Becky is grabbing her car keys from off of the key hook and she has her purse on her shoulder.

Becky’s Mom: “I’m sorry Becky you know how your father can get. And I just saw the picture you’re ready to pop already! Why didn’t you tell us sooner?”

Becky: “Well they say you should wait until your twelve weeks. But since we’re expecting so many I thought we should wait until much later. You know...just in case.”

Panel Three: Becky is waddling to their new mini van

Becky’s Mom: “Now I don’t mean to intrude but we will come to town next Saturday. I have to see my plump little plum. Oh goodness a grandma to eight, so exciting! I have to go and calm you father down see you soon dear. Love you bunches!” *Phone hangs up*

Panel Four: Becky is crammed in the seat behind the steering wheel because her belly is in the way and the seat is slowly sliding back so she can fit.

Becky: “Sure mom see you soon I guess. I better let Jamal know.”

Panel Five: Jamal is holding his phone, POV angle of him waste up. His message reads, “My parents are coming to town next week I just told them the news...sorry!”

Panel Six: POV of Jamal’s pants are down and his huge dick is finally soft, there’s cum all over the place and he’s leaning on the door.

Jamal: “Well...fuck.”


Panel One: Becky is driving in the minivan and is thinking to herself. There’s a bulge on her belly from one of the babies kicking.

Thought Bubble: “Gosh. My dad really needs to calm down with how much he doesn’t like Jamal. He’s always picked at every little thing he’s done but now he really needs to lighten up since we have the boys on the way.

Panel Two: (X-RAY POV of her belly) The babies are moving around

Thought Bubble: It’s going to be quite a bumpy ride but your dad and I are ready! I think.

Panel Three: The van pulls up in front of a baby outlet store.

Panel Four: Becky is inside and is looking at the price of a crib, there is a woman nearby that is pregnant but her belly isn’t as big and she’s wearing a Hoppers shirt and she has large breasts. (Hoppers is a parody of Hooters)

Becky: “This one’s cute...let’s see...times that by eight...that will be around twenty three hundred dollars for eight cribs. And that’s the cheapest one they have. I guess that will do.”

Panel Five: The Hoppers stripper is now talking to Becky.

Stripper: “You’re right this one is cute, does the tag say if it comes in grey? Or is it just this white?”

Becky: “It looks like it comes in black, grey and white.”

Stripper: “Oh sweet! I have to get one of these.”

Panel Six: Becky is looking at the strippers Hoppers shirt and her large breasts that are starting to lactate.

becky: “Hoppers, is that the resturant down on main street?”

Stripper: “Oh yes it is you’re the first person to call it that! Are you applying? I can get you in and believe it or not men would love to see you serve them some wings or on stage. You would kill it!”

Becky: “Stage?”

Stripper: “Yes! We’re also a strip club but I can’t complain the food is so good too. This little one really loves some wings and fried pickles.”



Panel One: Becky is getting dressed and wearing a long dress that barely goes past her belly.
Becky: “I remember when I first got this dress, it was so long on me and now it looks like a shirt. Oh boys, look what you’re doing to me.”

Panel Two: Her hand is on her belly and she looks happy.
Becky: “While all of you were a surprise your dad and I tried for so long to have just one of you. And now we have one baby for every year we’ve been married.”

Panel Three: Becky has tears running down her face but she’s still smiling happily while she rubs her belly.
Becky: “It was so hard seeing all of those negative tests over the years and feeling so hopeless.”

Panel Four: (FLASHBACK) Becky and Jamal are walking together and are holding hands, she’s looking over at a woman carrying her baby in her arms.
Becky Speech Bubble: “Seeing all of those happy mom’s with their children and thinking that I would never be able to feel that same love.”

Panel Five: Becky is on her laptop
Becky Speech Bubble: “And I hated going on social media for the longest.”

Panel Six: On the screen there is a picture of a man pointing at his wife’s big belly and he has a wide smile. A woman is holding a felt board that says, “One More Week Left”
Becky: “I tried to feel so happy for my friends but after a while it became so hard.”


Panel One: Becky is sitting up in her bed, the room is dark and the light from the moon is shining on her and she’s crying.
Becky: “And no matter how low I felt…”

Panel Two: (POV FRONT VIEW) Jamal’s arm is around her shoulder while she’s still crying.
Becky: “And no matter how broken my heart was…”

Panel Three: Jamal is holding Becky in his arms, her head is laying on his chest.
Becky: “You dad was always there for me to put the pieces back together.”

Panel Four: Becky and Jamal look like they're in their early teens and holding hands while they’re walking through the hallway in a school.
Becky: “I’ve known your dad since I was thirteen and he was fourteen and he’s always been my best friend.”

Panel Five: Teenage Becky is standing behind her dad. Her dad is a bald man with a mustache and a button up shirt. Becky has a frown on her face.
Becky: “Your grandpa wasn’t to happy I was with your dad.”

Panel Six: Jamal is in a muscle car with big tires and a loud exhaust. There's smoke coming from the tires as he’s doing a burnout in front of Becky’s house. He’s wearing sunglasses
Becky: “And a part of that was definitely your dads fault, he was such a show off when he was younger. But I know he was just trying to impress me.”


Panel One: Jamal is proposing to Becky and she looks so surprised
Becky: “And he impressed me so much that I had no choice but to say yes. It was the only thing I wanted to say. I never thought I would be married when I was nineteen.”

Panel Two: Becky and Jamal are arguing
Becky: “Things weren’t always perfect.”

Panel Three: Becky and Jamal are hugging.
Becky: “But we could never stay mad at each other no matter what happened.”

Panel Four (SPLIT):
SPLIT ONE: Becky is holding a pillow as she’s standing in front of a mirror and Jamal is putting on a shirt.
SPLIT TWO: She has the pillow under her shirt to make it look like she’s pregnant and she’s showing off her look to Jamal. He has hearts all around him.
Becky: “Once we got older we both knew something was missing.”

Panel Five: (POV) Becky is holding a positive pregnancy test
Becky: “And after so many years of trying you all came along.”

Panel Six: Jamal has Agent 069 bent over the desk and he’s fucking her hard.
Becky: “Your dad and I are so happy that you all will be here before we know it. And I know your dad will be great! Because I know that our love is something that can never be broken.”


Panel One: Becky is waddling over to her nightstand that is next to her bed.
Becky: “And speaking of your grandpa…”

Panel Two: The screen on Becky’s phone says, “Calling...Mom & Dad House”

Panel Three: Becky’s face looks very happy while she’s on the phone as she’s holding her belly.
Becky: “Hey momma!”
Becky’s Mom: “Oh sweetheart I haven’t heard from you in so long. Is everything okay? How’s my girl doing? Are you alright?”

Panel Four: Becky looks a little nervous while she’s on the phone.
Becky: “Sorry about that momma, things have just been very...crazy...which is why I’m calling you now. Momma...I’m pregnant.”

Panel Five: Becky is holding the phone away from her ear because her mom is screaming with joy. Becky’s still smiling.
Becky’s Mom: “Oh my goodness my sugar plum is having a baby! Richard! Richard! Come here Becky’s on the phone!”
Becky: “Momma! Momma! Hold on its not just one baby.”

Panel Six: Becky has the phone back to her ear.
Becky: “It’s octuplets.”
Becky’s Mom: “Oct...what?”
Becky: “I’m now twenty-six weeks with eight momma...hello?...Momma you there?”


Panel One: Becky looks confused while she’s still on the phone
Becky: “Momma you there?”
Becky’s Dad: “Sugarplum is that you? What happened to your mom? She fainted...are you okay? What’s going on?”

Panel Two: Becky looks surprised.
Becky: “Oh no! Is she okay?”
Becky’s Dad: “She’s waking up now hold on sugar plum...Martha what are you talking about?...Eight?...Eight what?”

Panel Three: Becky is still on the phone as she’s walking out of the room with her hand on her back to support her big belly.
Becky: “Well she passed out because I told her she was going to be a gramma to eight babies.”
Becky’s Dad: “Oh goodness sugar plum why did you adopt so many? I know you have a big heart but adopting eight kids at once is quite a hassle. Very funny sugar plum!”

Panel Four: Becky is now walking down the stairs, she looks like she’s struggling to balance her big belly as she walks.
Becky: “Daddy it’s far from a joke, trust me they’re heavy to carry around already...surprise!”

Panel Five: Becky sighs
Becky’s Dad: “Sweetie...are you...Oh I get it, April fools! You got us!”
Becky: “Daddy did you ever figure out how to use that smartphone?”
Becky’s Dad: “Oh finally that dag on blasted thing had me all…”
Becky: “Go get it real fast.”

Panel Six: Becky takes a selfie and she gets all her belly into the frame.


Panel One: Becky has her phone in her hand. The phone screen says, “Speaker On” “Picture Message Sent”
Becky: “I just sent you something daddy, I will know when you get it.”
Becky’s Dad: “Yup, I just heard my phone go off...be right back sugar plum let me go get it. I think your mother is awake now.”

Panel Two: Becky accidentally drops her phone.

Panel Three: She’s struggling to bend down and is grunting.
Becky: “Oh damn it...come on girl you can get it.”

Panel Four: POV of Becky’s ass as she’s bending down, her belly is showing from under her dress and she’s closer to her phone since she’s squatting down.
Becky: *Grunting*
Becky’s Dad: “Oh sugar honey ice tea! My plum is...is plump! Sweetheart when are you due!? What...what’s that noise?”

Panel Five: Becky has her phone in her hand and is struggling to stand back up, the phone is still on speaker.
Becky: “Sorry daddy. I dropped my phone. It was a struggle to bend down to get it. And to answer your question I’m only twenty-six weeks. I’m just a bit bloated from eating earlier.”
Becky’s Dad: “Oh no plum that’s all baby, not bloat...wait...struggling...where the hell is Jamal? Why isn’t he helping you?”
Panel Six: Becky is rolling her eyes.
Becky: “I’m fine daddy. I’m pregnant, not disabled and he’s at the gym.”


Panel One: Becky’s phone is yelling.
Becky’s Dad: “You mean to tell me my daughter is at home struggling and he’s just...just...dicking around at the gym!?”
Becky: “No daddy he owns one, remember?”
Becky’s Dad: “Okay well he has staff there I bet. He should be at home helping...I swear I told you about him...I...no Martha I’m not saying...well no...okay here.”

Panel Two: Becky is grabbing her car keys from off of the key hook and she has her purse on her shoulder.
Becky’s Mom: “I’m sorry Becky you know how your father can get. And I just saw the picture you’re ready to pop already! Why didn’t you tell us sooner?”
Becky: “Well they say you should wait until your twelve weeks. But since we’re expecting so many I thought we should wait until much later. You know...just in case.”

Panel Three: Becky is waddling to their new minivan
Becky’s Mom: “Now I don’t mean to intrude but we will come to town next Saturday. I have to see my plump little plum. Oh goodness a grandma to eight, so exciting! I have to go and calm your father down see you soon dear. Love you bunches!” *Phone hangs up*

Panel Four: Becky is crammed in the seat behind the steering wheel because her belly is in the way and the seat is slowly sliding back so she can fit.
Becky: “Sure mom see you soon I guess. I better let Jamal know.”

Panel Five: Jamal is holding his phone, POV angle of him waist up. His message reads, “My parents are coming to town next week I just told them the news...sorry!”

Panel Six: POV of Jamal’s pants are down and his huge dick is finally soft, there’s cum all over the place and he’s leaning on the door and sweating.
Jamal: “Well...fuck.”


Panel One: Becky is driving in the minivan and is thinking to herself. There’s a bulge on her belly from one of the babies kicking.
Thought Bubble: “Gosh. My dad really needs to calm down with how much he doesn’t like Jamal. He’s always picked at every little thing he’s done but now he really needs to lighten up since we have the boys on the way.

Panel Two: (X-RAY POV of her belly) The babies are moving around
Thought Bubble: It’s going to be quite a bumpy ride but your dad and I are ready! I think.

Panel Three: The van pulls up in front of a baby outlet store.

Panel Four: Becky is inside and is looking at the price of a crib, there is a woman nearby that is pregnant but her belly isn’t as big and she’s wearing a Hoppers shirt and she has large breasts. (Hoppers is a parody of Hooters)
Becky: “This one’s cute...let’s see...times that by eight...that will be around twenty-three hundred dollars for eight cribs. And that’s the cheapest one they have. I guess that will do.”

Panel Five: The Hoppers stripper is now talking to Becky.
Stripper: “You’re right this one is cute, does the tag say if it comes in grey? Or is it just this white?”
Becky: “It looks like it comes in black, grey and white.”
Stripper: “Oh sweet! I have to get one of these.”

Panel Six: Becky is looking at the stripper’s Hoppers shirt and her large breasts that are starting to lactate.
Becky: “Hoppers, is that the restaurant down on Main Street?”
Stripper: “Oh yes it is you’re the first person to call it that! Are you applying? I can get you in and believe it or not men would love to see you serve them some wings or on stage. You would kill it!”
Becky: “Stage?”
Stripper: “Yes! We’re also a strip club but I can’t complain the food is so good too. This little one really loves some wings and fried pickles.”


Panel One: Becky looks nervous
Becky: “Oh no, no...I could never do something like that...especially with all those people looking at me.”
Stripper: “Girl don’t be afraid to embrace what you’ve got belly or not I think you’re cute as a button.”

Panel Two: Becky is blushing
Becky: “Well thank you, my husband, hasn’t even said that to me in a while.”
Stripper: “Well girl let me tell you something don’t let that get you down and show him that you’re still a lioness.”
Becky: “Thanks I guess I could give it a try I did buy some lingerie not too long ago.”
Stripper: “Then wear it like a queen and show your man what you’re working with! Don’t be afraid to roar momma!”

Panel Three: Becky is nervous as she’s trying not to stare at the strippers large tits.
Becky: “You’re really sweet wish I could be as confident as you are.”
Stripper: “Girl don’t just wish, make it come true especially after you have that baby.”

Panel Four: Becky’s belly starts growling because she’s hungry, the stripper also notices the belly growl.
Stripper: “Well here’s the thing, I don’t start work for a few more hours and it’s ten cent wing Tuesday at Hoppers. Let’s go grab a bite to eat if you have the time.”
Becky: “Well…”
Stripper: “If not it’s no big thang. I know it’s not every day a random stripper  invites you to eat wings with her at a strip club restaurant.”

Panel Five: Becky looks stunned because she hopes she didn’t offend the stripper
Becky: “Oh goodness no! That’s not what I meant by any means I’m so sorry if I-”
Stripper: “Oh goodness girl I’m just mess’n with you it’s all good doll. Well here’s what I will do I want to give you my number and feel free to stop by.”

Panel Six: The strippers hand is on Becky’s belly and the stripper is close to her, Becky is blushing.
Stripper: “They call me Candy, but my real name is Cindy I hope to see you soon Doll.”
Becky: “Yes of course.”
Stripper: “Great now let me borrow your phone so I can give you my number.”


Panel One: The stripper is walking away and is waving at Becky and smiling, Becky is still blushing as she waves back.
Stripper: “Don’t be afraid to stop by and visit me Doll, trust me the wings are delicious!”
Becky: “I think I will take you up on that Cindy, thanks!”

Panel Two: Becky’s phone is ringing in her pocket
Split One: *The screen on her phone says JJJ*
Split Two: *Becky’s face*
Becky: “What does he want?”

Panel Three: Becky answers the phone
Becky: “Hey Mr. J, how are you?”

Panel Four: Inside of an office, there’s a large sign on the wall that says Daily News Inc, the character looks like a chubbier version of J. Jonah Jameson from Marvel
JJJ: “Becky! My shooting star reporter! My go getter! We really miss you at Daily News, when are you coming back?”
Becky Voice Bubble: “Thanks Mr. J, but I told you I don’t know if I can come back. My husband needed help with his business so I had to leave. His dad passed that gym down to him and I didn’t want it to fall apart on him.”
JJJ: “I understand Becky, trust me I really do. Just know that there is always a seat here for you at Daily. Heck Pam misses you so much, heck even Jim talks about you.”
Becky Voice Bubble: “That’s very sweet of you all. Trust me I miss you all too but like I said Jamal needed me. Plus we’re also expecting.”

Panel Five: JJJ has a huge smile on his face
JJJ: “Becky! That's amazing to hear I truly mean that! Goodness I remember when we had Lilly, it’s hard to believe she’s in her forties now. It feels like yesterday that she took her first steps but now I’ve got three beautiful grand babies. Enjoy it Becky, do you know if it’s a boy or a girl?”
Becky Voice Bubble: “Boys.”
JJJ: “Oh there’s an ‘s’ at the end of that, I had a cousin who had twins and boy they were a handful but it was just more love to spread.”

Panel Six: JJJ’s mouth drops open
Becky: “Well we’re actually expecting eight baby boy’s...and before you say anything I know I can’t believe it myself.”
JJJ: “Becky...I...wow! That’s amazing...can...would you mind if we did a story on you? Local Mom Expecting Octuplets! I can see it now in big bold letters on the front page and even an interview.
Becky: “Well Mr. J, I’m not sure if…”
JJJ: “You know what? As a baby gift to you I will give you one eight thousand dollars for an interview. That’s one thousand dollars per bundle of joy. Deal?”
Becky Voice Bubble: “Well...that would pay for these cribs...alright Mr.J we can do the interview. I guess connect me with Pam so I can get things set up with her.”


Artist: NopeMoreAss


Panel One: Becky is driving with one hand on her belly and she’s thinking.
Becky: “Maybe I should have talked to Jamal first before agreeing to that interview, well maybe it’s a good thing. I will talk to Mr. J about having it at his gym. Oh boys I hope your dad is okay with that, I might stop by the gym and see if he’s there.”

Panel Two: Jamal is trying to put his shorts on but his shorts on, they’re torn from his dick growth but they’re tearing more because he’s starting to get hard again.
Split One: Jamals shorts are bulging and about to rip
Split Two: His dick is close to tearing through them.
Jamal: “Damn it! I can’t get her out of my head! I need this dick to go down already! Fuck!”

Panel Three: Becky is sitting at an intersection and her right turn signal is blinking.

Panel Four: Her belly is rumbling again from being hungry and she looks down at her belly.
Becky: “Hungry already? Well I guess I will take up Cindy...or was it Candy? On her offer for those wings and then we will go and see your daddy.”

Panel Five: The van pulls up in front of Hoppers, there’s a large man standing in front of the door way.

Panel Six: Becky is standing in front of the big and tall security guard and he’s looking at her big belly
Guard: “You too huh? Seems like this place is a magnet all of a sudden for girls with bellies.”
Becky: “What?”
Guard: “Aren’t you here to see Rick? For try-outs?”
Becky: “Oh no, I’m here to eat.”
Guard: “Oh sorry miss we don’t open the restaurant for another ten minutes...but...what the heck I can let you in.”


Panel One: Becky is looking around the restaurant there are booths everywhere and girls in a Hooters like uniform are setting up tables. A few of them have small pregnant bellies; they're all wearing bunny ears on their heads.

Panel Two: One of the Hoppers girls approaches Becky she’s wearing bunny ear
Hopper Girl: “Hey miss I guess Doug let you in early, are you hear to eat? Or...for try-outs?”
Becky: “Oh yes he did and just to eat.”
Hopper Girl: “Oh great! Right this way I will get you a table by the kitchen if that works for you. I take it you’re here for ten cent wing day.”
Becky: “Oh yes, Cin...I mean Candy said you all had good food.”
Hopper Girl: “Oh miss you will be surprised how good the food is. When men tell their ladies they came here to eat they might not be lying and I mean that.”

Panel Three: The Hopper Girl has her hand out to a booth indicating for Becky to sit down.
Hopper Girl: “Here you go miss.”
Becky: “Thanks.”

Panel Four (Split): Becky will get stuck in the booth
Split One: Becky awkwardly sits down in the booth
Split Two: The Hopper Girl looks shocked and Becky’s belly is wedged in the booth.
Hopper Girl: “Oh goodness! I’m so sorry miss I should have known better! I’m so sorry!”

Panel Five: Becky is squinting her eyes from being uncomfortable with how tight her belly is stuck.
Hopper Girl: “Rick! Someone go get Rick!”

Panel Six: A guy that looks like the porn star Ron Jeremy runs over.
Rick: “What is it!?”


Panel One: Rick looks shocked
Rick: “Oh shit miss I’m sorry about that, there’s latch under the table I need to undo. I have to crawl under the table, is that okay with you?”
Becky: “Yes please...hurry...this is starting to hurt a bit.”

Panel Two: Rick is under the table

Panel Three: He’s not by Becky’s legs and belly and is staring at it with wide eyes.
Rick: *whispers* “Damn that’s a belly”

Panel Four (SPLIT):
Split One: *The table makes a click noise*
Split Two: *Becky’s belly pushes the table out and she sighs with relief*

Panel Five: Rick looks panicked and is sweating Becky is holding her sore belly
Rick: “Miss I am so sorry about that! You know what!? Your meal is on the house today, drinks and all.”
Becky: “Oww...thank you.”

Panel Six: The Hoppers Girl and Rick are walking away and talking to each other
Hoppers Girl: “You know she’s getting the wings special right?”
Rick: “I don’t care what she gets along as she doesn’t sue us. Besides, how much can she actually eat?”


Panel One: Candy has a huge smile on her face with her bunny ears on as she’s approaching the table.
Candy: “Hey Doll I heard what happened, are you okay?”
Becky: “Yeah, this bump of mine just likes to get in the way. It’s gotten so heavy that I couldn’t stop myself from sitting down so fast.”
Panel Two: Becky is rubbing her belly still and it rumbles
Candy: “I meant to ask you when you were due, it looks like any day now.”
Becky: “Oh I wish but it’s no time soon, I’m only twenty six weeks.”
Candy: “Oh wow Doll, what are you having? A litter?”

Panel Three: Becky has an awkward smile on her face and Candy looks like she’s trying to calculate math in her head
Becky: “You could definitely say that, we’re having octuplet boys.”
Candy: “Wait...twins...triplets...quadruplets...so how many is octuplets?”
Becky: “That’s eight big growing boys and sixteen arms and legs that like to kick and punch in my already tight belly.”
Candy: “Well hot damn Doll you’re one strong momma!”

Panel Four: Candy has her hand on her belly
Candy: “Oh how cute we’re only a little over a month a part from each other.”

Panel Five: Becky notices that a few other of the Hoppers Girls that are setting up the restaurant are all pregnant and they all look around the same size.
Becky: “It looks like a few of you are expecting.”
Candy: “Oh yes we all are due on the same day believe it or not,”
Becky: “Uh...wow...how? I’m sorry I don’t mean to be nosey I’ve never heard of that before.”

Panel Six: Candy is laughing
Candy: “Doll it aint no thang to ask. That blank wall over there past the kitchen goes back and that’s the strip club. A while back these two guys came in here and they both were big hunks. One was this tall white super buff guy and the other was this sexy lean black guy. Let’s say things got out of hand for a few of us girls, I still remember that night I honestly don’t know what came over me.”
Becky: “Sounds like it was quite a night.”


Panel One: Candy leans in and is whispering at Becky
Candy: “Doll let me tell you something...not to be crude...but both of these guys had the biggest hogs I had ever seen in my life. I swear the both of them got bigger. Especially that buff white guy I swear I saw his grow to the size of my leg when he stumbled out of here.”
Becky: “So they’re the father of you all’s babies?”

Panel Two: Candy continues to whisper
Candy: “I’m not the dating type honestly Doll, and when your girl likes to have some fun I like to keep it super safe. But I can tell you one thing when I see that lean piece of chocolate again, me and him might need to have a talk.”

Panel Three: Candy is back to talking normally and has a notepad with a pen in her hand.
Candy: “Enough about me Doll, I heard you’re getting a comp meal so you’re in for a treat. Are you getting those wings I told you about?”
Becky: “Oh yes I would love to try them, what flavors do they come in?”
Candy: “twelve different ones but since your meal is free mind if I start you off with a two wing sample of each? I can’t even try to to tell you which ones are my favorite. And what to drink for you? And are you getting an appetizer?”
Becky: “Sure! That sounds great. And I will take a sweet tea with some lemon and I might like one but I don’t have a menu.”
Candy: “Oh here I go again running my mouth. I’m sorry Doll I will put your wing sampler in and get you a menu. Give me one sec.”

Panel Four: Becky is sitting at the booth alone, she has a puzzled look on her face as she starts to think.
Becky Thought Bubble: “Tall, buff white guy...hmm...Jamal did say that Mike was back in town. But the lean black guy she mentioned. Was it? No it couldn’t be...he wouldn’t...of course not.”

Panel Five: Aerial POV of Becky looking down at her belly
Becky Thought Bubble: “He wouldn’t do that to us, what are you thinking girl? That’s crazy.”

Panel Six: Becky is looking at one the pregnant Hoppers Girl’s that’s showing a man to his booth.
Becky Thought Bubble: “Especially with there being four pregnant women here...there’s no way Becky...don’t torture yourself like that.”


Panel One: Becky sees to of the Hoppers Girl’s talking to one another in the distance and she sees how similarly sized both of their bellies are.
Becky Thought Bubble: “What did Candy say about their...dicks...both of these guys had the biggest hogs I had ever seen in my life. I swear the both of them got bigger.

Panel Two: *Flash back* Becky is in the doggy style position and Jamal is struggling to make his dick fit.
Becky Thought Bubble: “He has grown a bit…”

Panel Three (SPLIT): For this panel you might need to make it one large panel to fit the split and dialogue.
Split One: Becky see's Candy walking towards her with a smile on her face and a menu in her hand.
Split Two: She imagines Jamal now holding her up, they’re doing a standing sex position where Jamal is holding her legs. His massive dick is in her tight pussy as he’s fucking her hard and her pussy is dripping wet. Candy’s tits are lactating and she’s still holding the menu and her Hoppers shirt is raised showing off her pregnant belly.
Becky Thought Bubble: “Jamal has been acting weird and kind of distant for the past few weeks. He seems like he’s always on edge and about to...burst...Especially when he was on those pills. He was an animal.”

Panel Three: Candy is at the table and is smiling while she holds out the menu for Becky to take. But Becky is paying her no attention.
Candy: “Here you go Doll, those wings are being fried up right now.”

Panel Four: Becky imagines that Candy is laying on her back on Becky’s booth table. Jamal is fucking Candy hard.

Panel FIve (SPLIT):
SPLIT ONE: Becky is looking at Candy’s belly
Jamal: “I’m cumming!”
SPLIT TWO: Candy’s belly starts growing.

Panel Five: Becky is starting at an empty table and Candy is looking at her confused.
Candy: “You all right there Doll?”
Becky Thought Bubble: “He threw those pills out months ago and besides he loves you to much to cheat and you know that. Why would you even think about that? He was the man you lost your virginity too, the man you married and now you’re having his babies. He couldn’t do that to you.”

Panel Six: Becky is looking at Candy with a smile.
Becky: “Oh sorry I zoned out there for a moment, I don’t know where my mind went. Thanks for the menu!”


Panel One: The restaurant is now full of people and Candy is setting down a plate of small burgers and is holding a tray with wings on it.
Candy: “Well I’ll be doll, the wings were done faster than the mini cheek burgers. Tell me which one is your favorite I like the mango but I love them all.”
Becky: “Thanks! It all smells so good!”

Panel Two: Becky is happily eating the burgers
Becky: “Wow these mini burgers are amazing!”

Panel Three: She bites into the sweet mango and her eyes turn into hearts.
Becky: “Oh...my…”

Panel Four: Becky is devouring the wings and she has sauce all over her fingers.

Panel Five: Becky has a wing in her hand and a mini burger, the burger has a bite in it and she’s biting down on the wing.

Panel Six: Rick is watching Becky eat from a distance and Candy is standing next to him.
Rick: “Look at how she’s packing those wings away and the burgers, this might have been a mistake.”
Candy: “Don’t back out now, you told her it was free.”
Rick: “Jeebus...think she might be interested in working at the club? At least I might be able to make some of my food money back.”
Candy: “Have fun with that, it looks like she’s about to take her last bite. Let me go see if she wants any more.”


Panel One: Candy is back at the table and Becky is sucking the sauce off of her finger.
Candy: “I told you Doll, those men wouldn’t be lying if they said they came here for some wings.”
Becky: “Oh no you weren’t lying! I need more of them.”
Candy: “which one did you like the best? I can bring you as many of those as you want.”
Becky: “I want the sampler again, but this time bring me thirty six wings. Do you think I could get more of those mini burgers too? I don’t mind paying for them.”

Panel Two: Candy is looking over at Rick whose across the restaurant and is smiling
Candy: “Don’t worry Doll, they’re on the house.”

Panel Three: Candy is setting down a large plate of wings in front of Becky and Becky’s eyes are hearts.
Candy: “Here you go doll the kitchen man mixed up the sampler this time and be careful…”

Panel Four: Becky is biting down into a chicken wing
Candy: “They’re hot.”

Panel Five (SPLIT):
Split One: Becky is eating
Split Two: A large chunk of the wings have been eaten and there are bones left.

Panel Six: POV - A man is looking at Becky’s belly with wide eyes across from her in another booth. Her shirt has come up a little.


Panel One: Candy is walking past Rick who looks panicked, they’re both in the kitchen. There are other Hopper Girls with bunny ears taking food in and out and other cooks.
Rick: What are you doing? Why are you bringing her more food!?”
Candy: “That momma is hungry, she’s got eight babies to feed in that belly.”

Panel Two: Candy is about to walk out of the kitchen with the tray of wings in her hand.
Candy: “Plus Rick, take a look around the restaurant especially at your male customers. A few of them are definitely rock hard watching her eat. I’m not going to lie, it’s kind of hot to see.”
Panel Three: Becky’s belly is pressing against the table and Candy is putting down a new plate of wings on the table. There are plates of bones on the table and an unfinished mini burger.

Panel Four (SPLIT):
Split One: Becky takes pushes the table back a little
Split Two: Her shirt is almost half way up her big belly now.

Panel Five: Becky’s belly grows a little more as she continues to eat
Becky Thought Bubble: “How could I be so hungry? But it’s so damn GOOD!”

Panel Six: Becky’s shirt raises up higher as her belly gets bigger. One guy is staring at her and has a hard on.


Panel One: There are four piles of bones on plates on the table, Becky is leaning back and is full and bloated.

Panel Two: POV - Belly shot from the view of the table - Becky is holding her belly and there are piles of chicken bones on plates on the table.

Panel Three: Same POV but Candy is placing a small plate with a slice of cheesecake on Becky’s belly.

Panel Four: Becky is looking at Candy with wide eyes
Becky: “Oh no I couldn’t take another bite, I’m so stuffed.”
Candy: “Oh Doll I insist  just one small bite, this is some of the best cheesecake you will ever eat. I wasn’t wrong about the wings so take me up on this one.

Panel Five (SPLIT):
Panel One: Candy uses a fork to take a piece of the cheesecake
Panel Two: She’s holding that piece of cheesecake to Becky’s open mouth

Panel Six: Candy is feeding Becky another bite of these cheesecake


Panel One: POV - zoomed out shot of Candy feeding Becky with her big belly
Candy: “See Dolll...I told you...it’s so...good.”

Panel Two: Becky is looking at Candy with hearts in her eyes and is blushing while she’s chewing.

Panel Three: Candy has one last piece of cheesecake on the fork.
Becky: “I don’t know if I can eat it.”
Candy: “Try doll you’ll love it, it’s so sweet and wet...and they say the best is last.”

Panel Four: Becky has hearts in her eyes and takes the last bite, Candy has her hand on Becky’s big belly
Candy: “There you go...I knew you could do it...that cheesecake is on the house doll.”

Panel Five: Becky has a smudge of cheesecake on her mouth
Becky: “Thank you...that was...so...good.”

Panel Six: Candy wipes the smudge off of Becky’s face.
Candy: “No problem baby doll.



Panel One: Jamal is carrying a box full of stuff down the hallway, and he looks tired.

(There is a picture in the hallway that Jamal is close to passing, this picture frame is very important to the shift of the story. There is a faded out picture of a man deadlifting weights.)

Thought bubble: “Oh man I really couldn’t control myself there for a moment, I felt like I was going to burst if I didn’t get that out.”

Panel Two (SPLIT)

Split One: Jamal has turned his head to the right and has noticed the picture hanging on the wall.

Split Two: (POV) Jamal is standing in the hallway in front of the picture frame.

Jamal: “Dad.”

Panel Three: POV of the picture frame, it is a big strong man deadlifting a heavy amount of weight. There is a coach next to him yelling, the coach’s facial expression shows that he’s encouraging the bodybuilder as he’s lifting the weight.”

Jamal: “Where did this picture come from? I could have sworn mom had this at her house.”

Panel Four: Jamal’s face softens as he looks at the picture.

Jamal: “Look at you Pop, I remember being in the crowd and watching you lift all of that weight when I was little. You were like my own personal Superman.”

Panel Five (SPLIT):

Split One: Jamal puts the box down.

Split Two: Jamal is now holding the picture in his hands.

Panel Six: Jamal has his hand on the picture over his father.

Jamal: “What was it you always used to tell me?”


Panel One: FLASHBACK: Jamal is a small child and is crying. He’s fallen off of his bicycle and hurt is knee.

Panel Two (SPLIT)

SPLIT ONE: Close up of Jamal’s young face as he’s crying

SPLIT TWO: His dad’s big hand is on his face, Jamal isn’t crying but his eyes are full of tears as he’s looking at the reader.

Panel Three: His muscular dad is knelt down eye level with Jamal and his hand is still on his face.

Pop: “You had quite a fall there.”

Jamal: “My knee…it…it hurts!

Pop: “I know son. Let’s see if you can stand up so we can get you cleaned up.”

Jamal: “I can’t Pop, it hurts to much.”

Pop: Well see if you can try son.”

Panel Four SPLIT:

Split One: Jamal is trying to stand.

Split Two: Jamal falls but his dad catches him.

Panel Five: Jamal is in his dads arms and is starting to cry again.

Jamal: “See Pop, it hurts. I’m not strong like you are, I’m too weak.”

Pop: “You’re not weak son. We all get hurt and feel pain, even your big strong Pop. But you have to take that pain and use it to make yourself stronger and learn from it.”

Panel Six: Jamal is looking up at his Pop as he’s in his arms.

Pop: “Don’t let pain or your mistakes keep you down. And never think you’re not strong enough to do something. Strength is something you gain by working through the pain and not giving up. Never give up son, you know I will always be here to help you.”


Panel One: Jamal is now a young teenager, they’re in the gym and his dad is young Jamal workout.

Narration Bubble: You weren’t lying Pop, you would always be there for me. And you made me so strong both physically and as a man.”

Panel Two: Jamal and his dad are sweating, but Pop has his arm around Jamal as they’re walking.

Pop: “Damn son! Look at you! You’re killing it I’ve never been so proud of you. My son ain’t no shrimp no more!”

Panel Three: Jamal is cleaning the gym equipment while his dad is sweeping.

Narration Bubble: This gym was more than a business to the both of us, it was a second home. It was where I grew up and it was where you taught me so much.

Panel Four: Jamal, his dad and his mom are sitting at a dinner table laughing, Jamal looks happy while he’s chewing his food.

Narration Bubble: You were always to strong and provided a good life for mom and me.

Panel Five: Jamal and his mom are looking at his Pop as he’s coughing really hard and is using his hand to cover his face.

Narration Bubble: But little did Mom and I know…

Mom: “Are you alright sweetheart?”

Pop: “Yeah…cough…I think I swallowed wrong…cough…I just need some water.”

Panel Six: Pop is standing at the kitchen sink filling up a glass of water. His face looks worried and theirs a small tear in his eye.

Narration Bubble: “You knew it was already to late because it had progressed. And you didn’t tell us because you wanted us to think you were so strong. You didn’t want us to know you were in so much pain.”


Panel One: PRESENT DAY: Jamal is carrying the box down the hallway, he has tears in his eyes but he looks determined and strong.

Narration Bubble: “You gave me this gym, this second home. And I will do whatever it takes to keep it and make it a second home for my boys.”

Panel Two: Jamal is knocking on the woman’s restroom.

Jamal: “Miss, is everything okay? It’s been over an hour.”

Panel Three: A woman comes out of the bathroom; she has short hair and is a bit chubby but she’s wearing workout clothes.

Jamal: “Oh I’m sorry miss, did you by chance see my friend?”

Lady: “No sugar I’m the only one that’s in there.”

Jamal: “Okay sorry about that.”

Lady: “You’re fine sugar, I think I left something in there.”

Panel Four: When the woman opens the bathroom door, Jamal notices that the window and the window screen is open.

Panel Five: Jamal is driving, his face looks determined, and the back of his truck is full of boxes.

Jamal: “I’m going to fix things and make sure that my boys will have something to call their own. I’m not going to let you down Pop.”

Panel Six: Pop’s ghost is sitting next to Jamal, but it goes unnoticed.

Pop: “You’ve never let me down Jamal…but I am disappointed with what you’ve been doing behind Becky’s back.”


Panel One: Jamal is back at his booth and he has all his boxes ready to get things set up.

Jamal: “Alright Jamal, let’s do this!”

Panel Two: The man that sold Jamal the booth is starting to walk by and Jamal notices him.

Jamal: “Hey sir excuse me! Have you seen my booth assistant Anna?”

Panel Three: The man looks at him and is confused.

Man: “Your what?”

Jamal: “The booth assistant that you all gave me, Anna. I can’t find her anywhere and I was hoping to get her help.”

Man: “We don’t have booth assistants and the only Anna that works here is the janitor and she’s off work until tomorrow.”

Jamal: “Oh, well sorry about that sir.”

Man: “Right…you have two days left to get set up and ready.”

Panel Four: Jamal is unloading a box when a man approaches him.

Man: “So what are you selling?”

Jamal: “Oh hey, how are you? I’m selling a discounted gym membership.”

Panel Five: The man is laughing, and Jamal looks confused at him.

Man: “A gym membership!? You are joking, you have to be joking. No one comes to these events to work out, they come here for the pills that they think will make them look like the freaks that will be on that stage in a few days.”

Panel Six: The man is walking away and Jamal is looking at him angrily.

Man: “Well, good luck with your gym membership we will be over here actually making money.”

Jamal: (Whispering) “Yeah fuck you too buddy. Fuck that guy Jamal, you’re doing this for Becky and the boys, don’t forget that.”



Panel One: Agent 069 wakes up on a table and is rubbing her head her hands are chained to the table she’s laying on.

Mother: “Oh good you’re awake.”

Agent 069: “Was...that...really...needed?”

Panel Two: Her mother sits next to her on the bed and is looking at Agent 069.

Mother: “You gave us no choice, what did I tell you about not following directions? That’s how you get hurt. Mother knows best and…”

Agent 069: “You’re not my mother Linda.”

Mother: “I’m the only mother you’ve ever known so yes I am.”

Panel Three: Agent 069 is looking at Mother angrily with her fist balled.

Agent 069: “Oh yes! I forgot! When most kids were going to amusement parks for their family vacation you and I were hunting down fugitives. You know, typical mother daughter activities.”

Panel Four: Mother is looking at Agent 069 with an arched eyebrow, her facial expression is very straight as if she’s unimpressed.

Mother: “Yes. And when you were injured, who was there to stitch you back up?”

Agent 069: “As always the point goes right over your head. Typical.”

Panel Five: Agent 069 has her chained hand raised towards Mother showing her the restraints.

Agent 069: “Are these needed? You know I can get out of these easily right?”

Mother: “Of course I know that, I taught you how to do it. Enough small talk it’s come to my understanding that you have something to tell me.”

Panel Six: Agent 069 puts her hand on her belly and is looking down at it.

Agent 069: “I have nothing to tell you...I’ve got this under control.”

Mother: “Sounds like you’re keeping it what did I tell you about connections?”

Agent 069: “You kept me didn’t you? What’s the difference?”


Panel One: Mother is now standing and is looking at Agent 069 with the same expression.

Mother: “I kept you as you put it because I saw the potential in you and I wanted to see what you were capable of. And once I saw it I knew that you were what the Foundation needed.”

Agent 069: “I was just a little girl doesn’t that mean anything to you?”

Mother: “You seem to be forgetting what type of a little girl you were.”

Panel Two: (FLASH BACK): A young child version of Agent 069 is on the side of a house and is cutting a wire in an electrical box. She has a small duffle bag with her.

Narration: “Most little girls aren’t cutting security lines at three in the morning and breaking into someone's house. If I’m not mistaken you also shot out my motion detectors with a rock and sling shot. ”

Panel Three: Young Agent 069 is hunched over in the hallway and is spraying something. Lasers in the hallway become visible as she’s spraying.

Narration: “And on top of that you had been spying on me and knew about my indoor laser security system.”

Panel Four: Young Agent 069 has the duffle bag next to her and is in front of a safe with a stethoscope in her ears and is trying to crack the safe.

Narration: “And even when you cracked my safe you knew not to open it yet…”

Agent 069 Narration Bubble: “Is that when you released the dogs on me?”

Panel Five: Three large dogs are chewing on steaks behind young 069 while she’s opening the safe

Narration: “Yes. But bringing them steaks was a smart idea and I still remember the look on your face.”

Panel Six: Young 069 is looks shocked when she sees the empty safe.


Panel One: Young 069 has her hands up and a younger version of Mother is standing behind her with a gun in her hand and her three dogs are laying on the floor asleep.

Narration: “Knocking out the dogs was one thing but what you did next was what made me know I had something special on my hands.”

Panel Two: Young 069 legs sweeps Mother causing her to trip

Panel Three (Split)

Split One: Mother does a back flip

Split Two: Mother is back in a fighting stance with her hands up in fists.

Panel Four: The two of them notice the gun on the ground and are charging for it.

Panel Five: Young 069 almost had the gun but Mother now has her in a headlock

Panel Six: Young 069 elbows Mother in the stomach and punches her


Panel One: Young 069 grabs a can out of her duffle bag that looks like a can with a grenade pin attached to it. Young 069 is sweating.

Narration: “You were putting up a good fight I must admit.”

Panel Two: Young 069 smashes the can on the ground and smoke is blowing out of it.

Panel Three: Young 069 parkours up the stairs past Mother.

Panel Four: Mother is in her living room coughing and she’s looking at the open window 069 escaped.

Narration: “Even though you escaped I knew exactly where to find you…”

Panel Five: The sun is out and an expensive looking car is sitting in front of a building that says Orphanage.

Narration: “Because while you thought I didn’t know that you were watching me I was watching you and I followed you one night back to the orphanage. And I learned that you liked to run away often but you always came back because it was better than sleeping out on the streets. You never knew your real parents because they left you at the hospital when you were born.”

Panel Six: Young 069 is sitting on a bed, there are other kids playing in the room. Mother is standing in front of her with a smile on her face and the care taker is standing next to her happily.

Care taker: “Great new Natasha! Someone is here to meet you! You’ve been adopted.”


Panel One: Young 069 is hitting a punching bag and is sweating.

Narration: “I trained you…”

Panel Two: Young 069 is shooting a sniper rifle at a paper target.

Narration: “I taught you new skills.”

Panel Three: Young 069 has an adult man in a choke hold on the ground, she’s wearing a karate outfit and has a black belt. The man she’s choking out is also a black belt.

Narration: “Even at a young age you were becoming one of the best..”

Panel Four: Young 069 is hanging upside down with tape over her mouth and is tied up. There’s a shark tank below her and a timmer with fifty-nine seconds left on a timmer.

Narration: “That little girl that broke into my house…”

Panel Five: Young 069 is sitting on her bed with a book that says “Fairy Tales” on the cover.

Agent 069 Narration: “That little girl was still a little girl that just wanted a Mother to read her a story before bedtime.”

Panel Six: (Present day) Agent 069 is crying

Agent 069: “I just wanted someone to love me. I know what I did was wrong but that wasn’t a reason to tortue me.”

Mother: “I didn’t torture you. I taught you how to be a force of nature unlike any other. That's why you were hired because you are one of the best...besides myself of course.”


Panel One: Agent 069 is crying harder now.

Agent 069: “That’s all I ever wanted were parents who loved me. I didn’t want to become...this! And now I have a chance to give my baby what I’ve always wanted.”

Panel Two: Mother has a stern expression on her face as she looks at 069.

Mother: “I would advise against that, you’ve made a lot of enemies in your life Natasha. I’ve told you that having attachments to others is dangerous, those are strings. And when you have strings like that there are people out there who will try to cut them in order to get to you.”

Panel Three: 069 has her hand on her belly and she still has tears in her eyes but she looks angry at Mother.

069: “Then I quit! But my baby will know their dad!”

Mother: “That can’t happen, it will go against your contract and it will complicate things with the subjects. This research goes way beyond your desires.”

Panel Four: 069 is yelling and Mother is standing very close to her now.

069: “Fuck the contract! I will be a good mom! Fuck you! Fuck The Doctor and I don’t care about this research! I’m going to do what I have to do now, leave me alone you unloving bitch!”

Panel Five: Mother is kissing 069 on the forehead and holding her hand and 069 looks shocked with wide eyes.

Panel Six: Mother has her hand on 069 belly and 069 still looks shocked, her hand is balled.

Mother: “I hope you know what you’re doing Natasha, I have to go now.”


Panel One: Mother is in a room with The Doctor, he’s watching a monitor. There are other scientists around him and other monitors.

The Doctor: “Well that was interesting to watch, will she be a problem?”

Mother: “I’m not sure. But will you be a problem for her?”

The Doctor: “That depends.”

Mother: “On what? What exactly will you do to my daughter if she doesn’t stay quiet?”

Panel Two: The Doctor has turned around in his chair and is looking at Mother.

The Doctor: “Well that’s still up for debate but just so you know she’s now under constant watched because the baby she’s carrying is now part of the experiment.”

Mother: “How so?”

Panel Three: The Doctor has an ultrasound picture in his hand.

The Doctor: “Your...daughter...interacted with the test subject as you well know. But her baby is growing at a faster and larger rate than normal. And I need to know why. Unlike the test subject's wife who's taken a new experimental batch of pills that’s caused her multiples. Your daughter hasn’t and yet her baby is growing at the same rate as the other test subject and I need to know why.”

Panel Four: The Doctor has his hand extended out for Mother to take the ultrasound picture.

The Doctor: “The issue is that I can’t allow her to interfere and raise questions with the test subjects we’re so close to finalizing the formula. Besides do you really loveˆAgent 069?”

Panel Five: (Back in the holding room where Agent 069) is sitting, Agent 069 is looking at her closed fist.

The Doctor Speech Bubble: “From what I heard and saw she didn’t seem that she was loved.”

Mother Speech Bubble: “Let’s get one thing clear Doctor I put her through so much…”

Panel Six: 069 opens her hand and reveals a key.

Mother Speech Bubble: “because I’ve always loved her as my own daughter.”



PANEL ONE: Agent 069 is driving a van and she looks angry, Mike is sitting next to her and is naked. His oversized dick is flopped over his leg.

Mike: “You rescued me, why?”

Agent 069: “Just doing the right thing.”

Panel Two: Mike is looking down at his muscles, huge dick and massive balls. He doesn’t look happy and there are veins starting to show on his arms. Agent 069 isn’t paying attention to him.

Mike: “You know what’s funny about doing the right thing?

Panel Three:

Split One: Agent 069 is trying to get control of the van as it begins to swerve to the right. The van is leaning towards the right side.

Split Two: Mikes massive hulk hand is tightly gripped over Agent 069’s face and head to the point she can only see with one eye opened. She’s trying to look over at Mike and her eye is wide while she’s trying to maintain control of the van.

Panel Four: Mike is hulking out and has gotten so big that he’s barely fitting in the van, he’s still holding her head and he’s enraged.

Mike: “You’re the pretty little thing I saw at Hoppers that night…you kidnapped me…you take…Mike.”

Panel Five (SPLIT)

Split One: Agent 069 has slammed on the brakes and cars are screeching around them.

Split Two: Mike's massive arm bursts out of the side window and the tires blow out from the weight, the van is leaning so far it looks like it’s about to tip over.

Mike: “Mike let go you talk now…don’t lie to Mike.”

Panel Six: Agent 069 is gasping for air and she looks horrified at Mike. He’s gotten so big that there’s barely any room in the van for her. His head and shoulders are around to rip out of the roof. He’s crushed the seat and his legs have busted into the dashboard.

Agent 069: “Holy fuck! Easy there BIG GUY let me gett off the highway and I will tell you everything I promise.


Panel One: Agent 069 is standing in front of Mike while he’s still in Hulk form, Mike is sitting on the hood of the van and the front end of it is crushed under his weight. They’re in an abandoned parking lot and Agent 069 is trying to put on a calm face while Mike is staring at her intensely.

Agent 069: “I didn’t just free you I freed that lady we had with us and every other experiment that the Doctor was working on. I guess I’m part of that experiment now as well.”

Mike: “What experiment?”

Panel Two: Agent 069 looks nervously at Mike’s soft monster dick, it’s almost the size of her torso and his balls are the size of basket balls.

Agent 069: “As you can tell by what you have in between your legs. I believe we’re a part of a breeding experiment. I’m pregnant as well from one of the Doctors subjects and that lady we freed was the Doctors first experiment. I don’t know much about her but a lot of the guards are scared of her, and as you can see you’re a part of it now too.”

Mike: :Mike no sign up for this!”

Agent 069: “I know big guy, I know. Calm down now I promise you I’m not your enemy.”

Mike: “Then why you take Mike!?

Panel Three: Agent 069 has one hand up towards Mike and the other on her belly as she nervously talks. Mike looks calmer now.

Agent 069: “I’m sorry Mike I had to. You were having a reaction we had to get you out of there and see what was happening to you. I’m just a hired mercenary, I do what I’m told. Well…I used to anyway. That was before I found out I was pregnant.”

Mike: “Mike sorry if he hurt preggo lady.”

Agent 069: “It’s okay big guy you didn’t and even if you did I would have deserved it for all the things I’ve done. I’m sorry this happened to you Mike, I mean that.”

Panel Four: Mike looks sad now. Agent 069 has her hand on his monstrous dick as she’s trying to comfort him.

Mike: “Will Mike be normal anymore?”

Agent 069: “I don’t know, Mike. But with all of his experiments being freed he will be forced to answer for the things he’s done. I grew up without a family and the Doctor was going to have my baby do the same, I can’t allow that to happen. Jamal has to know what’s going on.”

Panel Five: Mike’s face flashes with rage again. He begins to grow more and the van he’s still sitting on starts to get crushed even further.


Agent 069: “No! No! Listen to me he had…”

Panel Six: Mike stands up and his monster dick is blocking most of Agent 069’s face he look to be over ten feet tall compared to 069.

Agent 069: “Listen! Jamal had nothing to do with this, he’s a victim to! And his wife! Leave them alone they’re innocent.”

Mike: “He call me little man! MIKE BIG MAN NOW!”


Panel One: Mike is raging now and yelling, his yell is so powerful the birds are flying away. His left arm is starting to grow as well as random muscles as he’s getting angrier. His balls look darker (blue balls). He’s starting to become deformed as his body is trying to keep up with his growth.

Mike: “Mike biggest man now! They laugh at Mike! Mike never wins competition! NOW MIKE WIN THEM ALL! Mike will be biggest…Mike be BEST!

Panel Two: Mike's eyes look wide as Agent 069’s hands are gripped around his dick and she’s moving them to jerk him off. His dick is as girthy as her torso.

Agent 069: “The rooms getting real hot big guy, I think it’s time to cool off.”

Panel Three: Mike starts to get hard and she can barely hold onto his dick now.

Agent 069: “Oh my…”

Panel Four: Mike is now standing over 069 and his dick is casting a shadow over her, she looks scared at it.

Agent 069: “I can’t take that Mike!”

Mike: “Can you…rub it? It felt good for Mike.”

Panel Five: Agent 069 is holding Mikes dick that’s above her head and is stroking it the best she can.

Agent 069: “Goodness I can feel your pulse and the heat coming from your dick is making my hands warm.”

Mike: “This feel good…

Panel Six: Mike is now gently holding Agent 069 up in the air, his massive dick head is in between her legs and she looks scared of it.

Agent 069: “HOLD ON BIG GUY! You’ll rip me in half I can’t take something like that!”

Mike: “Mike know…”


Panel One: Mike has placed Agent 069 on the shaft of his dick.

Mike: “Can you rub it again?”

Panel Two: Agent 069 is taking off her shirt and Mike is watching her with excitement.

Panel Three: Mike's dick grows thicker and veinier as he watches her start to rub.

Panel Four: As Agent 069 rubs her body up and down on Mike’s dick in order to massage it, one of this thick veins is rubbing on her clit.

Panel Five: Mike splooges are large amount and Agent 069 is wide eyed as she watches it happen.

Agent 069: “You were really backed up weren’t you?”

Mike: “Me not cum yet.”

Panel Six: Agent 069 gets a glance at Mike’s balls as they begin to swell.

Mike: “Don’t stop I’m close.”


Panel One: Mike begins to cum like a fountain.

Panel Two: As Mike cums his dick is throbbing and it’s smacking Agent 069’s clit and her face shows her enjoyment.

Panel Three: Mike is creating a puddle of cum on the ground and as he continues to cum he begins to shrink down to normal size.

Agent 069: “That’s it big guy let it all out.”

Panel Four: Mike is now normal size, Agent 069 is laying on top of him and she’s holding his huge soft dick in her hands.

Agent 069: “Even with you beging soft you’re still huge this is insane!”

Mike: “You’re right and who do I have to thank for making me like this? You owe me some answers.”

Agent 069: “A better question would be how you even came into contact with the Doctor in the first place. To my knowledge, you weren’t even a part of the subject list.”

Panel Five: Mike is thinking and he looks a bit confused. Agent 069 is climbing off of Mike while he’s talking.

Mike: “You know what? I honestly don’t remember it’s a fuzzy. I remember being at Hoppers and seeing you and your goons, then in the glass cage and now I’m here with you. I seem to go in and out a little bit.”

Agent 069: “Sorry about that.”

Mike: “Sure you are.”

Panel Six: Agent 069 is distracted by Mike’s huge soft dick and low-hanging balls as she’s trying to talk to him. Mike has a smirk on his face as he’s noticing what she’s looking at.

Agent 069: “You don’t have any memory of taking any pills or anything?”

Mike: “You know what as a matter of fact I do. I was at…Jamal’s gym…and that fucker was on those pills when he embarrassed me during our lifting. And that fucker called me little man!


Panel One: Agent 069 has her hands up as she’s trying to calm Mike down. But he’s starting to get angry again.

Agent 069: “Take it easy there you’re far from being little in any sense of the word. Let that go.”

Mike: “You don’t get it I have an image to hold up! I remember now! That fucker was cheating I saw his muscles swell up and somehow he out lifted me and I couldn’t figure out why! I snuck into his office and found those pills and I figured he was on some kind of roids.”

Panel Two: Mike is starting to grow again as he continues to talk about Jamal.

Mike: “He called me little in the showers! I saw him fucking all of those girls over and over again before I left the showers. Even in school Jamal thought he was so damn cool!”

Agent 069: “Hey focus on me you’re getting sidetracked. Mike, you’re literally the biggest man I’ve ever seen those pills have really changed you. Focus on me, please.”

Panel Three: Mike is looking at Agent 069 and he’s breathing heavily but he’s stopped growing.

Agent 069: “Whatever beef you have with Jamal needs to be squashed. Right now we need to focus on getting you back to normal and exposing what the Doctor is doing to you all. You’re not the only one that’s a victim here!”

Panel Four: Agent 069 is pointing at the crushed van.

Agent 069: “We have to get out of here and find you some clothes, they’re going to find that van soon and we need to be far away from here.

Mike: “Where are we going?”

Agent 069: “Well before you decided to destroy the van we were heading to my safehouse so that I could grab a few things. But by the time we get there now they will be waiting for us. Hopefully my distraction I let out will keep them busy.”

Panel Five: Mike and Agent 069 are walking away even though her face is looking upwards at Mike her eyes are looking down at his dick flopping around as he walks.

Mike: “Am I the distraction? Because you can’t seem to take your eyes off my junk.”

Agent 06: “Oh no…sorry about that it’s just that your dick is the size of my arm and your balls are the size of my belly. It’s just crazy to see something like that. But no, you’re not the distraction…”

Panel Six: Victoria is sitting on the stairs in the alley way with her massive belly out. It’s so big that her dress can’t cover it. She has a huge smile on her face as she’s rubbing her full belly.

Agent 069 Speech Bubble: “I released one of the most dangerous test subjects. I hope that the files I’ve read on her are correct because if not she’s can do a lot of damage.”

Mike Speech Bubble: “Who did you release?”

Agent 069 Speech Bubble: “I released the Doctors wife.”


Panel One: On the highway there are four black vans and a box truck that are following one another.

Panel Two: The Doctor is sitting in the box truck with one of his armed security guards that’s driving. He has a walkie-talkie in his hand and is speaking into it.

Doctor: “Team one, you’re in charge of tracking Agent 069. Team two, check on the subjects Jamal and Becky to see if 069 makes contact. And Team three, you’re with me have all arms set to tranqulize and follow the trackers ping.”

Panel Three: The radio is speaking back to the Doctor.

Radio: “What do we do if when we make contact with 069?”

Doctor: “Long distance tranquilizer, don’t miss because if you do you won’t get another chance.”

Radio: “And what about that huge freak?”

Doctor: “Emplty your tranquilizer clip into him, reload, then empty another one into him. Use the red ones they have a stronger sedative that should temporarily suppress his testosterone.”

Panel Four: The Doctor is speaking into the radio again.

Doctor: “When we encounter 001 make sure your exo-suits are fully charged and ready to go. Don’t be fooled by her, she’s as strong as the big guy and more than likely she will be heavy if she’s eaten. The exo-suits will triple your strength. Everyone break and check back in at 1300.”

Panel Five: The vans exit the highway in different directions.

Panel Six: The Doctor is now talking to the driver of the truck.

Doctor: “Do you think I’m a bad person?”

Driver: “Excuse me? Sir.”

Doctor: “Do you think I’m a bad person? You’re allowed to speak freely.”

Driver: “I have no opinion on that, sir.”

Doctor: “For my sake, I hope I’m not a bad person.”


Panel One: The first team is at the sight where Agnet 069 and Mike were, there are a few armed guards around the parameter and one of them is talking into the radio.

Guard: “Team one captain checking in, we found the van, it’s been crushed somehow and there’s a large puddle of what looks like…well…cum to be frank.”

Doctor: “Cum? Interesting. Any signs of a struggle?”

Guard: “Negative, sir. We’re combing the area for more details we will get back with you when he have more information.”

Panel Two: One of the guards is looking through the back window of Becky and Jamal’s house. Becky and Candy are sitting on the couch and the two of them are talking. Candy is rubbing Becky’s massive stuffed belly.

Guard: “Team two checking in, subject is with another female at her home. She might need to be seen by you soon sir, her stomach looks like she’s going to erupt.”

Panel Three: A guard is hiding behind a tree with binoculars in her hands and is speaking to the radio.

Guard: “Team two. Subject Jamal is still at the bodybuilding event. He seems distressed.

Doctor: “Tail him and keep an eye out, I’ve got a few ideas about Jamal and if he might share any of the side effects with the subject Mike. Monitor his distress.”

Guard: “Copy that.”

Panel Four: A speaker in the back of the truck is speaking to the guards in the back. There are eight people that look like Robo Cop sitting against both sides of the truck walls. There is a harness device in the middle of the truck with cuffs and chains.

Speaker: “Listen up, you all are the finest men and women the Agency has to offer. Don’t let me down, nutrilize the target, get her locked in and sweep the area. Depending on her size she might be to big to move unless she’s digested some of her meal.”

Panel Five: The Doctor is looking at a laptop.

Doctor: “Even with how far 069 got with the van, somehow 001 has gone out a much further distance. How could she cover so many miles in such a small amount of time? If I’m correct then I know where she’s going.”

Driving Guard: “Sir. You mentioned that she might be to big to move unless she’s digested her meal. Did I understand you correctly?”

Doctor: “Yes you understood that correctly.”

Panel Six: The driving guard is now looking at the Doctor.

Guard: “Sir, what are we about to walk into?”

Doctor: “We will find out when we get there, take a right here to get on i-256, I think I know a short cut.”


Panel One: The van and the truck are sitting in front of a run down house in a large field area, the grass is high.

Doctor: “I had a feeling this was where she was going, her speed is incredible, we’re fifteen miles away from the facility and she beat us here. Suit up, I’m going in there alone.”

Guard: “I can’t let you go in there alone, sir.”

Doctor: “I think I will be fine, I think she’s waiting for me.”

Panel Two: The Doctor has opened the front door, it’s dusty and there are spider webs everywhere. The furniture that’s left over is broken.

Doctor: “Victoria! Vicky! Where are you?”

Panel Three: The Doctor is looking up at the ceiling as a loud creak comes from up stairs.

Panel Four: The Doctor is shouting up the dark and creepy stair case.

Doctor: “Victoria, I’m coming up. I know you’re upset but let’s talk about this, okay?”

Panel Five: The Doctor is at the top of the stairs, there’s a door open at the end of the hallway.

Doctor: “We have so much to discuss. I’m sorry I haven’t been down to see you in months, but you have to understand I’ve made a breakthrough! I’m so close Vicky, I can feel it! I can make you normal again very soon!”

Panel Six: The Doctor looks terrified as Victorias voice speaks behind him as he was walking down the hallway. There are large evil eyes behind him.

Victoria: “Hello Albert.”


Panel One: The Doctor has fallen into the room, he’s scooting back on the floor with one hand out as he’s speaking to the darkness in the hallway. All he can see are her evil eyes in the darkness.

Doctor: “Vicky, sweetheart, you startled the old man.”

Victoria: “Normal you say? Albert I’m way past being normal. There’s nothing you can do Albert. Forty years Albert…”

Panel Two: Victoria has stepped into the light, her belly is gurgling as it’s digesting, her dress is torn and she looks angry.

Victoria: “I’ve been stuck like this for decades now because of what you did to me. The hunger…it never stops…how could you do this? You said you LOVED ME!

Panel Three: The Doctor is trying to stand up and Victoria is still slowly approaching him.

Doctor: “I do love you. I’m sorry this happened to you. I was just trying to help you! I was trying to help us!”

Panel Four: Victoria is now standing in front of the Doctor and she’s holding his face with one hand, her huge belly is pressed against him.

Victoria: “Don’t you dare lie to me Albert! You did this because of your sickness! Your mind is sick! You’re…you’re a bad person…I don’t like people Albert.”

Doctor: “No…I’m not…you’re just…hungry…I’m…good.”

Victoria: “You’re right I am hungry and you’re…”

Panel Five: Suddenly the windows burst open and the suited guards are flying into the room.


Panel Six: Show a jumping path from the window. One of the suited guards is holding the Doctor in their arms and they have jumped out of the window. Behind them suited guards are entering the front door, one is flying into the window with rocket shoes.

Guard: “Get in the van sir, we will take it from here.”


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