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Here's more of the filler back story before Becky started to get HUGE and the effects of the pills started to really effect Jamal.



Panel One: Jamal wakes up laying in bed, Becky is gone he’s still laying in the same sleeping position. (SAME SLEEPING POSITION HE WAS IN AT THE END OF THE FURRY COMIC.)

Jamal: “Damn that wore me out, what time is it?”

Panel Two: Jamal looks over at his alarm clock and sees that it’s 11 AM

Jamal: “Oh shit I need to get to the gym!”

Panel Three: POV Becky is downstairs on the phone and is smiling, Jamal is rushing down the stairs with a gym bag in his hands.

Becky: “Alright Doctor that will work, we will see you in two months for the appointment. Thanks.”

Panel Four: Jamal is kissing Becky on the forehead.

Jamal: “Sorry sweetie I have to get going but I can’t forget my girl's kiss, I need to take your car today the truck is acting up.”

Becky: “Okay love you! Thanks for this morning, you really know how to wear a girl out.”

Jamal: “This morning? I thought we did that last night?”

Becky: “Yes we did, and this morning. Are you being silly or is something wrong?”

Jamal: “I guess I’m being silly, I love you I have to go.”

Panel Five: Jamal is driving and talking to himself.

Jamal: “Oh man I can’t believe I fell asleep again and now I’m late. I hope Dan isn’t angry with me. What did Becky mean we did it this morning? I don’t remember doing anything this morning with her.”

Panel Six: Jamal pulls up to Pumped Up Fitness.


Panel One: Jamal is walking past the front desk.

Jamal: “Sorry I’m late Dan, I hope things haven’t been to crazy for you.”

Dan: “Nah all good boss, it’s been a slow Monday morning, like every morning really.”

Jamal: “That’s good I guess, I need to run to my office real quick.”

Dan: “Alright boss, and I put the mail on your desk.”

Panel Two: Jamal is now sitting at his office desk and is looking at a letter that has PAST DUE written on it. There’s a laptop sitting on his desk with a pear logo.

Jamal: “Geez, I really need to drum up some business I’m getting behind on things again.

Panel Three: Jamal has opened the laptop and he looks disappointed as he’s looking at the screen.

Jamal: “Let’s see what our monthly subscribers are looking like…oh…we went down by eight…geez.”

Panel Four: Jamal is rubbing his forehead and is leaning back in his chair in frustration.

Jamal: “What am I gonna do? I need to advertise more or something. But I already have to backpay those previous advertisers. Now we’ve got a kid on the way and of course, business keeps dropping.”

Panel Five: Jamal is looking at a picture of a jacked bodybuilder with an afro, he’s standing in front of Pumped Up Fitness with his thumbs up.”

Jamal: “Geez Pops…I wish you were still here…you knew how to keep this place running way better than I’ve ever been able to.”

Panel Six: A speaker on the wall in Jamal’s office.

Speaker: “Hey boss I have a customer looking to do some personal training with you. I’m working with a client now, are you available?”


Panel One: Jamal is shaking hands with a skinny guy.

Jamal: “Of course! We’re more than just a gym at Pumped Up Fitness, we’re a family. And I would love to show you the ropes on how to do some workouts. Let’s start off with the bench press. I will go first to show you how to do it and then we will switch.”

Panel Two: Jamal is putting on his last weight plate on the bench bar, he has four of them total, two on each side.

Jamal: “When you do the bench you have to take into account the weight of the bar as well. So with these four plates, this is two hundred and twenty-five pounds. This is a bit heavy for me but I don’t go any higher without a spotter, remember safety first.”

Panel Three SPLIT:

SPLIT ONE: Jamal is pressing the weight back up.

Jamal: “Make sure your muscles are nice and tight before liftoff it will make things much…”

SPLIT TWO: Jamal lifts the weights up with ease.

Jamal: “easier”

Panel Four: Jamal looks confused at the weights as he’s still holding the bar in his hands.”

Jamal Thought Bubble: “Holy shit that was too easy that felt like it was only two plates.”

Jamal: “One on one-second sir, I want to try something. And then it’s your turn.”

Panel Five: Jamal has put on two more plates and is laying on the bench he has the bar down towards his chest.

Jamal Thought Bubble: “There’s no way..”

Panel Six: Jamal lifts the bar up easily again and he’s wide-eyed.

Jamal Thought Bubble: “holy shit there’s no way this is three hundred and fifteen pounds and it almost felt like it was nothing.”


Panel One: Jamal is watching the skinny man lift a much smaller amount of weight and he’s struggling a little bit.

Jamal: “That’s it! Power through it, you’ve got this!”

Panel Two: The man lifts the weights and Jamal looks genuinely happy.

Jamal: “Man that’s what I’m talking about!”

Skinny guy: “Oh wow I did it!”

Panel Three SPLIT:

The clock goes from 11:30pm to 1pm

Panel Four: The skinny guy is standing next to Jamal with a smile on his face and is sweating, he has a water bottle in his hand.

Skinny guy: “Oh man that was a heck of a workout, thank you! I definitely want to sign up for the personal trainer program!”

Jamal: “I’m happy to hear that let’s get you registered and I will see you back again tomorrow for some cardio!”

Panel Five: Jamal and Dan are helping people around at the gym and they look happy as they watch everyone.

Panel Six: Jamal and Dan are at the front desk, Dan has some papers in his hand.

Dan: “Not a bad day. But no offense boss I don’t mind it when it ends.”

Jamal: “Yeah I bet. I really wish I could keep this place open for twenty-four hours though.”

Dan: “What’s holding you back? I must admit closing up at eight is a little early for a gym.”

Jamal: “I need to hire two more people and the three sign-ups we got today aren’t going to cover that.”

Dan: “Yeah I gotcha…well I will see you tomorrow. You will figure it out, I know you’ve been a bit spaced out the past few days. You’ve got this.”


Panel One: Jamal is waving as Dan is leaving.

Jamal: “Have a good night I need to do a few things before heading home.”

Panel Two: Jamal is back at the bench and has loaded up four hundred and five pounds onto the bench.

Jamal: “Let’s give it a try.”

Panel Three: Jamal struggles with the weights because they’re too heavy.

Jamal: “Geez I did the three-fifteen like it was nothing but now it feels like this is a thousand pounds.”

Jamal: “Man that was so weird, it feels like my energy and strength have been zapped out of me. I guess I better head home...wait…I wonder if those pills had anything to do with it. Nah they couldn’t…well it wouldn’t hurt to find out.”

Panel Four: Back at home Jamal is running up the stairs and Becky is sitting on the couch watching TV. Becky has a small bowl of popcorn next to her.

Jamal: “Hey sweetie, I have to grab something and head back to the gym for a little bit.”

Becky: “Okay babe”

Panel Five SPLIT: Back at the gym Jamal is standing in front of the bench with 405lbs still on the bar.

Jamal: “Let’s test something out.”

SPLIT TWO: Jamal takes a pill

Panel Six: Jamal is jittery and he’s about to lift the weight.

Jamal: “Alright here goes nothing…”


Panel One: The bar is close to Jamals chest, he’s struggling a bit to lift it off.

Jamal: “Shit! Shit! It’s to heavy.”

Panel Two: Anatomy x-ray of the pills starting to take effect in Jamals body

Panel Three: Jamals muscles swell slightly and his veins pop out.

Jamal: “I feel it, I can feel the bar getting lighter.”

Panel Four (SPLIT):

Split One: Jamal is lifting the bar much easier now

Split Two: * He drops the bar back down to his chest and lifts it again with a cocky smile *

Panel Five: Jamal is sitting upright on the bench press seat and is sweating with a smile on his face.

Jamal: “Four fucking times…I lifted four hundred and five pounds four fucking times! This shit is amazing. I wonder what else I can do.”

Panel Six: Jamal is EZ bar curling four plates.

Jamal: “Lightweight baby!”

Panel Seven: Jamal is squatting 650lbs

Jamal: “Fuck I swear I could add on more plates.”

Panel Eight: Jamal is doing the punching bag and is sweating.

Jamal: “Damn I feel like I can put a hole through this thing.”

Panel Nine: Jamal is taking a shower now, his internal x-ray shows that his brain and body are flooded with the effects of the pills.

Panel Ten: Jamal's balls and dick grow slightly.


Panel One: Jamal is driving home.

Jamal: “Damn I didn’t realize it was almost midnight I feel like I can keep going. I have to much energy, I can feel it pulsing through me! I feel like an ANIMAL!

Panel Two: A sexy woman catches Jamal’s attention as he’s driving past her, she’s jogging with a light on her head and her huge tits are bouncing.

Jamal: “My goodness look at that sexy thang!”

Panel Three: Jamal looks down and see’s that his dick is hard and bigger than before and it’s almost torn through his gym shorts.

Jamal: “holy shit! That’s a new one!”

Panel Four: Jamal is at home and Becky is in bed snoring.

Jamal: “pssst Becky…are you awake? If so are you horny by chance?”

Becky: “ *grunt*...no..cheesecake… *snore*”

Panel Five: Jamal is standing in front of the open toilet jerking off with his eyes tightly closed and there are thought bubbles of the jogger's massive tits. Another thought bubble of her on her knees with her mouth open waiting for him to cum.

Jamal: “Geez my balls…hurt…but I…need…to…”

Panel Six: Jamal is blowing a large load

Jamal: “CUUUUUMMMM!!!”


Panel One: (The Next Day) Jamal is at the gym with an elderly woman and is helping her stretch. Dan is standing next to him.

Dan: “Hey boss can I speak with you for a moment?”

Jamal: “Of course Dan, I will be right back Miss Marshall, you keep up that stretch.”

Panel Two: Dan has a concerned look on his face and the two of them are standing in front of a security camera monitor. There’s a small image of Jamal doing squats on the screen.

Dan: “I know it’s not my place to tell another man how to work out. But I checked the cameras last night before deleting the file to save on storage and I saw you hitting the weights. Jamal…what the fuck? You should have had a spotter you could have hurt yourself lifting like that.”

Panel Three: Dan leans in real close and whispers to Jamal.

Dan: “Jamal be straight with me. What juice are you taking? A few weeks ago you came in all loopy and sitting in your office all day. I was talking to you and it was like you weren’t even aware of your surroundings. And then last night you’re power lifting like it’s nothing.”

Jamal: “Dan I’m not on anything.”

Dan: “Boss I swear you’ve put on a few inches of muscle overnight…come on…what are you on?”

Jamal: “Once again I’m not on anything watch the front while I go to the bathroom.”

Panel Four: Jamal is looking at himself in the mirror and is flexing his bicep.

Jamal: “Dans right I have put on some muscle I look so pumped.”

Panel Five: Jamal remembers last night and how he felt his muscles expanding

Jamal: “That was pretty crazy last night.”

Panel Six: Jamal looks in his shorts at how big his dick and balls have gotten.

Jamal: “And this is pretty crazy too, that load I blew last night was intense. I’ve never felt that horny in my life I felt like I couldn’t control myself.”


Panel One: Jamal is working out with a different client and the pheromone is emitting from his and going all around the room.

Panel Two: A woman is stretching and her nose is in the air.

Woman: “What is that smell? It smells…amazing!”

Panel Three: Jamal notices the woman frantically looking around and is now speaking with his client.

Jamal: “I’m sorry sir, give me a moment I need to check on someone.”

Panel Four: Jamal is standing in front of the woman, she has hearts in her eyes.

Jamal: “Ma’am are you okay I noticed…”

Woman: “It’s you! You’re the one that smell is coming from! What are you wearing it so intoxicating.”

Panel Five: Jamal is smelling his underarms and looks confused.

Jamal: “I mean I do smell a little bit but that’s just from working out, I think we all smell including you miss…no offense…it’s the smell of a good workout.”

Panel Six: Jamal has his hands up and is backing away from the woman as she’s crawling towards him on her hands and knees with hearts in her eyes. A few people are noticing what’s happening.

Woman: “No that’s not it. You don’t stink you smell amazing no beyond amazing…I need you. There’s something about you I can’t stop myself.”


Panel One: Jamal in his office he looks frantic and out of breath as he’s leaning against the door trying to keep it closed while the lady is knocking hard on it.

Jamal: “What the fuck is wrong with this lady?”

Panel Two: Outside of the office the lady is beating on the door with huge hearts in her eyes and her legs are pressed together because she’s uncontrollably horny.

Woman: “Please let me in I promise I won’t bite unless you want me to.”

Panel Three: Jamal is still pressed against the door and the woman's voice makes Jamal’s eyes go wide.

Woman: “Please mister if you open the door I will give you whatever you want! Money, me, my house, my yogurt shops whatever you want!. Please open the door I’m so fucking wet right now.”

Jamal: “Yogurt? Why would I want that? I just want you to stop trying to break down my door.”

Woman: “I own the Hannah Banna Yogurt shops. I’m Hannah by the way just let me in so we can talk. Is that what you want? Yogurt? I can give you so much of it if you let me in.”

Panel Four: Jamal looks over at the past due invoice on his desk.

Jamal Thought Bubble: “Those yogurt shops are always packed with people, she must be making a killing. But Becky and the baby I can’t do that to her. But if I can’t pay back the advertisers I can’t get more business. Fuck!”

Panel Five: Jamal opens the door and is nervously pointing to the past due bill on the desk

Jamal: “Okay look if you’re serious then I just want you to pay that bill for me.

Panel Six: The woman is seductively leaning over his desk with her phone in her hand in the bill. Jamal is trying not to look at the woman and is nervously looking away as he’s starting to get hard.

Woman: “And the expiration date for my card is eleven twenty-eight.”

Phone: “Payment accepted, thank you.”


Panel One: The woman is on her knees in front of Jamal, his dick is starting to out stretch his shorts.

Woman: “So cute. Acting like you don’t want me but a deals a deal, let’s see what I’m working with here.”

Panel Two: The woman is holding Jamals thick dick in her hand and is licking it, it’s still not fully hard.

Woman: “Lucky me I didn’t think you were this big.”

Jamal: “Neither did I but I don’t think I’m fully hard.”

Panel Three: The woman is struggling a bit to suck his dick but Jamals face can’t hide the fact that he likes it.

Panel Four (SPLIT):

Split One: (x-ray) Jamals dick is in her throat

Split Two: (x-ray) It gets bigger and the woman's eyes are wide in shock

Panel Five: The woman is struggling a little bit to blow Jamal due to his size but Jamal has is eyes tightly closed and is holding her head as she blows him.

Jamal: “My balls they hurt I need…to…CUM!

Panel Six: POV: rear shot: Jamal's balls are squeezing and releasing as he cums. The woman's stomach begins to swell as cum leaks out of her mouth.


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