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PANEL ONE: Agent 069 is driving a van and she looks angry, Mike is sitting next to her and is naked. His oversized dick is flopped over his leg.

Mike: “You rescued me, why?”

Agent 069: “Just doing the right thing.”

Panel Two: Mike is looking down at his muscles, huge dick and massive balls. He doesn’t look happy and there are veins starting to show on his arms. Agent 069 isn’t paying attention to him.

Mike: “You know what’s funny about doing the right thing?

Panel Three: 

Split One: Agent 069 is trying to get control of the van as it begins to swerve to the right. The van is leaning towards the right side.

Split Two: Mikes massive hulk hand is tightly gripped over Agent 069’s face and head to the point she can only see with one eye opened. She’s trying to look over at Mike and her eye is wide while she’s trying to maintain control of the van.

Panel Four: Mike is hulking out and has gotten so big that he’s barely fitting in the van, he’s still holding her head and he’s enraged.

Mike: “You’re the pretty little thing I saw at Hoppers that night…you kidnapped me…you take…Mike.”

Panel Five (SPLIT)

Split One: Agent 069 has slammed on the brakes and cars are screeching around them.

Split Two: Mike's massive arm bursts out of the side window and the tires blow out from the weight, the van is leaning so far it looks like it’s about to tip over.

Mike: “Mike let go you talk now…don’t lie to Mike.”

Panel Six: Agent 069 is gasping for air and she looks horrified at Mike. He’s gotten so big that there’s barely any room in the van for her. His head and shoulders are around to rip out of the roof. He’s crushed the seat and his legs have busted into the dashboard.

Agent 069: “Holy fuck! Easy there BIG GUY let me gett off the highway and I will tell you everything I promise.


Panel One: Agent 069 is standing in front of Mike while he’s still in Hulk form, Mike is sitting on the hood of the van and the front end of it is crushed under his weight. They’re in an abandoned parking lot and Agent 069 is trying to put on a calm face while Mike is staring at her intensely.

Agent 069: “I didn’t just free you I freed that lady we had with us and every other experiment that the Doctor was working on. I guess I’m part of that experiment now as well.”

Mike: “What experiment?”

Panel Two: Agent 069 looks nervously at Mike’s soft monster dick, it’s almost the size of her torso and his balls are the size of basket balls.

Agent 069: “As you can tell by what you have in between your legs. I believe we’re a part of a breeding experiment. I’m pregnant as well from one of the Doctors subjects and that lady we freed was the Doctors first experiment. I don’t know much about her but a lot of the guards are scared of her, and as you can see you’re a part of it now too.”

Mike: :Mike no sign up for this!”

Agent 069: “I know big guy, I know. Calm down now I promise you I’m not your enemy.”

Mike: “Then why you take Mike!?”

Panel Three: Agent 069 has one hand up towards Mike and the other on her belly as she nervously talks. Mike looks calmer now.

Agent 069: “I’m sorry Mike I had to. You were having a reaction we had to get you out of there and see what was happening to you. I’m just a hired mercenary, I do what I’m told. Well…I used to anyway. That was before I found out I was pregnant.”

Mike: “Mike sorry if he hurt preggo lady.”

Agent 069: “It’s okay big guy you didn’t and even if you did I would have deserved it for all the things I’ve done. I’m sorry this happened to you Mike, I mean that.”

Panel Four: Mike looks sad now. Agent 069 has her hand on his monstrous one as she’s trying to comfort him.

Mike: “Will Mike be normal anymore?”

Agent 069: “I don’t know, Mike. But with all of his experiments being freed he will be forced to answer for the things he’s done. I grew up without a family and the Doctor was going to have my baby do the same, I can’t allow that to happen. Jamal has to know what’s going on.”

Panel Five: Mike’s face flashes with rage again. He begins to grow more and the van he’s still sitting on starts to get crushed even further.


Agent 069: “No! No! Listen to me he had…”

Panel Six: Mike stands up and his monster dick is blocking most of Agent 069’s face he look to be ove ten feet tall compared to 069.

Agent 069: “Listen! Jamal had nothing to do with this, he’s a victim to! And his wife! Leave them alone they’re innocent.”

Mike: “He call me little man! MIKE BIG MAN NOW!”


Panel One: Mike is raging now and yelling, his yell is so powerful the birds are flying away. His left arm is starting to grow as well as random muscles as he’s getting angrier. His balls look darker (blue balls) 

Mike: “Mike biggest man now! They laugh at Mike! Mike never wins competition! NOW MIKE WIN THEM ALL! Mike will be biggest…Mike be BEST!”

Panel Two: Mike's eyes look wide as Agent 069’s hands are gripped around his dick and she’s moving them to jerk him off. His dick is as girthy as her torso.

Agent 069: “The rooms getting real hot big guy, I think it’s time to cool off.”

Panel Three: Mike starts to get hard and she can barely hold onto his dick now.

Agent 069: “Oh my…”

Panel Four: Mike is now standing over 069 and his dick is casting a shadow over her, she looks scared at it.

Agent 069: “I can’t take that Mike!”

Mike: “Can you…rub it? It felt good for Mike.”

Panel Five: Agent 069 is holding Mikes dick that’s above her head and is stroking it the best she can. 

Agent 069: “Goodness I can feel your pulse and the heat coming from your dick is making my hands warm.”

Mike: “This feel good…

Panel Six: Mike is now gently holding Agent 069 up in the air, his massive dick head is in between her legs and she looks scared of it.

Agent 069: “HOLD ON BIG GUY! You’ll rip me in half I can’t take something like that!”

Mike: “Mike know”


Panel One: Mike has placed Agent 069 on the shaft of his dick.

Mike: “Can you rub it again?”

Panel Two: Agent 069 is taking off her shirt and Mike is watching her with excitement.

Panel Three: Mike's dick grows thicker and veinier as he watches her start to rub.

Panel Four: As Agent 069 rubs her body up and down on Mike’s dick in order to massage it, one of this thick veins is rubbing on her clit.

Panel Five: Mike splooges are large amount and Agent 069 is wide eyed as she watches it happen.

Agent 069: “You were really backed up weren’t you?”
Mike: “Me not cum yet.”

Panel Six: Agent 069 gets a glance at Mike’s balls as they begin to swell.

Mike: “Don’t stop I’m close.”


Panel One: Mike begins to cum like a fountain.

Panel Two: As Mike cums his dick is throbbing and it’s smacking Agent 069’s clit and her face shows her enjoyment.

Panel Three: Mike is creating a puddle of cum on the ground and as he continues to cum he begins to shrink down to normal size.

Agent 069: “That’s it big guy let it all out.”

Panel Four: Mike is now normal size, Agent 069 is laying on top of him and she’s holding his huge soft dick in her hands.

Agent 069: “Even with you beging soft you’re still huge this is insane!”

Mike: “You’re right and who do I have to thank for making me like this? You owe me some answers.”

Agent 069: “A better question would be how you even came into contact with the Doctor in the first place. To my knowledge, you weren’t even a part of the subject list.”

Panel Five: Mike is thinking and he looks a bit confused. Agent 069 is climbing off of Mike while he’s talking.

Mike: “You know what? I honestly don’t remember it’s a fuzzy. I remember being at Hoppers and seeing you and your goons, then in the glass cage and now I’m here with you. I seem to go in and out a little bit.”

Agent 069: “Sorry about that.”

Mike: “Sure you are.”

Panel Six: Agent 069 is distracted by Mike’s huge soft dick and low-hanging balls as she’s trying to talk to him. Mike has a smirk on his face as he’s noticing what she’s looking at.

Agent 069: “You don’t have any memory of taking any pills or anything?”

Mike: “You know what as a matter of fact I do. I was at…Jamal’s gym…and that fucker was on those pills when he embarrassed me during our lifting. And that fucker called me little man!”


Panel One: Agent 069 has her hands up as she’s trying to calm Mike down. But he’s starting to get angry again

Agent 069: “Take it easy there you’re far from being little in any sense of the word. Let that go.”

Mike: “You don’t get it I have an image to hold up! I remember now! That fucker was cheating I saw his muscles swell up and somehow he out lifted me and I couldn’t figure out why! I snuck into his office and found those pills and I figured he was on some kind of roids.”

Panel Two: Mike is starting to grow again as he continues to talk about Jamal.

Mike: “He called me little in the showers! I saw him fucking all of those girls over and over again before I left the showers. Even in school Jamal thought he was so damn cool!”

Agent 069: “Hey focus on me you’re getting sidetracked. Mike, you’re literally the biggest man I’ve ever seen those pills have really changed you. Focus on me, please.”

Panel Three: Mike is looking at Agent 069 and he’s breathing heavily but he’s stopped growing.

Agent 069: “Whatever beef you have with Jamal needs to be squashed. Right now we need to focus on getting you back to normal and exposing what the Doctor is doing to you all. You’re not the only one that’s a victim here!”

Panel Four: Agent 069 is pointing at the crushed van.

Agent 069: “We have to get out of here and find you some clothes, they’re going to find that van soon and we need to be far away from here.

Mike: “Where are we going?”

Agent 069: “Well before you decided to destroy the van we were heading to my safehouse so that I could grab a few things. But by the time we get there now they will be waiting for us. Hopefully my distraction I let out will keep them busy.”

Panel Five: Mike and Agent 069 are walking away even though her face is looking upwards at Mike her eyes are looking down at his dick flopping around as he walks.

Mike: “Am I the distraction? Because you can’t seem to take your eyes off my junk.”

Agent 06: “Oh no…sorry about that it’s just that your dick is the size of my arm and your balls are the size of my belly. It’s just crazy to see something like that. But no, you’re not the distraction…”

Panel Six: Victoria is sitting on the stairs in the alley way with her massive belly out. It’s so big that her dress can’t cover it. She has a huge smile on her face as she’s rubbing her full belly.

Agent 069 Speech Bubble: “I released one of the most dangerous test subjects. I hope that the files I’ve read on her are correct because if not she’s can do a lot of damage.”

Mike Speech Bubble: “Who did you release?”

Agent 069 Speech Bubble: “I released the Doctors wife.”



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