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Artist: Unknown


Panel One: * Becky is wearing her seat belt, and it’s still too tight on her belly *

Becky: Let’s hurry up and go to the dealership. This seat belt is killing me now.

Panel Two: *Jamal is glancing at her belly *

Jamal: *Thinking to himself * I thought her stomach would have gone down by now because she ate all that food almost two hours ago.

Panel Three: * Dealership * Sketchy Automotive

Panel Four: *Inside the dealership*

Sleazy salesman 01: Oh, look someone else in a piece of shit car just pulled up to waste our time again. Who wants them?”

Panel Five: * The sleazy salesman sees Becky get out of the car, and his eyes turn into dollar signs when he see’s her massive belly *

Sleazy Salesman: Nevermind I got this one I’m about to man the harpoons with this whale!

Panel Six: * Jamal and Becky are looking at a mini van, there is a dark devil like shadow behind them with evil eyes. *

Shadow Devil (Sleazy Salesman): Welcome to Shady Automotive how can I help you?


Panel One: * Jamal and the Sleazy Salesman are shaking hands *

Sleazy Salesman: How are you three doing today? Welcome! Welcome! What car can I put in your driveway today?

Becky: Well it’s definitely more than three of us, speaking of which can we see your other vans?

Sleazy Salesman: Of course you can! Here at Sketchy Automotive we make sure that you’re riding in luxury no matter how many the seats. Speaking of which how many are we expecting? Two...three?

Becky: Eight...actually

Panel Two:

Sleazy Salesman: * Dollar signs in his eyes * Holy shi...excuse me...I think we have a few options for you. Please follow me.

Panel Three: Frame: “Somewhere in an underground laboratory”

Panel Four: Frame: There are a lot of scientists in a laboratory looking at computers and mixing chemicals. In the distance there are people floating in large vats.

Scientist: “Doctor do you have a moment I need to show you something from our latest subject.”

The Doctor: “Yes but make it quick.”

Panel Five: The doctor and a young woman that’s also dressed in a lab coat are walking side by side while he’s reading papers on a clipboard.

Scientist: “The results from the new subject are astounding and down right baffling to be honest.”

The Doctor: “Let me get this straight, you take time out of my day to tell me that we’re no closer to knowing what caused his hyper growth? I was already heading over to area B to check on the subject. Could this not have waited until I got over there?”

Scientist: “Well yes and no. We have a few theories as to what might have caused it but we’re not one hundred percent sure. One major theory is that because of his excessive steroid use it caused an obvious negative reaction to sample 0031A.”

The Doctor: “Yes that seems to be obvious now doesn’t it?”

Panel Six: The two scientists are standing in front of a large vat with Muscle Mike floating inside of it. He has an oxygen mask on and multiple wires hooked up to him. His junk is hyper inflated and he appears to be more muscular.

Scientist: “The main idea behind this theory is that not only have his genitals grown to an astronomical rate but his muscles have become larger and more dense. But that’s not even the bulk of it, take a look at these xray pictures.


Panel One: The Doctor and the scientist are looking at a computer screen with an xray of Mike’s brain there is a large mass in his brain.”

Scientist: “At first glance we thought that was a mass to indicate a potential stroke or cancerous cells. But it’s not, it’s his pituitary gland and it’s pumping out so much growth hormone that we think his body is about to undergo a massive growth spurt. But we think there is some type of hormonal trigger that needs to happen first.

The Doctor: “As fascinating as this is I still need to know why this happened. We can’t take this to the public market and have men’s balls become the size of literal beach balls. But I want you to probe deeper and see what reaction you can muster up. In fact, wake him up I think he and I need to have a chat.”

Panel Two: Other scientists are typing away at computers and gages are moving around.

Panel Three: Mikes eyes shoot open in shock and his eye color is brown.

Panel Four: Mikes eyes go from shock to rage and his eyes have veins in them and his eye color changes to purple.

Panel Five: Warning lights start going off on the computers, the scientists look scared because they don’t know what’s going on. The Doctor watches in amusement with a look of intrigue on his face.

Panel Six: Mike’s hands are pressed against the glass of the vat and his muscles are veiny and bulging.

The Doctor: “Well...this looks promising.”


Panel One: Frame: (Back at the dealership)

Panel Two: The salesman is showing Becky and Jamal an expensive looking and massive SUV that looks like a Cadillac Escalade.

Salesman: “Now I know you said a van but let me show you this beauty first! This is the General Auto Magnum XXL Plus. Our top of the line FAMILY suv that’s rated the hightest in safety, seats and luxury.”

Panel Three: Becky and Jamal are looking at one another and seem concerned.

Salesman: “Go ahead and check this beauty out.”

Panel Four: The inside is super nice leather and fancy gadgets, it’s a four row seater, everything looks shiney and expensive. There are tv’s on the head rests and on the roof.

Salesman: “Not only is this a top rate family vehicle in terms of safety. BUT! It also packs a five hundred horsepower engine so after you all drop off the kids. You can take it to the drag strip if you wanted to pops and lay down some rubber.”

Jamal: “That’s nice...I guess. But how many miles per gallon does it get?”

Panel Five:

Salesman: “Miles per gallon. You mean ten smiles per gallon!”

Jamal: “And the price?”

Salesman: “Payments are no problem here at Shady Automotive. Our expert financial scam...I mean financial experts will find the best payment options for you. In fact we could put you in this bad boy for twelve hundred dollars a month for one hundred and twenty months. And a super low rate of thirty five percent. You can’t beat that, I guarantee it!”

Becky: “Goodness no! That’s as much as our house! We’re in the forty thousand dollar range and nothing more.”

Panel Six: The salesman eye is twitching.

Salesman: “Oh...just forty thouand dollars...that’s it? I want to make sure you all get the best deal and something that will...last you years down the road.”

Jamal: “You heard the misses, forty thousand dollars. And that’s with tax, title and fees.”


Panel One: (The salesman has a Grench like smile on his face)

Salesman: “Follow me I think I have just the thing for you.”

Panel Two: (Becky is waddling and has her hand on her back and is struggling to walk)

Jamal: “You okay sweetheart?”

Becky: “Yes, they’re just a bit heavy.”

Panel Three: ( A mini van with rust and a flat tire, it looks like junk)

Salesman: “I have the perfect vehicle for you and it’s perfect for your budget.”

Panel Four: Becky and Jamal sigh.

Panel Five: Becky looks upset

Becky: “I think we need to go somewhere else, thank you for your time.”

Panel Six:

Salesman: “Oh no don’t go! There are so many options here on our lot and our other ones. And besides, Sketchy Automotive owns most of the dealerships in the state and we all partner with one another. So even if you leave, we’re all the same.”


Panel One: ( Back at the underground lab. Mike is punching the glass which has cracked and is spraying out water)

Scientist: “Sir what should we do?”

The Doctor: “Activate the containment protocol of course. But hurry up and finish draining the tank and release him. Those vats are expensive and I don’t want him to completely break it.”

Panel Two: Mikes body becomes more muscular and his veins are getting thicker. The Doctor is looking at the computer screen while everyone else seems to be panicking around him.

The Doctor: “Fascinating his rage is triggering his growth. This is remarkable! Get the tranquilizer guns ready!”

Panel Three: The vat has drained and has lifted. Mike is standing on the platform flexing his large muscles and yelling with rage.

Panel Four: The Doctor is surrounded by other scientist wearing hazmat armour and long rifles that are pointed at Muscle Mike.

The Doctor: “Knock him out and strap him down and bring him to the observation chamber in Area C. I have a semen specimen to go look at before we have our little chat with this brute.”

Panel Five: The Doctor is walking down a hallway by himself and he looks like he’s pondering.

Thought Bubble: “This is remarkable! The possible reaction of his steroid use has caused him to become incredibly strong but his anger seems to be out of control. The fact that he was able to crack a ten inch thick sheet of glass was astronomical. I have to pin down why this has happened to him and if I can target that. There could be a potential of a military contract in my future.

Panel Six: The Doctor is standing in a doorway. There is a scientist looking in a microscope.

The Doctor: “What have you found out with the sample that we were given by Jamal.”

The Scientist: “Come and take a look yourself, sir. You won’t believe it.”


Panel One: The salesman looks sweaty and frustrated.

Salesman: “Okay since those other fourteen vehicles didn’t work for you how about this one?”

Panel Two: Frame (A van that looks like a Honda Odyssey, there is a halo around the van because it’s perfect for Becky and Jamal.)

Salesman: “This is the Econda Hybrid Flex. It’s a three row seater and it goes for thirty two thousand dollars.”

Jamal: “Well that looks nice, why didn’t we start off with this one?”

Salesman: “Well it’s nothing compared to the General Auto Magnum XXL Plus that I first showed you. Does it get better mileage, yes! Is it cheaper in terms of maintenance? Probably. Is it more practical for daily use? Maybe. But what will people think when they see you arrive in this? Compared to the Magnum XXL?”

Becky: “I’m not concerned with what people think about us.”

Panel Three: Becky and Jamal are checking out the van with excitement.

Panel Four: Becky gets into the driver seat and her belly is pressed against the steering wheel causing the horn to go off.

Panel Five: She pushes the seat back and she realizes she won’t have enough room when her belly gets bigger.

Jamal: “Everything okay up here?”

Becky: “Yeah. I just won’t have enough room once I get bigger if I needed to go somewhere.”

Jamal: “Well you won’t be pregnant forever so don’t worry about sweetheart.”

Panel Six: Jamal is smiling and the Salesman looks mad.

Jamal: We’ll take it.

Salesman: (Mumbles to himself) “Of course you’ll take the cheap one and lower my commission.”

Jamal: “What was that?”

Salesman: “Nothing sir! I will get the paperwork ready for you.”


Panel One: The specimen is so compacted with sperm that they can’t move.

The Doctor: “This is...astounding...astronomical...it’s…it’s better than I could have imagined!”

Panel Two: The Doctor is looking happily at the other scientist.

The Doctor: “Have you done a full analysis of her sperm? Count, concentration, all of it?”

The Scientist: “Yes sir. The results are beyond impressive.”

Panel Three: The Scientist is looking at a computer screen while The Doctor looks back in the microscope.

The Scientist: “His count his approximately one hundred and fifty percent higher than than the average man, possibly in the tens of billions. The sperm itself are perfect, actually they’re stronger than anything I’ve personally seen. Their tails are thicker and longer, making them the perfect swimmers. In fact I have found no defaults in a single one I’ve seen. And his cum volume is impossible. The nurse at the clinic had to give him a lemonade picture to catch the sample.”

Panel Four: The Scientist continues.

The Scientist: “As long as the woman is ovulating, and her egg is mature. With how his specimen looks, his cum volume and the way his sperm are structured…”

The Doctor: “Conception theoretically will be at one hundred percent.”

The Scientist: “Exactly. Congrats, sir. This is the breakthrough we’ve been looking for.”

Panel Five: The Scientist continues.

The Scientist: “But we do have something that may present itself to be a problem. We found traces of an unknown hormone that we think is released as a pheromone of some kind, what it does exactly I’m unsure.”

The Doctor: “Fascinating. In theory since pregnancy should be one hundred percent...hmm...find Agent 069 and send her to my clinic.”

Panel Six: Agent 069 is laying down on the exam table in the doctor's clinic next to the ultrasound machine. Her stomach has a small bulge.


Panel One: Jamal is putting on his gym clothes an Becky is in the room watching him.

Becky: “Your heading back to work already?”

Jamal: “Yes sweetheart but only for a few hours. Mike told me about a bodybuilding competition that’s near by so I want to see if I can get a booth or something at the event for advertising.”

Becky: “Mike? You mean that meat head from high school? What was he doing at your gym?”

Panel Two:

Jamal: “I’m not sure honestly. I thought he left the city years ago but he claims he’s a professional bodybuilder and we had a grudge match. I almost lost to him.”

Becky: “Almost lost? What do you mean?”

Jamal: “It’s hard to explain. I just got this massive burst of energy and I was able to lift and squat more weight than I’ve ever attempted. I felt so...powerful.”

Becky: “Well be careful Jamal you have nothing to prove to him or anyone else.

Panel Three:

Jamal: “I know but I just wanted to show him that he’s not as big and bad as he thinks he is. And he even confronted me in the shower room. He was so pissed.”

Becky: “What happened? What did he say?”

Panel Four: Jamal has a thought bubble of the three women he had sex with in the shower room.

Jamal: “I told him off, finished my shower and he had vanished.”

Panel Five:

Becky: “Well good, I’m glad he won’t be a problem anymore for you.”

Jamal: “Yeah I guess so, I think he left town or something because I haven’t seen him since that night.”

Panel Six: Becky looks curious.

Becky: “What night?”

Jamal: “Oh...I meant since that day of him getting all pissed off. Yeah, that’s what I meant.”


Panel One: Jamal is waving to Becky as he’s leaving in his car.

Panel Two:

Becky: “He was acting a bit odd. it’s probably nothing Becky, keep your nose out of it.”

Panel Three: Her belly starts to grumble because she’s hungry again.

Panel Four: Her hand is on her belly and she looks hungry.

Becky: “Hungry already? Yeah me too I didn’t want to tell your daddy how hungry we were again when we were at the dealership. I feel like I’m starving.”

Panel Five: Frame (The fridge is open and is full of delicious food)

Becky: “Okay just a little snack until your daddy gets back for dinner.”

Panel Six: Becky is carrying a large amount of food in her arms and looks happy.





Panel One: Becky is admiring all the food that she’s laid out on the table while her stomach continues to growl.

Becky: “Don’t worry boys, momma’s about to feed you.”

Panel Two: Becky starts shoveling food into her mouth.

Becky: “So...good!”

Panel Three: Becky’s belly grows and get’s closer to the table.

Panel Four (SPLIT):

Split One: She uses a spoon to eat soup.

Split Two: She takes the soup bowl and starts drinking out of it.

Panel Five: Her belly is now touching the table and it’s sticking out at the bottom of her shirt. There are multiple empty bowels and chicken bones on plates.

Panel Six: Her belly is now pressing against the table.


Panel One: Becky struggles to get up from the chair.

Panel Two: She waddles back to the fridge and her belly is bouncing up and down. She has her hand on her back.

Becky: “Gosh you all are so heavy.”

Panel Three (SPLIT):

Split One: Becky grabs a bottle that says Heavy Cream from the shelf on the fridge, there is still some food in the fridge.

Split Two: She smells it and is smiling.

Panel Four: She’s drinking the heavy cream and her belly is stretched out further from under her shirt. She’s spilling some of the cream on herself.

Panel Five: She’s smelling a box of chinese food.

Becky: Smells good to me!

Panel Six: She’s slurping a large noodle happily.


Panel One: Becky is now on her kees as she continues to heat, her stomach is close to touching the floor.

Panel Two: There is a large ham leg on the top shelf of the fridge there is a halo around it.

Becky: “Well hello there!”

Panel Three: She has the ham leg in her hand.

Becky: I feel kind of full but for some reason I really...really want this.

Panel Four: POV of her looking down at her massive belly. She sees the food on her shirt and how her belly is stretched out past her shirt.

Becky: “Oh my lord! My belly!”

Panel Five: She’s struggling to get up

Becky: “Come on girl...you got this...get...up.”

Panel Six: She’s bent over and is using the fridge door to keep her balance, her huge belly is hanging downwards and she looks exhausted.


Panel One: She notices that she still has the ham leg in her hand.

Panel Two: She’s smelling the ham.

Becky: “I really don’t need to eat this.”

Panel Three (SPLIT):

Spilt One: She has her mouth wide open over the ham.

Spit Two: She bites down on he ham and is taking a big bite.

Panel Four (SPLIT):

Spit One: She’s taking more bites like an animal.

Spit Two: The ham is almost gone.

Panel Five: POV of Becky bent over in front of the fridge still eating.

Becky: “I need more food!”

Panel Six: A picture of Becky and Jamal is on the wall, Becky’s shadow is on the wall and it shows her devouring food.

Becky: “I’m so hungry!”


Panel One: The Doctor is closing the door behind himself, Agent 069 is laying down on the exam table still and she’s looking at him.

The Doctor: “Agent 069, you got here in perfect timing as usual.”

Agent 069: “Hi Doc. Do you really have to keep calling me that? Can’t you just say Netosha?”

The Doctor: “No. When you were hired you were given that name as you know. There is no purpose for me to call you by your name. The same goes with you calling me by mine.”

Panel Two:

Agent 069: “Okay Doctor, why am I here?”

The Doctor: “Because I think the experiment subject Jamal, got you pregnant.”

Agent 069: “I highly doubt that Doctor.”

The Doctor: “And why is that?”

Panel Three: Agent 069 has her shirt lifted up and the doctor is preparing the ultrasound machine.

Agent 069: “Because I had just got off my period when I encountered Jamal, which means I wasn’t even ovulating at the time.”

Panel Four: POV, The Doctors hand is squirting the gel onto her small belly bump.

Agent 069: “So as you know Doctor it takes a few weeks for a woman to ovulate after her period.

Panel Five: POV The Doctor’s hand is holding the monitor on her belly

Agent 069: “Besides with my line of work there’s no way that…”

Panel Six: The Doctor has turned the ultrasound monitor towards Agent 069 and there is a tiny fetus on the monitor.

Agent 069: “I’m pregnant!?”



Panel One: Agent 069 is sitting up on the exam table with her hand on her belly, she looks super nervous. The Doctor is sitting in the chair next to her.

The Doctor: “If you decide to keep it, the foundation will compensate you accordingly. In the meantime I have some questions for you.”

Agent 069: “How could this be? It’s impossible!”

The Doctor: “I will get to that in a moment. But first, my questions.”

Panel Two:

The Doctor: “Tell me about your initial encounter with the subject Jamal and why you broke your observation ONLY protocol with the subject.”

Panel Three: (FLASH BACK) Agent 069 is on the bench press and her POV angle is directed at Jamal’s big dick bulge.

Agent 069 Speech Bubble: “When I encountered Jamal I requested a workout. I was about to start the questioning process when I noticed his...well...his rather large outline of his dick. And I became aroused. In fact I think he noticed I was looking and I think I may have overdone the honey potting with my cleavage.”

Panel Four: (FLASHBACK) POV of Jamal’s bugle stretching his gym shorts a little as he starts to get hard.

Agent 069: “At first I was able to ignore it and continue my workout with him but as time went on, there was something about him that made my heart race. It made my stomach feel hot and I felt like I was losing control over myself. I wanted him so badly. And then I saw his bulge get even bigger and there was this amazing smell.

Panel Five: (FLASHBACK) Agent 069 is sitting upwards on the bench and is sweating, her hair has gotten wet from all the sweat.

The Doctor: “The amazing smell, tell me more about that.”

Agent 069: “I wish I could Doctor, it’s hard to describe but even though he had left to go to his office I could still smell him. He smelled so...strong, I guess would be the word. I can’t describe it. I sat there for a moment and continued to try and maintain my over but suddenly I longed for him. I had to feel him.”

Panel Six: (FLASHBACK) Agent 069 is staggering down a long hallway with many doors. Her pussy is dripping wet and she is sweating heavily.

Agent 069: “Even though I didn’t see where he went I knew how to find him. I kept telling myself to stop but my body wouldn’t let me. It was as if I was on autopilot or something. I didn’t even have to check the rooms to see where he went too, I just knew.”


Panel One: (FLASHBACK) The door is open and she’s looking at Jamal. His underwear have torn because of his increasing hard on size and his shirt is lifted up because he was about to change his clothes.

Agent 069: “When I saw him standing there with his massive dick and how heavy his balls looked. I snapped. In fact I threatened to get his business shut down because I said I was a huge influencer on LifeStalker. He caved so quickly that I think he wanted me too. And he took another pill before we started.

The Doctor: “Fascinating, why would he take more? Continue on.”

Panel Two: POV of Agent 069 looking down at Jamal inside of her, he’s obviously too big for her.

Agent 069: “When he was inside me I felt so euphoric and even though he was too big for me I didn’t want him to stop. I felt the pills take effect on him I believe because suddenly it felt as if his dick got bigger and I could feel the weight of his balls swinging back and forth.

Panel Three: (X-ray of Jamal filling her womb)

Agent 069: “When he finally came I could feel the rush of his hot cum literally beginning to fill my womb. You would thinking having my stomach swell up like that would hurt, but in fact it was the total opposite. I didn’t want him to stop.”

The Doctor: “Interesting, did his stamina decrease as your sexual session progressed?”

Agent 069: “No, in fact the more he came the more energy he got. There were a few times I wanted him to stop because I felt like my stomach was going to explode. But I couldn’t manage the words...nor did I want to say them.”

Panel Four: (FLASHBACK) Agent 069 is laying down on Jamal’s desk and is exhausted, her belly is swollen and she’s leaking cum.

Agent 069: “When he was finally finished I think he passed out but I was too tired to check up on him. And that’s when I checked my phone and saw that you were waiting for me outside.”

Panel Five: (PRESENT DAY) The Doctor is sitting in his chair and is taking notes.

The Doctor: “Interesting. Well you see where you’ve put me in a difficult situation. Your observation mission has become a total failure, I needed you to keep track of Becky and befriend her. Which might be possible due to your current condition. But the story behind your pregnancy may present a problem if Jamal has a sudden lapse in judgement and tells his wife what happened. If that happened then I doubt they will come back for future visits.”

Panel Six:  Agent 069’s face looks worried.

The Doctors Speech Bubble: “Now, what am I going to do with you?”



Panel One: The Doctor is in an elevator and is thinking to himself.

The Doctor Thought Bubble: “I’m so close to a solid breakthrough and once that is reached The Foundation will be at the forefront of saving the human race’s steep population decline. We’ve advanced so far in society that people aren’t having enough kids to sustain the economic structure for future generations. And on top of that infertility among the masses has grown over the decades at an alarming rate. When this is finally released to the public I will revolutionize the future of humanity.”

Panel Two: The Doctor is out of the elevator and is walking past a few scientists that look injured.

Panel Three: The Doctor stops and is examining the other scientists.

The Doctor: “What happened here?”

The Scientist: “The test subject Mike went ballistic once the tranquilizers wore off. We couldn’t keep him contained and he kept growing.”

The Doctor: “Growing?”

The Scientist: “Yes sir. He’s in Area A’s holding cell.”

The Doctor: “That area is strictly for animals.”

The Scientist: “I know, sir.”

Panel Four: The Doctor is walking through Area A and walks past a monkey with hyper sized balls and a massive dick. * This character will be a spin off character, please ask me for the OC reference image if it’s not given. *

Panel Five: The Doctors face looks shocked.

Panel Six: Mike is in a large cage metal bar cage and he’s triple his muscle size, he’s become a ten foot tall giant hulk like monster.

The Doctor: “Well...fuck.”


Panel One: The Doctors face and hair is being blown back as if he’s in front of a high wind force. Mike is yelling at him.


Panel Two: The Doctor is calm and has his leg crossed with a tape recorder in his hand.

The Doctor: “We definitely plan on letting you out Mike. But first we need you to calm down and answer some questions.”

Panel Three:

The Doctor: “Mike. My colleagues call me The Doctor, I run this place and my job is to figure out what happened to you and why you’re like this. Do you remember how this happened to you?”

Mike: “Pills make Mike like this.”

The Doctor: “Pills. What pills? And how many did you take?”

Mike: “Mike don’t know, Mike take a lot of them. Mike grow bigger, stronger! Mike is the best!”

Panel Four: Mike’s balls are the size of basketballs and his dick is as big as his forearm.

The Doctor: I see that those pills are really affecting you in other ways as well. When did you get like that?”

Mike: “When Mike was with...with...JAMAL HE DO THIS TO MIKE!”

Panel Five: The Doctor looks curious

The Doctor: “How did this Jamal person do this to you?”

Mike: “He give Mike pills at Hoppers, Mike fuck girls, Mike balls get heavy and he grow.”

Panel Six: The Doctor waves over one of the scientists.

The Doctor: “According to our friend Mike we might have more subjects at a club called Hoppers. Find out if there were any girls that may have...interacted...with Mike and the other subject.”

Scientist: “Yes sir.”



Panel One: Mike’s veins start bulging and he’s sweating.

Mike: “Mike feel like he about to grow again. Mike want out of cage. Mike getting angry little man lie to him. Mike answer little man questions!”

Panel Two: Mike’s muscles and dick start to grow and he looks angrily at The Doctor.

The Doctor: “Interesting.”

Panel Three:

The Doctor: “Let the subject...I mean Mike out of the cage.”

One of the Scientists: “But sir he’s to dangerous!”

The Doctor: “Let him out.”

Scientist holding a tranquilizer rifle: “Sir!”

The Doctor: “Now!”

Panel Four: One of the scientists is shaking as he pulls up on a lever on the wall that opens the cage.

Panel Five: Mike is out of the cage and he looks enraged as he towers over everyone else. The other scientists look terrified but The Doctor remains seated and looks unphased.

The Doctor: “Put your rifles on the ground.”

Scientist: “S-sir..”

Panel Six: The scientists drop their rifles on the ground and are shaking in fear.

The Doctor: “I kept my promise, now Mike. Keep yours, I need you to relax and calm down. Breath with me.”


Panel One (SPLIT):

SPLIT ONE: Mike’s face become calmer

SPLIT TWO: He starts to shrink

Panel Two: Show how Mike has shrunk down back to normal.

Panel Three: Mike looks dizzy, his dick and balls are still to big but he’s now back to his normal size and muscle mass.

The Doctor: “Good. Very good. Let’s find you a change of clothes.”

Panel Four: The Doctor notices that one of the female scientists is sweating and she has her legs crossed. He can tell her crotch is wet because she’s horny.

The Doctor: “You there. What on Earth is wrong with you woman?”

Female Scientist: “I don’t know sir. I can’t help myself. There’s something about him...I can’t control it.”

Panel Five: Mike is looking at the female scientist and smiles.

Mike: That’s because she knows what she wants Doc, and I’ll give it to her.”

The Doctor: “Hm. That might be an option for you Mike. I have an interesting idea.

Panel Six:

The Doctor: “Take to an observation room. And I want one of you to get a sweat sample from our good friend Mike.


Panel One: The female scientist is strapped down to a bed and she’s going crazy. There’s an ultrasound machine next to her.

Female Scientist: “Where is he Doctor!? Where is Mike!? Where is he!?”

The Doctor: “First let me test something and then Mike is all your’s. But you have to sit still so I can do an ultrasound.”

Panel Two: The Doctor has the probe on her stomach, the woman is still shaking.

The Doctor: “Just as I suspected. She’s ovulating. Now to test to see if Mike is just as potent as Jamal. Go ahead and strip down.”

Panel Three: The Doctor leaves the room and is looking at the female scientist through an observation window. He presses a button on the wall.

The Doctor: “Bring in Mike.”

Panel Four: Mike walks into the observation room and the female scientist jumps on him.

The Doctor: “Now let’s see how this goes, turn on the hidden cameras at all angles.”

Panel Five: Mike erection is massive and veiny, it’s obviously too big for the female scientist but the woman looks eager to try it.

Panel Six: POV of The Doctor and two other scientist looking out the observation window at Mike and the scientist having sex. The scientists look shocked and horrified, The Doctor looks intrigued.


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