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Hope you're doing well.

I haven't really posted a big update like this in a while, but there's a lot on my mind lately and I want to explain what's been going on.

I've been stressed. I'm grateful that the trip to AnthroCon gave me a break, but things have already accelerated once I got back, just like last con. My current job is the main source of my stress. Despite being in this role for more than a year, I'm still failing to do basic tasks, I am having a lot of trouble retaining information. It's horrible! I dread going to work and I get chewed out by superiors weekly. I have an education, but I have never felt so incompetent.

At first, this job was awesome because it was finally a source of income outside of commissions. I started to dislike drawing fetish art because I felt like I just kept drawing the same things over and over again, and I had an epiphany when I started that Krystal/Loona drive from last year: I suddenly realized that I didn't need to have a donation drive, because I had a job. I didn't need to draw anything I didn't want to, and I decided that I liked Krystal too much to draw her in weird situations. But things have changed a lot since then. My interest in drawing fetish art has potentially improved, but my drawing schedule is very limited due to my job and all the stress. Most of what I have posted lately is stuff I drew at least a month ago. This is also one of the main reasons why I never stream anymore. I'm too busy for it! I've been trying to devote more time to my own characters and ideas, but time is limited. I feel like my interest in drawing characters like Krystal in fetish situations has improved a bit since I've grown so disconnected from my job lately. Hard to believe how much changed based on what job I have.

Due to recent meetings, especially a particularly bad one from last week, I've decided that I no longer want to work at my current job. For a while I was convinced that I was stuck, and that I had to work there because of where I live, but I realize that there are a lot of other job options nearby. I haven't put in my two weeks notice yet, but I want to leave this job as soon as possible. I'm aware that quitting will remove my income completely, but I've already begun applying to other jobs to find a better fit.

I have considered making drawing my main job, at least temporarily. I've taken time to see how much I would need to draw to reach my budget goals, but I'm still nervous about a lot of variables.

I haven't finalized my future plans yet, but my current idea is to give my two weeks notice relatively soon, and be done with the job before the end of July. This would leave me with no job, but I have considered opening commissions for the first time in almost two years to help with that. Meanwhile, I'll search for another job that I will like better. Going to cons has made me realize that being a full-time artist could potentially be really fun, but there's just so many variables I need to think about. For now, at least, I'm still working hard and fighting back against the stress, but I'm also reserving time at night to apply to jobs.
Please stay tuned for potential commission openings at some point soon.

I'll keep you all updated with how these plans go. My next commission opening will depend heavily on this.

Also, if I really do intend on making art a bigger job option for myself, then I will likely go back to focusing on Patreon in some way. More on that later.

Thank you for reading.


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