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Hello all, I hope you have a very nice Christmas. I had a very good holiday too, although it is a little bittersweet.

It's true that I have not been feeling well. I went to the doctor's office on Christmas Eve just in case, and I found out last night that I tested positive for COVID. I likely got it from my mom, who works at a hospital. My family is vaccinated, it has been about a year since our vaccinations and we have not received the booster yet. Had I known this would have happened, I would have tried to get the booster sooner. But I can't do much about it now except try and wait it out.

I am so sorry for getting sick so much. Overall I have had a decent December, but from an art perspective it has been a total flop! I had so many art plans I wanted to accomplish this month, but instead it has been one of the least productive months I have had in recent years. But... at least I have a relatively good excuse for it. 

I am not going to go radio silent, but it may be a bit longer before I draw anything. I am having a lot of trouble concentrating (and writing this is taking a while haha). I have not forgotten about the results from the character polls, but sadly I may not be able to work on them until next month, if at all. I will keep you all updated about those and I will be brainstorming other art plans in the meantime. Some of my new years' resolutions have to do with more consistent art, but I'll bring that up later. My only goal right now is to get back to 100% health, which I feel like I haven't achieved since I got a fever back in November. 

Still, thank you very much for your continued support and please enjoy the rest of your year.



You take care of yourself man get well soon 💪

Hybrid Commander

Oh goodness I’m so sorry to hear that! But it’s totally alright End! Your health is top priority and comes first! You make sure you take care of yourself and get plenty of rest! Honestly Art can wait, it can be done at any time, your health is more important! I wish you a good, speedy recovery and will be here if you need anything! As I assume every one else will be!!