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Part 2, Page 4, uploaded here early.

Time to introduce some "new" faces.




She's up early, yet she's the last to come down for breakfast. Does Emily have a tendency to sleep in? Also, she kind of stands out from the rest, being a fox girl among a group of more human looking characters.


Great observations! She does indeed sleep in a lot, and it is true that she is the only fox girl in the group. Most of the characters have secondary forms, but most of them stay as humans; Emily cannot transform like that.


Nice to know there's no specism being shown toward her, and the rest just treat her as a regular person. Is she the only anthro in the group as well?


Technically, no, although she is one of the only ones who was born as an anthro; other characters like Daren have anthro forms (he has a wolf form) but it is not his original appearance, if that makes sense.