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i'll be honest.

it's never been enough for me to just be happy.  i have never been a content person.  my mind is always racing, even if i'm doing nothing. 

 especially when i'm doing nothing.

when i do nothing there is an abundance of threads weaving.  all of my best ideas, my scripts for presentations, my zones and tempos for shots, all flesh themselves out so much better in my quiet time.

that's why i've taken to walking so much.

everyone has been asking me about the weight loss.  i admit, i have lost quite a bit this year.  i'm to the point now when i look at pictures of myself from just last year i wince at how bad i had let myself go.

why did so many of you still flirt with me dammit.  i actually believed that i looked ok.

seriously though, the weight loss all happened because of the walking, because of my need for quiet time.

at this point i average 4-5 miles a day, when it was not 'kill-me-now' cold outside i was averaging 7-8.  i just put my music on and i go.  i walk till i start to get tired then i walk back.  no agenda.  no other people.  go goofy workout clothes.  just myself and my thoughts and the miles.

those miles have gotten me through a very difficult year.

those miles kept me sane.

those miles made me better.

i earned those miles, and all of the thoughts i had walking all of them.

i earned all of the ideas, all of the outstanding plans i'm working on for next year and the year after that.  all of the things that the universe is now giving me, i earned with those miles.

i'm turning my back on teaching for a little while.

i'm doing a shortened class at the January shootout/workshop at the gallery, the day after the Legacy show.  (contact Alan Davis to get signed up to shoot the whole day at the Mulberry art studios with some amazing models!)

and i'm also going to teach a class in Ireland again. (and of course Fetishcon) 

but other than that i'm turning my back for a little while.  not because i don't want to teach.  i do.... i love teaching.  it's one of my most favorite things.  i'm turning my back because it's time for a change.

i am going to get away from the 'beginner' aspect of my classes.

i believe that my work with beginner's is pretty much done.  i feel like i'm talking down at this point, at best.  at worst i'm a juke box playing greatest hits.  i hear myself repeating myself.  what's worse, i hear others repeating me, and that's nothing but memorizing times tables.  sure, it get's the job done, sure, it can even make people happy, but i have so much more than that to share.

i am developing a "Master Class".  a class for those who are bored by classes, a class that really teaches you how to actually see the shot before the shot, to see the shot before you even see the light, before you even find the angle, before you even find the catch colors and sympathies.  to zone the shot before you even frame it.  to be able to say.... 'no... stop, the shot's right there."  and finally be right.

that is what i really want to share now.  the things that i convinced myself for so many years that i couldn't teach.

i understand it so much better now, and i'm working it all out in my head.  the script is coming, and i'm enjoying the game.

this will be a good one.

i have 2 locations in mind, but both are just because i want to go there.  both are perfect for photos, but it's more about being there than shooting there.

these will also not be model driven classes.  these will be the classes for the shooters that are already shooting models well.  there will be models there to work with, but it will not be another "wait to get through all this class bullshit so we can get to the pretty girl" kinda class.

the models for these classes will be my absolute favorites.  models that can teach me to see them better, and do, every time i get to work with them.

but i want the same for my students.

the photographer students will honestly feel like they have been chosen for this class.  because well.... they will be.

that's not being insensitive, this is not a class for those that cannot start fast and keep up.

you will learn in this class, trust me.  i'm learning just figuring out the best way to teach it.

anyway, i've already said too much.

love you all so much.

Merry Christmas.



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