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Rewards update! Here are some teasers from December bonus photoshoot for middle tiers (from "Exalted" and above).

This is a fantasy-themed photoshoot of an original character I don't know how to call yet. Let's be a "Lavender mist". We had this photoshoot in the beginning of summer and I really love the final look.

PS: don't be confused, I'm NOT naked at these photos. :D Since my lingerie looked a bit off for this dress, we removed it in photoshop. Everything is hidden 😏



Chris S

I think your note at the end just made it more confusing. 😂 Pretty sure you meant to say "I'm NOT naked in these photos."


Absolutely beautiful. One of your more truly feminine photographs I've seen yet.


Omg, this is so embarrassing! Thanks for letting me know. Of course I'm not! Why I always do typos like this? 😭😭😭


Очень многие любят фиолетовый, с чем это может быть связано 🙂


У меня этот цвет ассоциируется с магией и фентези, поэтому нравится

Chris S

It happens! When you said you photoshopped out the lingerie, it was pretty clear what you meant. Still, probably best not to false advertise 😆


Amazing, I love soo much. ❤


К сожалению, нет. ВК мне нужен для контакта с теми, с кем я работаю или с кем знакома лично. По всем вопросам лучше всего обращаться не в комментариях под постами, а в лс.