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Hey there,

I want to increase the amounth of montly photoshoots for Patreon from 1 to 2. If you enjoy them I'll make 2 montly photoshoots as permanent reward.

For example this month I'm going to show you one casual summer photoshoot - and here is a first pic from it - and one cosplay photoshoot. I'm planning to show few pictures from both sets to all tiers and increase the amoung of photos to high levels.
What do you think?

Oh, and if you're here for patterns on 5$ or 10$ level, I want to make new Monster Hunter built this year, and I'm gonna start from weapons. So, you may excpect some MonHun weapon templates this month.



Chris S

If it wouldn't be too much work for you to do a second shoot every month, I'm not going to complain about getting more content! One casual shoot and one cosplay shoot every month sounds fun