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Here some progress pictures of my costumes: the one I started recently (on the top) is Night elf druid from Vanilla cinematic. Looks alike Tyrande from war of the ancients but still different. I plan to use some parts of my Tyrande costume together with new armor and skirt and make a new photoshoot in June. Ans patterns!

And some Sylvanas progress on the bottom. It's even not 50% ready but I'll complete it, sooner or later.

I can't go to my workshop regularly, so I took my sewing machine home. It's a good chance to upgrade my sewing skills and I hope you don't mind to see simple costumes in my next photoshoots.



Jaïr Aipassa

What you call 'simple', I call amazing! Haha, so don't worry about it, you make every costume look good! Really looking forward to that Vanilla Nelf! ( I know she has a name and that she was one of your first followers in your Garrison back in WoD, but I forgot it)