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I found my post from the beginning of this year with 2019 goals and here is the summary of what I achieved and where I failed.

Workout - mostly failed. I did workout regulary in the beginning of this year but I dropped it for a while when I had many personal problems in March. I still can't back to my regime and I bothers me a lot. However, I lost 5kg in summer just with healthy diet and this is why I was in a good shape for my MH photoshoot.

Organize the new work space - Success! After so many problems and so much stress we now can rent the separate workshop for cosplay. And now costume progress became much more easier to me. It's healing after burnout.

Less travel and take less conventions - Success. We declined many guest invitations to conventions for personal comfort. This year we visited 6 events (vs 13 in 2018) and I still think we can reduse this amount even more.

Focus more on couple cosplays with Aoki - mostly succeed. From the one side we made Aerith and Zack plus Leon with Claire are on their way. It's more than zero new couple projects. Fom the other side I'd wish to have more of them.

Do "Behind the stages video from every photoshoot" - mostly succeed. Basically I had 4 photoshoots for public this year and we filmed the video from every one of them: Whitemane ( BTS for Patrons and live action for everyone), Monster Hunter, Final Fantasy VII (not published yet) and Jaina (BTS for Patrons). But I always want more.

Start makeup tutorials for public and Patreon - 50/50. Well, I started, at least I made one video for Instagram but I didn't make any for Youtube or Patreon. Hope with a new camera we've got recently makeup recording become easier.

Do more PDF tutorials - failed. It's falied only because of  phrase wording (I did 1 tutorial this year) but I worked more on the next goal - patterns

Do more patterns - succeed. I did a lot and even not all of them are available in my current store. And now I'm busy with the new store to precent all of my digital helpful content there. 

Do at least 5 difficult cosplays this year. - 50/50. I did 4 costumes this year (Aerith, Whitemane, Kirin, Blood elf Rogue commission) + 2 more are in progress (Sylvanas, Claire). 4 of them I consider as difficult (Whitemane, Kirin, Blood elf, Sylvanas) so this goal is mostly but not complitely succeed. Plus, I don't count original costumes for Patreon or simple costumes like Winter Veil elf despute I made them myself. This is still much more than I did last year and I'm quite satisfied.

Make my own cosplay calendar this year - Yes! I did my first calendar with Aoki and would love to make them yearly.

In general I consider this year as quite productive, despite all personal problems. I've changed my mind on many things and now I'm a different person compare to myself in the beginning of 2019. Is it for good or no - who knows, we'll see.

Thank you, my friends for your support, for kind words and for your interest for what I do. Thank you for being with me all this time. I'm happy you're here.

Happy Christmas!



Jaïr Aipassa

I appreciate your honesty, and I as a Patreon have been entertained and 'wowed' by every project and upload of you. But mostly I also want to give you a big hug, because I know it has been a rough year for you at certain points. But it looks like you have found a new balance, and I am sure 2020 will be a great year for you! Happy Christmas, Narga! I will keep supporting you in the new year! 🔥

Ishan J

Merry Christmas to you and Aoki!! Hope you guys have a wonderful and relaxing holiday.

Chris S

You may not have succeeded at all of your goals this year, but you still did incredible work, and should be proud of all that you've accomplished. I can't wait to see what next year holds for you!