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Hey, friends,

I've sent physical rewards to all Patrons from "Admired" and above today. So you may expect some goods in your mailbox in a few weeks.

I also have sent new Aerith photoshoot (17 photos in a small or HD resolution) to my LoreMasters.

I'm working on some weapon patterns from Monster Hunter for current "Honored" patrons. So keep in touch. I expect to make few MonHun cosplays this year.

PS: Aoki is doing better, so do our new workshop place. You may seen it in my Patron lens (stories). Hope that things are sorting themselves out.



Jaïr Aipassa

That is a lovely background you used for the fotoshoot! I'm also very glad to hear Aoki is doing better :). I saw the workplace-under-construction; it looks like you will have a lot of room to work and store things. I don't know how your current/old workplace looks like, but the new one looks fine! Goodluck with everything! Looking forward to the workplace progress!


Thanks, me too! My current/old workplace is my flat which is ok for normal ppl but too small for prop makers and cosplayers. I don't like to live in half-flat half-workshop so I'm happy new place is separate from my home.

Jaïr Aipassa

Aaaah, I didn't knew it was a separate location. Yeah, I can totally understand this works better for you! No more evafoam chips in your flat! ^^