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This is my tomorrow post for Facebook. Thought I have to post it here as well.

Hello, friends. Usually we don’t share our real life problems with public but in this case it affects our presence at the upcoming Dutch Comic Con. And so we should explain ourselves:
Last weekend Aoki was hospitalized with Type 1 diabetes - worst type of this dessese when you can't survive without injections of insulin. He has to stay at the hospital for 2-3 weeks for the insulin therapy. This means he can't come to Dutch Comic Con. I know, it's the least of our problems but we have some responsibilites for the organizers of the festival and of course you, guys. We discussed this with Aoki and organizers and we desided that we won't complitely cancel our presence but I’ ll bring another cosplayer with me. This was a good decision both for Aoki (he's always worried about me and never lets me go alone), and the convention. And for me as well. It also means that I won't finish Whitemane in time cause I need to visit Aoki everyday and the hospital is quite far from our home. So, forgive me for that, I hope you'll be glad to see me in Aerith and Jill as well.
So... It happens, you know. Of cource we were shocked but now Aoki and I are learning how to live with that, how to change food and lifestyle habits. We should change our life in some ways; avoid stress, espessialy when we're cosplayers who live in a permanent deadline. So, yes, good old days are gone. But healthy food, sport, regime, and self-discipline were never bad for anyone, am I right? Even if we're, hmm, forced to live that way for all our life, we both hope it's for the best. Aoki is even joking about his "situations" and he's full of optimism, actually. Many people live with that, so can we.
So, thank you so much for keep being with us, even when we don't have much new cosplays now. Thank you for your support and love, it means a world.
Me, Narga will see you at Dutch Comic Con along with our good friend and amazing cosplayer Xenia (@m_mellu in Insta).
We'll back to you soon!

Be healthy,




Было очень грустно читать эту новость, но жизнь такая штука - никогда не знаешь, что может случиться. Но я верю, что вы со всем справитесь! Столько лет наблюдаю за вашим с Алексеем творчеством, с нетерпением жду каждого нового проекта (неважно, из любимых мной вселенных или нет). Вы мне уже как родные стали, честное слово! Все будет хорошо! Главное, поменьше стресса и хороший специалист, который даст правильные рекомендации) Я с вами!

Frederick G.

I am sorry to hear that. Living with it is not fun.