Summer plans (Patreon)
First, it was very hard trip to convention in Riga. Right after all problems in it I forgot my phone in the plane which flew back to Riga. AirBaltic said they cannot send any forgotten staff to Russia (some problems with customs as usual), so I need to take it back personally. It costs me some time and money ofc.
Right after this trip I had some secret but interesting project. Release of this planned this summer, so stay tuned.
Now I back home and I'll send your rewards (armor patterns, fansigns, photoshoots and prints) as soon as possible.
Next conventions:
June 30 - July 1 - Made in Japan (Austria)
July 6-9 - Comic Con Tunisia (Tunisia)
July 19-22 - Rimini Comics (Italy)
As you can see July is going to be a very busy month in a warm countries. That's why I'm planning to make several simple and comfortable costumes suitable for summer conventions. Otherwise we'll die in armor. No armor, no. Not again.
AND we also need to go to Prague to make a US Visa if we want go to BLIZZCON this year. This adventure also requires a lot of time and money. For us Visa is much more important that even a Blizzcon tickets which are all sold out. It's impossible to get US Visa in Russia NOW because of diplomatic problems but they cannot stand between us and Blizzcon, ahaha! But this is +another trip. So, we're going to visit 4 countries during one month. Kill me plz, I already hate traveling.
Anyway I'll keep going a cosplay content. Thank you for your support, I hope you'll stay with me! Because of you can do cosplay. I think I would drop it without you =)