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I want to share some new WIP with you, because I've finally reached the point when I'm sure about the result. This is also a spoiler of what you'll see as one of the photo sets in March. Yes, It's Shadowheart's camp outfit.

I also want to complain that the sewing process most of the time is much more complicated than armor crafting, at least this is how I feel. When I'm working with foam, I trust the process and I know that I can fix something even when the armor is almost finished. 

The sewing is different, especially when you have to make non-stretch fabric to fit like a glove. It has to be a good pattern to make the clothes fit from the very beginning. Since I'm not a professional seamstress, I understand some aspects of it intuitively and I spend twice or thrice more time than on the armor I'm used to.

Here for Shadowheart's vest before sewing this piece (which is actually two vests) I've made two mockups to test my pattern. Then I made two vests - one is a black corsage vest to hold the silhouette and proportions, another one is the grey vest with the ornaments. I've connected them together and it finally looks like something. The shoulders and the weathering still need to be done but I'm already very satisfied that my idea worked. I've been working on this vest for two weeks and as you can see it's still in the process.

 I've already made enough fitting to make sure the vest fits me well. I'll do my best to finish the rest of the costume and shoot it at the weekend, so I'll show you the result as soon as possible.
I'm super excited!



Amanda Engström

I really enjoy these posts. Thank you!


Yay! Is the purple Shart outfit in our future, too? 😍


Yes! Her armored bikini has everything I love in such fantasy designs, I really want to make it.