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Blayne Jensen

If there is a creature which lives beneath the quicksand, he is in for a tasty lunch buffet as Esmeralda is a spicy Hungarian ghoulash. I think of her as a gypsy though somone corrected me she is Romany.

Blayne Jensen

Being a White middle-aged American of German/Norwegian descent myself, it was my Western ethnocentricity which mixed those two ethnic groups into one. Whichever she is, she is still ridiculously hot.


XD, I have always thought that Esmeralda is one of the disney characters with the most sexapeal.

Blayne Jensen

Absolutely. Esmeralda has wild, exotic free-spirited blood in her veins and she uses her feminine wiles seduce the rich and powerful with her ways. I love sexy women in peasant blouses too.