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Hi guys! I'm truly grateful with all the messages I've been receiving asking for my health and situation in my country. (Mexico)

First of all I really hope and wish for everyone of you are safe and  healthy , and wish for your that all this situation don't affect you so much, about me I'm fine in health yet due to all this situation the economics are pretty bad and worse than the health matter , apparently our government hesitates in taking more strict actions about the situation and because of the people ain't taking this matter seriosly.

All my incomes from my other jobs have been cancelled so Patreon and commissions are now my only income for the next weeks, that's why I'm highly grateful with all of you for supporting me, and don't worry,  I'll keep the hard work from home!!

It can be that I get a little slower with answering messages or updating but that's be because I'll take these days to make deep maintenance to my computer because it's old but work good.

Thank you very much for your support and wish for you only the best!!! 



Sorry to hear about your other jobs. Hope everything works out for you.


Hi, I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your artwork and hope that you're able to find employment soon. Would definitely be interested in doing a commission at some point...


No artist will be starving on my watch Pink! I'll do my part and commission as many works as necessary to support you in these chaotic and turbulent times! :)


Hello thanks for your comment it is always reassuring to hear words of encouragement, thank you!! ♥